Viscaya prado animal hospital

United States Florida Cape Coral. Viscaya Prado Veterinary Hospital.

Open until PM. Everything and everyone at this practice is awesome! I and my guys look forward to many year in partnership with Viscaya Prado, my Silken Windhounds have been so well treated and I too have been Please do not bring your pet here. They misdiagnosed my cat a year ago and I still have indescribable guilt that I brought him here. All they care about is money.

Viscaya prado animal hospital


At one point one of the techs took our dog out of the oxygen chamber and had her walk down the hallway to us and told us we could take her home. The poor thing cant eat or chew.


A Viscaya Prado Veterinary Hospital employs approximately 1 people. A Viscaya Prado Veterinary Hospital has a 4. Caring and knowledgeable veterinarians who charge a fair price. Our family has taken our animals here for almost 20 years. They were quick and efficient for a 1am emergency! He's doing so much better thanks to the mess and quick service. I took my pet jelly to this Hospital in hopes of saving him from the disease that he had though I was unable to, the people there were amazing and very helpful throughout the entire time.

Viscaya prado animal hospital

Open until PM. McKelvie thank you so much for Your services, we were treated with kindness and respect I will highly recommend him. Please do not bring your pet here. They misdiagnosed my cat a year ago and I still have indescribable guilt that I brought him here. All they care about is money. I understand it's a business, but Neat and clean, very friendly staff.

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She returned to tell me that he was not ready yet. My biggest issue there is a long wait time even when you have an appointment. Jerilynn S. Each time it's "let's do blood tests and an xray. They didnt perform what they needed to so but tried to charge me anyway. Open late and weekends. Lost my dog and my cat at this Veterinarian Hospital, strangest thing is though, they both died of kidney failure 6 months apart, thought it was kind of odd and the charges are very expensive there. Why is it a mystery. Lock him in my room Sunday night to sleep.. For the love of your pets, stay far away! This place was my vet since I moved in September of To top that we had her cremated and still have never heard a word back about getting her ashes You can bet they charged us for the cremation though. We lost our 1 yr old English Bulldog in their care last night, granted she had known health problems and they may or may not been able to save her if things were done differently I felt the staff was very inexperienced, and had no idea how to handle the situation. I had an urgent issue with my dog.

John G I"m sure these complainers went somewhere else. I had to take my dog in for emergency at 4am on a Sun.

Dane and Becky took very good care of her and sent us on our way with some meds. Please don't review this business if you received a freebie for writing this review, or if you're connected in any way to the owner or employees. Although I certainly couldn't afford it, I pulled what little bit I had together because that's what you do for the one's you love. It was outrageous what they were charging. I rushed over to the Cape; I called when I was pulling into the parking lot and they were waiting for us. I waited for 1 hour and 30 minutes for nothing. Dr Stacey Foxwell They got us right in the time Sasha got stung by something and her face swelled up. The poor thing cant eat or chew. I will re-review once I call Monday to get her name. He did an absolute thorough physical exam. Viscaya-Prado Veterinary Hospital. Bad experience. He then said if it had been over 2 hours since the item had been swallowed, it would not be worth treating my dog.

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