what does the quran say about homosexuality

What does the quran say about homosexuality

Christopher van der Krogt does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, what does the quran say about homosexuality, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. Like pre-modern scholars of law and ethics, these books assume heteronormativity. As a concept, homosexuality is relatively recent, even if there is plenty of evidence for homoerotic pleasure in the past — albeit illicit in religious terms. Scriptures and later writers usually referred only to particular sexual acts and did not raise the issue of personal sexual orientation.

By Jonathan AC Brown. A religion of some 1. I sometimes tell my students that Islam is Judaism Redux — bigger cast, bigger budget. Like Judaism, questions of right and wrong are conceived of more in the idiom of law than in a more abstract sense of principles. Like Judaism, Islamic law Shariah has been developed by a clerical class that has always been more scholars than priests. Also like Judaism, the Shariah is first and foremost concerned with questions of proper worship, ritual purity, prohibited or permitted foods, sacred times and sacred places.

What does the quran say about homosexuality

The above discussion was based on the assumptions that both verses 15 and 16 relate to the fornication or adultery committed between men and women. However, some commentators of the Holy Qur'an, including Qadi Thanaullah Panipati, are of the view that verse 16 refers to homosexual act committed between two males. Verse 16 is translated as follows:. Here the Arabic word used for 'those two of you is a masculine pronoun which presumes males on both sides. On this basis, these commentators have opined that this verse relates to two males committing unnatural shameful act, i. The commentators, who take both verses as referring to fornication or adultery, refute this argument on the principle that in general usage masculine expressions include feminine also. Be that as it may, the possibility of a reference to homosexuality in this verse cannot be ruled out. Therefore, it is pertinent here to give some details about the severe prohibition of homosexuality. He has cursed one of them thrice, while has cursed the others one time which is enough for them. Cursed is he who did what the people of Lot did. He said that a sin like that was not committed by any human group except one, and they all knew how Allah Almighty dealt with those people. He proposed that the man be condemned to fire. In the Hadith narrations quoted above, the act of the people of Lut has been repeatedly mentioned.

The New York Times. Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. More than a billion Muslims inhabit this planet, and they inhabit geographic, linguistic and cultural spaces that are enormously diverse.

You can often get questions or comments from Muslim students about homosexuality in Islam. They generally claim that homosexuality is banned by the Quran. But if you continue to ask, they often do not know the statements and they get stuck in "it is just not allowed, it is haram". It is true that there are a number of quotes in the Quran referring to the story of Sodom which seem to prohibit sex between men. But there is more to say about it. The Quran mentions sex between men several times, almost all of them in the context of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, in which some city inhabitants demand sexual access to the messengers sent by God to the prophet Lot or Lut.

By Jonathan AC Brown. A religion of some 1. I sometimes tell my students that Islam is Judaism Redux — bigger cast, bigger budget. Like Judaism, questions of right and wrong are conceived of more in the idiom of law than in a more abstract sense of principles. Like Judaism, Islamic law Shariah has been developed by a clerical class that has always been more scholars than priests.

What does the quran say about homosexuality

Views : Could you please tell me why lesbianism and homosexuality are sins in Islam? I know they are great sins but my question is: why? I haven't been able to find the real reason? So, tell me what Allah says in the Quran and what the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him says in hadith about them. Contents Related. The Muslim should not doubt, even for an instant, that what Allah has prescribed is wise. He should know that there is great wisdom in what Allah has commanded and what He has forbidden. It is the straight path and is the only way in which man can be safe and at peace, protecting his honour, his mind and his health, in accordance with the natural disposition fitrah with which Allah has created man. Some heretics have tried to attack Islam and its rulings; they have denounced divorce and plural marriage and permitted alcohol.

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Though the grounds for execution in Iran are difficult to track, there is evidence that several people were hanged for homosexual behavior in — and in , mostly in cases of dubious charges of rape. About the Authors. Peter Paul Rubens, Lot and his family escaping from the doomed city guided by an angel, circa Muslim ritual funerals also apply. There are two types; the first is the one in whom these characteristics are innate, he did not put them on by himself, and therein is no guilt, no blame and no shame, as long as he does not perform any illicit act or exploit it for money prostitution etc. Moreover, within Islam, there is a tradition of the elaboration and refinement of extended religious doctrines through scholarship. Archived PDF from the original on 2 September Nevertheless, Muslim transgender people in most Muslim countries including Iran, even though they can get operations still suffer from discrimination. The Ibn Ruschd-Goethe mosque in Berlin is a liberal mosque open to all types of Muslims, where men and women pray together and LGBT worshippers are welcomed and supported. Jun 14, Southwestern Law School.

In the wake of the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, that took the lives of 49 people, there has been much speculation around gunman Omar Mateen's motives for the attack.

Retrieved June 1, Only then does it expand to encompass areas like contracts, property, marriage, inheritance, civil and criminal law. Retrieved 12 February Archived from the original on 13 June Kutty, who teaches comparative law and legal reasoning, also wrote that many Islamic scholars [98] have "even argued that homosexual tendencies themselves were not haram [prohibited] but had to be suppressed for the public good". Hutchison, Ben 13 June Archived from the original on 20 August Film Threat. But Washington can exploit cases of IS hypocrisy on the issue in its countermessaging campaign. Archived from the original on 7 August The mukhannath or effeminate man is obviously male, but naturally behaves like a female, unlike the khuntha , an intersex person , who could be either male or female. But this type of shame is not typically Islamic. For unclear reasons, the treatment of homosexuality in Twelver Shi'ism jurisprudence is generally harsher than in Sunni fiqh, while Zaydi and Isma'ili Shia jurists took positions similar to the Sunnis.

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