webcomic xkcd

Webcomic xkcd

No, we're not doing another Describe Topic Here joke. It is a gag-a-day comic and generally does not have a continuing plot line or continuity though there are occasional short story arcs. Many of the jokes are based on math, physics, science, UNIX or Internet memeswebcomic xkcd, as well as romance and sex. It utilizes Alt Text for each webcomic xkcd every webcomic xkcd, which contains additional jokes and context.

The subject matter of the comic varies from statements on life and love to mathematical , programming , and scientific in-jokes. Some strips feature simple humor or pop-culture references. It has a cast of stick figures , [3] [4] and the comic occasionally features landscapes, graphs, charts , and intricate mathematical patterns such as fractals. Munroe has released five spinoff books from the comic. The first book, published in and entitled xkcd: volume 0 , was a series of select comics from his website.

Webcomic xkcd

It focuses on science , mathematics , technology , and general geekiness , told with a light, quirky sense of humor, and at times profound philosophizing. Its art style is minimalist, told through simple stick figures. New comics are posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and are accompanied by a title text , serving as Randall's commentary. Although quite complex objects can be drawn, or conventionally cartoon-like representations of things and animals , a majority of the people featured are stick figures who have become a cast of recurring characters. The xkcd art style has undergone many changes over time. Initially, the comics were made by scanning hand-drawn sketches. However, they eventually transitioned to being entirely digitally inked and lettered. Another notable change was in the style of text used. While early comics featured sentence-case text , Randall began writing in all-caps non-cursive handwriting with Jacket. It took several comics for this to become the standard practice. In the early days of xkcd, Randall used checkered paper with a grid for most of his initial drawings. This grid became a distinctive part of the style of the early xkcd comics, as it was used for most of his LiveJournal comics, and the last comic by date to use it was Bowl. The faint remains of gridlines in some comics suggest that Randall may have erased gridlines in these comics. In , Randall revived the blue grid as a background image for what if?

Cue Oh, Crap! Love Allegory : Katamari. He's getting out another rulebook.


Who in the rainbow can draw the line where the violet tint ends and the orange tint begins? Distinctly we see the difference of the colors, but where exactly does the one first blendingly enter into the other? So with sanity and insanity. Thank you so much for all the help on the color survey. Over five million colors were named across , user sessions. Overall, the results were really cool and a lot of fun to analyze. There are some basic limitations of this survey, which are discussed toward the bottom of this post. But the sheer amount of data here is cool. By a strange coincidence, the same night I first made the color survey public, the webcomic Doghouse Diaries put up this comic which I altered slightly to fit in this blog, click for original :.

Webcomic xkcd

The sixth What If? In fact, it's honestly sort of impressive to find a solution that would actively make the problem worse in so many different ways. Dropping a comet into the ocean to cool the planet, famously suggested by the Futurama episode None Like It Hot , [1] I'm used to stuff making me feel old, but the fact that this episode aired 20 years ago is distressing in multiple ways. One is that dropping things from space creates heat.

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The stick figures are about half an inch tall in a world that is to them 5 miles across. Possibly the worst one yet: using Narnia as a literal garbage dump. Overflow Error : A character gets thrown off by this while Counting Sheep , causing their mental image of the whole herd to stampede in the opposite direction. Dying Alone : The eventual fate of the Spirit rover, stuck on Mars. Archived from the original on November 11, Retrieved August 21, Thinking the Same Thought : " Sheeple " has several people each imagining that they're the only person capable of thought. October 9, Randall has a degree in physics, which might have inspired him to make this comic. The comic's panels constantly changes as students attempt to break the hash and donate to Wikimedia, among other things. Viewer Pronunciation Confusion : In-Universe example in " Punctuation ", in which each letter in the word "Tuesday" is explained as being pronounced the same as in another word The images on the page are now broken, but there are archived versions for the first 16 comics , comics from 17 to 27 , and the last 20 comics. Guy to Girl: Wow, girls suck at math.

This means you're free to copy and share these comics but not to sell them. More details.

White Hat suggests that both orbit around a common center he's correct, as the whole solar system orbits the center of the milky way. Alternative Calendar : In Daylight Calendar , a new calendar system is implemented in which a "day" is counted as 12 hours of daylight, however long that may be, in order to provide extra time on deadlines. Meanwhile, wearing a brown coat, "Name's Captain Reynolds, ma'am. Instead of helping anything, there are now just 15 competing standards. Also Inverted in this strip ; the comic posits that "Hedgeclipper" is the worst name for a rock band. Played With in , where Beret Guy seems to believe that stealing a base in baseball is loophole abuse. Male researcher: OK, who did the calculations for the Jupiter slingshot maneuver? Then, their other future self appears, this time from a timeline where they regret not watching the movie, convincing the present self to go see it with them. There are many strips opening with the words "My Hobby:", usually depicting the nondescript narrator character describing some type of humorous or quirky behavior. Included in the pile of Hiroshima as a Unit of Measure comparisons. In January , the comic was split off into its own website, created in collaboration with Derek Radtke. Retrieved January 10, Take every quote with "no man" in them, replace "no man" with "Gnome Ann", and you get what Gnome Ann is like. Boggles the Mind : "Scrabble"; on the prevalence of dirty words you find when playing family games.

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