warhammer 40k red scorpions

Warhammer 40k red scorpions

The Red Scorpions Chapter of Space Marines is a fleet-based Chapter of unknown Founding and lineage known to be composed of conservative Imperial purists who believe in the Emperor 's divinity without question. These Astartes are famed for their complete and utter devotion to Imperial military and religious doctrine, warhammer 40k red scorpions the point where pragmatism or even reason would seem to require otherwise.

Known throughout the Imperium , he is a warrior of great courage and battle experience who has fought the enemies of Mankind across the breadth of the galaxy. Renowned as an inspirational leader of unimpeachable bravery, Carab Culln had the honour of being selected as Magister Militum supreme commander of the Loyalist Space Marine forces during the internecine conflict known as the Badab War from M41 until During his baptism of fire as a Chapter Master during this conflict, he preferred to lead the major actions of the war from the front, earning the respect and admiration of his peers. Like all of the Red Scorpions he believes in absolute genetic purity, and is extremely wary of any association with Abhumans , mutants , xenos or anything that deviates from the pure baseline human form.

Warhammer 40k red scorpions


They consider this secretive kind of warfare, as well as its attendant trappings, such as the use of camouflage and infiltration, as fundamentally dishonourable, and shun warhammer 40k red scorpions unless strictly needed. However, even with these steps, the initial gene-seed of the Chapter must have been free from flaws in order for none to have surfaced over the intervening millennia since the Red Scorpions' Founding.


The Flawless Host believe they are the embodiment of justice and purity. Their gene-seed was once free from Chaos taint, and the rigid mental training of their former incarnation as the Loyalist Space Marines known as the Shining Blades gave the Chapter an unshakeable faith in its own abilities. They were victorious in battle so many times that they convinced themselves they could not fail, leading to the Berillia Massacres of Their overweening pride and wilful delusion caused them to attack, in a frenzy of indignation, any who questioned their magnificence. Renaming themselves the Flawless Host, they have scarred the Imperium ever since as hedonistic servants of Slaanesh, still believing themselves to be pinnacles of biological perfection. Prior to their disastrous failure during the Berillia campaigns and swift descent into madness, the Shining Blades Chapter was one of those Chapters renowned, alongside the Red Scorpions , Ultramarines , Umbral Titans and a few others, with a gene-seed record of extreme purity. However, the Shining Blades fell victim to their own pride, turning from the Emperor 's will and beginning a traitorous crusade to cast down any who would claim to be their equals.

Warhammer 40k red scorpions

This is the mantra of the striking scorpions -- it is the way of all our kind. The Aeldari Aspect Warriors known as the Striking Scorpions epitomise the deadly attributes of their namesake, and they are the most skilled of all the close-assault Warrior Aspects on the Aeldari Path of the Warrior. They are merciless killers without exception, reveling in the hunt and the kill, using stealth and shadow to cloak themselves from sight until the moment of attack. The Striking Scorpions represent the wrath of the War God Kaela Mensha Khaine , which can fall without warning and with extraordinary savagery upon his foes. A Striking Scorpions Aspect Warrior. Following the Fall of the Eldar , Asurmen , the first Phoenix Lord , was the Aeldari who led the Craftworlds away from the ancient Aeldari homeworlds at the time of the Fall and it was he who founded the first of the Aspect Shrines. He established the first Aspect Shrine, the Shrine of Asur , on the world of the same name. Those who attended the shrine of the Striking Scorpions are the manifestation of viciousness and merciless death. Perhaps the most sinister aspect of the Striking Scorpions is the legacy of their Chaos -corrupted former master and Phoenix Lord Arhra , "the Father of Scorpions" -- the ability to stalk the shadows and creep ever closer to their prey before falling upon the foe like the wrath of the Aeldari War God Khaine himself, a legacy that often leads them close to the burning anger and bloodlust that could see their souls consumed by Slaanesh. The history of the Striking Scorpions is shrouded in infamy from the Aspect's very beginning.

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As a Veteran sergeant, Carab Culln was awarded the highest honour his Chapter could bestow, the Talisman Martial, for taking field command and battling through to victory against the Daemons and warped followers of Slaanesh. What occurred during their time within the rift remains unknown, but the Red Scorpions had established their primary base of operations upon a battle station named Vigil around the Feral World of Zaebus Minoris deep within the perilous regions of the Ordon Rift surrounded by spatial rapids, gravitic storms and other lethal phenomena. At the same time, they remain highly intolerant of any genetic deviation from the pure Human form. However, by virtually any other standard, the Red Scorpions are among the most zealous and ardent of Imperial believers. Their endless hatred for the alien and the mutant has also become famed across the stars, as is their devotion to purity and scorn of deviation from the baseline Human form. Red Scorpions Land Raider Helios. Similarly, specialised infantry, such as Assault Marines , are carefully used only in those situations that are most easily overcome by their particular expertise. These Apothecaries' sacred task is to exercise total vigilance over the Chapter's brethren for genetic or biochemical corruption. Fantasy Sci-fi. The Chapter's captains are known by the honourary title of "commander" whilst the Chapter Master is known by the title of "lord high commander.

The Badab War , fought between M41 and M41 primarily in the Badab Sector and Endymion Cluster of the Segmentum Ultima , was one of the most insidious and dangerous internecine conflicts to wrack the Imperium of Man in recent history, made all the more lamentable because the unthinkable had occurred.

The timely nature of their reappearance was also viewed as a gift from the Emperor, as they played a crucial role in overcoming a Night Lords attack on Oriflame during the Battle of the Grey Sisters. For these Space Marines, their mission is a divine mandate. The use of such devices could endanger a battle-brother's soul with the potential for contamination. These Apothecaries' sacred task is to exercise total vigilance over the Chapter's brethren for genetic or biochemical corruption. Videos, Games, Community. Although fully capable of employing such tactics when needed as proved by the Angstrom Incident during the Badab War , the Red Scorpions are known to have a profound dislike of covert operations in favour of meeting and defeating an enemy in open battle. Without knowing the precise routes, a journey to the world through the Immaterium entails substantial risk. Of the few outsiders that are aware -- mostly high-ranking members of the Adeptus Administratum -- none know the Warp routes to reach the world. Its Chaplains have a distinct interpretation of the Codex Astartes , to which they adhere extremely closely. Unquestioning obedience is second nature for Red Scorpions battle-brothers. At the same time, they remain highly intolerant of any genetic deviation from the pure Human form. Red Scorpions Vindicator. The Chapter is most renowned among other Astartes for its absolute adherence to every line of the Codex Astartes , which is unheard of in any other Chapter -- including the Ultramarines.

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