

Water test used witchipedia part of witchcraft trials in the 17th century. Illustration from Ludicium aquae trial by waterwitchipedia, edition. Society has always feared powerful women.

Legal About Contact. Welcome to the Witchipedia's glossary of occult terms. Here you will find terms often used in the Pagan, Heathen, magical and occult communities that may confuse a newcomer. This encyclopedia of magical terminology is a wonderful place to get started if you don't know where to start in the Witchipedia. If you don't see the term you are looking for here, feel free to bring your question to the community in our forums or Ask A Witch! What you see on this page is the name and first paragraph of the articles in our occult glossary.


Legal About Contact. We have pages of magical and occult wisdom in our database and we are adding more every day. Find us on Facebook and Twitter. The term black moon is the dark of the moon's or new moon equivalent of the term blue moon , which is applied to the full moon. If you're stuck on terminology, visit our Glossary. Explore the Wheel of the Year and Feast Days from many Pagan, Heathen and magickal traditions, learn to time your spells most effectively using the moon and planet s, explore magickal calendar s and learn about the mystical significance of the days of the week. Learn about Pagan, Heathen and Magickal History and Lore and get to know the people who have had an impact on our community and magickal practice in our Who's Who section. Welcome to the Witchipedia We have pages of magical and occult wisdom in our database and we are adding more every day. How can I see my past life? I'm 16 and a young born witch but haven't found my powers yet? What's New?

Do the views of young people on equality differ from those of their parents?


Water test used at part of witchcraft trials in the 17th century. Illustration from Ludicium aquae trial by water , edition. Society has always feared powerful women. Witches have been a feature of folklore right across the globe, from the troll-whisperers of Scandinavia, to Italy's witch-prostitutes, to the tsukimono-suji — or fox-witch families — of Japan. Whatever form they take, they have one thing in common: they are women who stood apart, whose refusal to conform made them objects of fear, derision, respect and, too often, violence. Ireland's reputed witches include a four-times-married moneylender; a much-loved healer; a successful seamstress seen as a bit too high and mighty; and eight women from Islandmagee, who were accused of bewitching a young newcomer, in a trial that came to be known as Ireland's Salem. Alice Kyteler. Dame Alice Kyteler, the striking only daughter of a Flemish family of merchants who settled in Kilkenny in the 13th century, grew up to be a successful, well-connected innkeeper and moneylender — and the first person to be condemned for witchcraft in Ireland. Kyteler had the bad sense to outlive not one, but four husbands — bankers William Outlawe and Adam le Blund, landlord Richard de Valle and Sir John le Poer — and to accumulate a vast fortune in the process. By the time her fourth husband, le Poer, fell ill suddenly in , the rumours that she was involved in Satanic rituals were rife.


Legal About Contact. The term herb is generally used to describe a plant that is herbaceous in nature, that is, it is not a tree or a shrub. However, when a witch or occultist uses the word "herb" we are generally referring to a plant that is useful without regard to its lifestyle. However, this designation often excludes those plants used for food; fruits and vegetables. This list includes plants AND fungi that are useful to a witch , including those that are used for magick , crafting, food and healing including herbaceous plants, trees, shrubs and various fungi. Some are simply useful for decoration and some I have included for folkloric interest. That is to say; some herbs are more useful than others.

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Unfold by Mse laura guest , 30 Apr While incarcerated, Newton was subjected to a series of brutal tests of witchcraft, including having awls rammed into her hands. Anointing oil - Anointing oil is sacred oil, bless ed and charge d and specially formulated for the purposes of sanctifying or elevating sacred objects or people in the service of a higher purpose. Perhaps like a quick users guide? In March , eight women were found guilty at a trial in Carrickfergus, Co Antrim of the crime of witchcraft, and the demonic possession of a young girl. Newton was also accused of causing the death of her prison guard, David Jones, after she kissed his hand though the bars of a prison gate. Kyteler had the bad sense to outlive not one, but four husbands — bankers William Outlawe and Adam le Blund, landlord Richard de Valle and Sir John le Poer — and to accumulate a vast fortune in the process. EmeraldWolfpaw 05 Feb Learn about Pagan, Heathen and Magickal History and Lore and get to know the people who have had an impact on our community and magickal practice in our Who's Who section. Petronilla de Midia, or de Meath, became a witch by association. Arete is about being all you can be, the best at what you are, giving it your all, meeting your potential. Petronilla de Midia. Alchemy - Alchemy is both a spiritual and magical practice and a philosophy. The exotic list of charges brought against de Midia and Alice Kyteler, in a trial that transfixed Europe, included making a brew of the intestines and internal organs of cockerels, worms and hairs taken from the buttocks of a dead boy, mixed up inside the decapitated skull of a robber. Unfold by Teige guest , 19 Aug

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Click here to edit contents of this page. Asperge - Asperging is a form of ritual purification involving the sprinkling of liquid on the item, person or area to be purified. The chancellor delayed the proceedings, allowing Kyteler to flee to England or Flanders, where she disappeared permanently from public view. What you see on this page is the name and first paragraph of the articles in our occult glossary. Biddy's parents died young and she spent time in the poorhouse, until she caught the attentions of the man who was to become her first husband the first of four, all of whom she outlived , Pat Malley of Feakle. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. According to an account of the trial by Ledrede, de Midia claimed both women could fly. My, media by the people, for the people. Child born in Ireland to mother with subsidiary protection not entitled to Irish passport, High Court rules. All things evolve and have new fruit for new seasons I suppose. Unfold by morningbird , 31 Aug Unfold by Lauren guest , 14 Oct

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