What to do if your cat eats silica gel

Written by Michael Fisher. Reviewed by Dr. Patrik Holmboe.

Joanna Woodnutt. Cats are curious and love to play. The trouble is, cat-proofing your house is difficult. Sometimes this leads to serious complications. As pet parents, it can be a challenge to work out what is dangerous and what is not.

What to do if your cat eats silica gel


You should call your veterinarian if your cat shows any of these signs after eating silica gel.


If your cat accidentally ate silica gel , you should contact your veterinarian or animal poison control center as soon as you can. Your cat may suffer from gastrointestinal issues varying from a mild case of diarrhea to severe problems like intestinal blockages. While clear silica gel is not outright toxic to humans or pets, if your cat ate the entire package, it could pose a choking hazard or gastrointestinal threat. If your cat ate a drying agent, try to see if you can entice your cat to rest and drink fluids. The silica gel will most likely pass through their stool. These symptoms may be a sign of a digestive obstruction. Contact your vet as soon as possible to get further advice. While transparent silica is non-toxic, other silica forms, like the kind you can find in some cat litters, can be harmful to your pet and you.

What to do if your cat eats silica gel

Joanna Woodnutt. Cats are curious and love to play. The trouble is, cat-proofing your house is difficult. Sometimes this leads to serious complications. As pet parents, it can be a challenge to work out what is dangerous and what is not. So, is silica gel dangerous for cats? Silica gel is a water-absorbing material used in packaging to keep products dry. It comes in little paper bags or plastic tubes, and the contents look like tiny clear beads.

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The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Is the packet you have whole? My Cat Ate a Silica Gel. It is safe to use, and even if your cat took a few small nibbles, it would be unlikely to make them ill. If your veterinarian thinks your cat needs to vomit, they will do it at the clinic. It comes in little paper bags or plastic tubes, and the contents look like tiny clear beads. Silica gel packets, when swallowed whole or in large pieces, can cause blockage of the gut in cats, and it can be serious and life threatening. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Sometimes this leads to serious complications. Close this module. Joanna is an experienced veterinarian working in the UK. About the Author Dr. Sometimes cats can get mild tummy upsets but nothing more.

Silica gel comes in many products we buy, including shoes, medications, and more. You probably have silica gel laying around the house somewhere!

While they may not be intended for consumption, if your cat should happen to eat one, it will unlikely pose a significant problem. In conclusion, while it is not recommended for cats to eat silica gel packs, if your cat happens to ingest one, it is unlikely to pose a significant issue. So if you suspect your cat ate some silica gel, read more on what to do if this happens in this blog! Christopher Bays. If your cat has only just eaten a large packet and your veterinarian is worried about a blockage happening, they may choose to make your cat vomit. If your cat is vomiting or has diarrhea after eating silica gel but is still eating and behaving normally, your vet might simply treat your cat for an upset stomach. Silica gel is found in a range of goods, from salami to handbags. Joanna Woodnutt. Close this module. Vomiting Having diarrhea or not passing poop at all Bringing up food or not eating Bringing up water or not drinking Being quiet, resting a lot, not wanting to play or interact with you.

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