yes man fallout

Yes man fallout

Yes Man is a reprogrammed Securitron that serves as Benny's assistant in Fallout: New Vegasand it is an integral part of Benny's scheme to take control of New Vegas. Yes Man initially inhabits a PDQb Securitron although he may later assist the Courier in the "independent" New Vegas options for the yes man fallout ending as the Lucky 38's mainframe, yes man fallout.

Yes Man is an AI program that serves as Benny 's assistant and right-hand man in He is a modified PDQb securitron with a unique personality, serving as an integral part of Benny's scheme to take control of New Vegas. Yes Man was originally a generic securitron robot programmed to work for Mr. House like all the other securitrons found on the Strip. He was recovered by Benny and several of the Chairmen after being damaged by a pulse grenade.

Yes man fallout

The recent revelation of early talks at Microsoft about a sequel to one of Fallout's best games, New Vegas , have some wondering if Yes Man, one of the main allies in the first game, is the antagonist of the next. Although it might seem like it's an unlikely candidate, its friendliness and can-do attitude is exactly what could turn it against the Courier, or whoever the player character ends up being in the next game. It's impossible to predict at the moment, especially since Fallout 5 is likely to come first. It was originally one of Mr. House's Securitrons before being stolen and reprogrammed by Benny, the leader of the Chairmen. As part of its new programming, it is unwaveringly friendly to anybody and everybody, and cannot say no to any request. Many consider Fallout New Vegas ' factions the best the series has to offer, and Yes Man will guide the Courier in eliminating or befriending each of them. Its eagerness to help the player is refreshing in a world where allies are few and far between, but that same helpful attitude could make it the villain of the next New Vegas. There are a few possibilities for how Yes Man could end up being a villain in New Vegas 2. House could use it as a mental backup in order to seize New Vegas from the Courier, or Benny could have built a fail-safe into its programming before the Courier took control of it.

After the player character finishes Ring-a-Ding-Dingyes man fallout, Yes Man will be located in the front of the Tops casino, where the Courier can engage with him to continue the questline if they so choose.


This series of quests leads to one of many Fallout: New Vegas endings. House and take over New Vegas. The player character will then be able to choose either to continue with Benny's plans or take on this quest, killing Benny. The Courier will have to head towards the Lucky 38 penthouse , locate the chamber in which Mr. House actually resides, and either choose to disable him or kill him. If one chooses to kill Mr. After entering the Lucky 38 penthouse, find a terminal on the wall near Mr. This terminal will allow one to unlock a hidden door named the antechamber leading to Mr.

Yes man fallout

In order to gain support for an Independent Vegas and efforts at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam , the Courier must make contact with the various tribes of the Mojave. Each of these factions can be met in any order, and all have a quest associated with them. Upon successfully completing the associated quest, one will have the option to tell Yes Man what they have done. Alternatively, one can simply tell Yes Man to ignore the faction, thereby skipping the need to deal with them.


Pretty smart, huh? House like all the other securitrons found on the Strip. Whether or not this would make Yes Man a secondary antagonist is impossible to predict, but the possibility is certainly there. Appears in. I'm going to help you accomplish so much, whether I want to or not! Yes Man would be abandoned if Benny is allowed to flee to the Fort after the Courier pursued him to The Tops, and could soon after be found by the Courier. He's often considered foolish due to being easily tricked by a female Courier with the Black Widow perk, as well as the fact that he's caught by the Legion because he won't muss his hair - but he might be smarter than fans give him credit for. Exit the elevator, turn right, and enter the third set of doors on the left side of the corridor double doors with potted trees flanking them. The Securitrons will be all the support you need! Square as the rest, until I gave him a mickey in the shape of pulse grenade. I'd look there! House's defenses! House is either a friend or a foe in New Vegas , depending on what path players choose. Yes Man is an AI program that serves as Benny 's assistant and right-hand man in

Yes Man is a reprogrammed Securitron that serves as Benny's assistant in Fallout: New Vegas , and it is an integral part of Benny's scheme to take control of New Vegas. Yes Man initially inhabits a PDQb Securitron although he may later assist the Courier in the "independent" New Vegas options for the game's ending as the Lucky 38's mainframe. Yes Man was originally a generic Securitron robot programmed to work for Mr.

The NCR won't have any reason to stick around! To find Yes Man, enter the Tops casino and proceed straight ahead past the casino floor to banks of elevators near the sign that says "Elevators out of Order". Ref ID. Yes Man is a reprogrammed Securitron that serves as Benny's assistant in Fallout: New Vegas , and it is an integral part of Benny's scheme to take control of New Vegas. Take the second elevator on the right to the 13th floor. A "yes man" refers to a person that constantly agrees to everything and always does what they are told by their superior; saying "yes" is their whole job. Very, very nice! See you at the dam! There are two locations with non-standard hardware on the network - the Lucky 38 and an underground facility at Fortification Hill. Fallout: New Vegas character. This section is transcluded from Fallout: New Vegas endings. Yes Man's dialogue. For now, all you have to do is take this override module and install it on the terminal in the power control room! Any chaos on the streets was ended, quickly. The reprogramming was extensive, and resulted in Yes Man being designed to do exactly as he is told although the lack of restrictions as to who is doing the ordering would later be Benny's undoing.

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