Wicked whims download

Wicked Whims is a mod for The Sims 4 that introduces a new level of sexual realism to the game. The mod includes a variety wicked whims download new animations and interactions, as well as new ways to customize your Sims' appearance and sexual preferences. This is one of the most comprehensive, detailed mods available for The Sims 4, WickedWhims is sure to add a new level of excitement and realism to your game.

Files structure of mods is extremely strict and putting mod files into too many folders will cause the game to not find them. If the files are two folders deep or more, you need to move them! Keep WickedWhims files directly in the Mods folder. How to know if you installed WickedWhims right? Always remove old files first before installing new files. Search for duplicates files and delete them. Keeping multiple versions of a mod intentionally or by mistake will cause problems like game errors or missing text.

Wicked whims download

The main way to initiate sex is by clicking on any object that has sex animations available. You can download more sex animations on the Download page. Sims in sex can perform a set of actions which involve undressing, applying of cum, usage of a strapon, inviting other Sims to join, changing the sex position, changing the sex location, or swapping the sexual roles. Additional functions are available depending on the features you use. You can stop sex at any moment by simply canceling the interaction. Sims unlock the ability to climax, if any climax animation is available, after some time of performing. This unlock the ability to apply cum on Sims or let the animations decide where and when to do it. Note that certain locations that have available sex animations might not have any climax animations. Pregnancy can occur during Vaginal or Climax sex, and you are alerted of the possibility of pregnancy occurring with a notification. Pregnancy is not immediately seen if successful.

I'm getting an error when trying to use it. Additionally, it will not work with any mods that modify the "Sim" object. You can now have sex in a variety of different positions, with or without furniture, wicked whims download with or without clothing.


The Sims 4 is a fun game for all generations and demographics—there is certainly something universal about building an ideal home and simulating everyday life. Enter the fan-made Wicked Whims mod that, well, brings realistic nudity and sex into the game, and much more. Just a fair warning, after this mod you will never look at Sims the same way again. Also, if you are under 18 please turn off your browser now! To install Wicked Whims mod in The Sims 4, follow the instructions below:.

Wicked whims download

The Sims 4 has a reputation of being a fairly family-friendly game If you want to change your Sims experience into something R-rated, this is the mod you should use. The Wicked Whims mod enhances everything involved in sexual gameplay for The Sims 4, making it a lot more graphic, interactive, and customizable.

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Once installed, it will be available as an interaction Wicked Whims for PC menu option when clicking on Sims. What can I do? This is compatible with all versions, and it does not require any additional mods or files. Home News. First, make sure that you have installed it correctly and that you are using the latest version. The most common mistakes happen to everybody, so check them regardless of your pride and computer knowledge. Files structure of mods is extremely strict and putting mod files into too many folders will cause the game to not find them. Usage of external mods to verify the pregnancy state might show incorrect information. Mods will cause issues with your game and other mods if you don't keep them updated. All logos and images are copyrighted and may be trademarks of their respective owners. After downloading and installing custom content, if any issues being to occur, you should assume that you have broken mods. You can find a detailed installation guide here. Are there any requirements?


Selecting it will open up a variety of sexual interactions that can be performed. Download Support Twitter. Additional functions are available depending on the features you use. Consider making a club all about having sex, create a vampire army of sex followers, or forget about others and watch some porn on a computer. How to know if you installed WickedWhims right? This is very easy to install and use. Keeping multiple versions of a mod intentionally or by mistake will cause problems like game errors or missing text. Pros: Many new sex animations and gameplay features; Highly customizable; Numerous ways to interact with Sims sexually; Compatible with many other popular download Wicked Whims for free mods. Release Date. Support Mod is constantly being updated with new content and features.

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