willow project change.org

Willow project change.org

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Send a letter to the Biden administration expressing your frustration and urge them to implement the necessary policies to prevent projects like Willow from exploiting public lands in the future. Willow would lock us into decades of oil and gas production and long-term destruction to the Western Arctic. This fragile area of Alaska is already warming three times faster than the rest of the world. This melting permafrost played a role in a recent gas leak at a nearby oil field, which ConocoPhillips kept the public in the dark about for more than a month. The stakes are too high to let our guard down. ConocoPhillips admitted to investors that Willow is just the first step in its master plan to turn the Western Arctic into an industrial oil production zone.

Willow project change.org

While the Biden administration has passed powerful climate-fighting legislation, it has also consistently made moves to placate the oil and gas industry. ConocoPhillips, a multinational fossil fuel company with headquarters in Houston, has been drilling in Alaska for decades. As the home to half a million caribou and a crucial nesting ground for millions of migratory birds, the NPR-A is of major ecological significance. The reserve also happens to be the single-largest tract of undisturbed public land in the country. After the ruling, the company modified the plan for Willow in an attempt to address the inadequate review. In , as the deadline for a final White House decision approached and word spread about a possible approval, climate activists mobilized, racking up hundreds of millions of views for the StopWillow campaign on social media. Once passed, the 1. The only way to prevent the worst from happening, say the IPCC authors, is for the nations of the world to stop burning fossil fuels —an activity responsible for more than three-quarters of the carbon emissions that are driving global temperatures upward. The Biden administration acknowledges that Willow, if completed, would release an additional 9. Some conservationists estimate the project alone could result in the loss of acres of wetlands, acres of habitat disturbances for polar bears , and more than 17, acres of such disturbances for birds. In the end, the agency considered several different project scenarios—but every one of them would have allowed ConocoPhillips to extract more than 90 percent of the oil it sought. So far, the Biden administration has shown leadership on climate action. Yet the Willow project would make reaching this goal much more difficult—and certainly weaken American leadership on the international climate stage at a time when global leaders so urgently need to walk the walk on cutting carbon emissions. This NRDC.

Your actions aid our litigation. When the public responds with a huge outpouring of support for environmental protections, these individual messages collectively undercut politicians' attempts to claim otherwise. Skip to main content.


The plan received final approval from the Trump administration, but was halted in by a federal judge in Alaska, who argued that the environmental impacts were not fully addressed. The Biden Administration has now officially signed off on approval for the Willow Project, drawing backlash from youth, environmental, and Indigenous advocates, who argue that this project will have detrimental impacts, ranging from speeding up the climate breakdown and impacting nearby animals and wildlife to causing food shortages in nearby Indigenous communities. This project is the largest oil drilling project in the US to date, producing an estimated million barrels of oil over 30 years, with around , barrels of crude per day. According to CNN, this project could produce enough oil to release around 9. Overall, this project is expected to create about million tons of greenhouse gas emissions, the equivalent of creating around 70 new coal-fired power plants. In , Biden vowed to end new oil and gas drilling on public lands and waters during his presidential campaign. As a result, many are calling Biden out, saying that this project undermines his climate agenda and campaign promise. According to the Native Movement, a grassroots Indigenous Alaska-Based organization, developers of the Willow Project have done minimal research on the impacts of this project on the Teshekpuk Lake caribou herd, which are a vital food source for many residents of the nearby Nuiqsut community. Members of the community have spoken out in the past about how direct impacts of oil and gas extraction on their communities have caused sick fish, malnourished caribou, and toxic air quality. They also expressed concern over a lack of adequate consultation beforehand, the significant impact on the health of community members, and the detrimental loss of access to food resources.

Willow project change.org

While the Biden administration has passed powerful climate-fighting legislation, it has also consistently made moves to placate the oil and gas industry. ConocoPhillips, a multinational fossil fuel company with headquarters in Houston, has been drilling in Alaska for decades. As the home to half a million caribou and a crucial nesting ground for millions of migratory birds, the NPR-A is of major ecological significance. The reserve also happens to be the single-largest tract of undisturbed public land in the country. After the ruling, the company modified the plan for Willow in an attempt to address the inadequate review. In , as the deadline for a final White House decision approached and word spread about a possible approval, climate activists mobilized, racking up hundreds of millions of views for the StopWillow campaign on social media. Once passed, the 1. The only way to prevent the worst from happening, say the IPCC authors, is for the nations of the world to stop burning fossil fuels —an activity responsible for more than three-quarters of the carbon emissions that are driving global temperatures upward. The Biden administration acknowledges that Willow, if completed, would release an additional 9.

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As the home to half a million caribou and a crucial nesting ground for millions of migratory birds, the NPR-A is of major ecological significance. The sensitive Teshekpuk Lake region has been vital for Indigenous Alaskans for thousands of years. An accurate environmental impact review would analyze and show the significance of greenhouse gas emissions, cumulative impacts to public health and wildlife, and reasonable alternatives to the proposed project. ConocoPhillips, a multinational fossil fuel company with headquarters in Houston, has been drilling in Alaska for decades. Important Notice Your message is delivered to a public agency, and all information submitted may be placed in the public record. After the ruling, the company modified the plan for Willow in an attempt to address the inadequate review. We will keep you informed with the latest alerts and progress reports. Your messages make a difference, even if we have leaders who don't want to listen. Taking action and submitting comments during a comment period is substantively important. To: U.

Send a letter to the Biden administration expressing your frustration and urge them to implement the necessary policies to prevent projects like Willow from exploiting public lands in the future. Willow would lock us into decades of oil and gas production and long-term destruction to the Western Arctic.

Oil and gas development and the climate impacts it causes threaten the caribou population, risking a vital resource that many Indigenous peoples rely on. Read More. The Biden administration gets to choose: preserve oil industry profits or preserve communities, ecosystems, and the climate. Elected officials pay attention when they see that we are paying attention. The Biden administration acknowledges that Willow, if completed, would release an additional 9. Latest News. Your Actions Matter. The reserve also happens to be the single-largest tract of undisturbed public land in the country. While some things, like signing petitions, will work without Javascript you may encounter errors. Willow would lock us into decades of oil and gas production and long-term destruction to the Western Arctic. Sign This Petition. If you do, enabling JavaScript should get around the problems. Trouble Viewing This Action?

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