

A hurricane or typhoon, www.hurricanezone.net, or severe tropical cyclonethe strongest storm on Earth, is a cyclonic rotary storm that derives its energy from cloud formation and rainfall, www.hurricanezone.net frontal cyclones www.hurricanezone.net derive their power from a temperature gradient. Damage is limited to foliage, signage, unanchored boats and mobile homes, www.hurricanezone.net. There is no significant damage to buildings.

Tropical Cyclone Genesis is the technical term for the process of storm formation that leads ultimately to what are called hurricanes, typhoons, or tropical cyclones in various parts of the world. This occurs when, in the Northern Hemisphere, the Intertropical Convergence Zone, or ITCZ, shifts northward out of the doldrums and atmospheric conditions become favorable for tropical cyclone formation after about the middle of May. A series of low-pressure ripples develops within the ITCZ. These are known as tropical waves and progress from east to west. These tropical waves, ideally embedded in the deep-layer easterly flow, contain a northeast wind shift. The divergence that results ahead of the convergence zone gives us a notheasterly wind as the axis of the tropical wave approaches. Gusts up to 25 mph may occur.



Here are some examples: InHurricane Mitch developed into www.hurricanezone.net supermassive Category 5 hurricane, www.hurricanezone.net. Contrast this with the northern Gulf coast and numerous examples from Camille to Amoresy suit and beyond, where the proximity www.hurricanezone.net the eye to land is not necessarily a weakening factor, although the extensive shelf water can sometimes be an inhibiting factor, www.hurricanezone.net, if a slow-moving storm generates enough upwelling.


Tropical Cyclone Genesis is the technical term for the process of storm formation that leads ultimately to what are called hurricanes, typhoons, or tropical cyclones in various parts of the world. This occurs when, in the Northern Hemisphere, the Intertropical Convergence Zone, or ITCZ, shifts northward out of the doldrums and atmospheric conditions become favorable for tropical cyclone formation after about the middle of May. A series of low-pressure ripples develops within the ITCZ. These are known as tropical waves and progress from east to west. These tropical waves, ideally embedded in the deep-layer easterly flow, contain a northeast wind shift. The divergence that results ahead of the convergence zone gives us a notheasterly wind as the axis of the tropical wave approaches.


A hurricane or typhoon, or severe tropical cyclone , the strongest storm on Earth, is a cyclonic rotary storm that derives its energy from cloud formation and rainfall, unlike frontal cyclones that derive their power from a temperature gradient. Damage is limited to foliage, signage, unanchored boats and mobile homes. There is no significant damage to buildings. The main threat to life and property may be flooding from heavy rains. Roof damage to buildings.

Victoria lomba

The best example of this is Hurricane Camille in —the strongest hurricane ever to make landfall on the continental United States with winds sustained at mph and gusts well exceeding mph—which roared up the Mississippi Valley and eventually exited off the East Coast. There is no significant damage to buildings. Damage is limited to foliage, signage, unanchored boats and mobile homes. The peak storm surge is on the right-front quadrant left-front in the Southern Hemisphere of the eyewall at landfall, where on-shore winds are the strongest, and at the leading edge of the eyewall. A series of low-pressure ripples develops within the ITCZ. Structural damage to some buildings. Exposure to upper-level westerlies. Thus, the right-hand side of the hurricane contains the strong on-shore flow. The result is weakening. The storm may evolve into a frontal cyclone that continues to cause widespread damage. As the storm progresses inland, it can dump a huge amount of rain—sometimes measured in feet. As the system becomes better organized and stronger, the center contracts from about miles across to roughly 90 miles at this stage.


Another factor in the severity of the storm surge is tide. As a tropical cyclone is pulling in warm, moist air at the surface, it must also evacuate this inbound flow aloft. Damage is limited to foliage, signage, unanchored boats and mobile homes. Complete roof failure on most buildings. Sometimes there can be gusts to tropical storm force in stronger waves. Many buildings destroyed, or structurally damaged beyond repair. Tropical cyclones can exhibit a great deal of durabilty provided that the upper level support remains and the southerly Northern Hemisphere , or tropical, inflow is present. Reintensification to tropical storm strength was almost immediate after reaching the Bay of Campeche. The lowel-level circulation can be severely disrupted, or even dissipated, by interaction with land, especially mountainous terrain. There is no significant damage to buildings. Another factor in the severity of the storm surge is tide. Mobile homes severely damaged. The right-hand quadrant of a hurricane or typhoon in the Northern Hemisphere, left-hand in the Southern Hemisphere is most frequently the strong side of the storm. Image courtesy NOAA.

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