youtube the chosen season 3 episode 4

Youtube the chosen season 3 episode 4

Episodes screened together in theaters, with a brief intermission, from Feb.

Updated: Feb 8. Episode 4 may not be the most impressive installment of The Chosen Season 3 , but it is still a testament to how much this season has improved on previous seasons. In almost any show, there will be certain episodes that function as connective tissue and set up for what's happening next. To use a baseball analogy, these episodes aren't meant to be home runs; they're base hits that are meant to fill up the bases in preparation for a grand slam. As part 1 of a 2-part arc see here for Episode 5 , it was almost inevitable that Episode 4 would function as set up.

Youtube the chosen season 3 episode 4

Updated: Jan Season 3 of The Chosen has finished filming and will begin airing in November. Please note: I've selected the episodes on this list for the sake of narrative significance, not necessarily because they're my favorite episodes of The Chosen. Indeed, I've left out two of my favorite episodes - Episode 3 of Season 1 the kid episode and Episodes 3 of Season 2 the day in the life of the disciples episode. As much as I enjoy bottle episodes like these, they contribute relatively little to larger narrative and conflicts that we will likely see in The Chosen Season 3. Episode 6 of The Chosen Season 1 brings us the first direct confrontation between Jesus and Shmuel, Jesus' primary antagonist among the Pharisees. Their confrontation takes places in the context of the healing of the paralytic, who is famously lowered down to Jesus through the roof of a house by his faithful friends one of these friends is Tamar, who goes on to become a more significant figure in Season 2, where we see her engaging in street preaching, sharing her testimony about Jesus. The conflict between Jesus and Shmuel follows the biblical narrative. When the paralytic is brought to Jesus, Jesus initially responds by proclaiming that his sins are forgiven. Jesus then reads Shmuel's thoughts and in response to the claim that he's blaspheming, he goes on to demonstrate his authority by healing the man. Shmuel, in response to this humiliation, forms a deep-seated grudge against Jesus. Discuss The Chosen Season 1 Episode 6 with your family, small group, or youth ministry. Season 1 of The Chosen has a pretty clear narrative trajectory. In the first couple episodes, we're introduced to all the major characters and their issues, and over the course of the rest of the season we see those characters encounter Jesus and decide how to respond to the invitation to follow him. Episode 7 focuses on how the invitation to follow Jesus is received by the two most skeptical characters, Matthew and Nicodemus.

Big James is frustrated that Jesus has given them so much power without giving them a clearer understanding of what is happening. Because we didn't get any audio, we really got to focus on the nonverbal reactions of both the Apostles and those they were serving. Simon gets mad at Jesus for bringing all of this chaos and angrily storms out of the home.


Two brothers struggle with their tax debts to Rome while a woman wrestles with her demons. Jesus befriends and teaches a group of children who discover His camp outside Capernaum. Simon spends one last night fishing in a desperate attempt to square his debts. Jesus and His students attend a wedding. When the wine runs low, Mary asks her son to intervene. A woman forces her way through the crowd to help her paralytic friend meet Jesus. Tension builds among the disciples as they wrestle with the increasing fame of Jesus in Samaria. Tense meeting as mysterious guest seeks Jesus amid growing fame. Disciples aid Jesus with a weary crowd, tensions rise over dinner.

Youtube the chosen season 3 episode 4

Two brothers struggle with their tax debts to Rome while a woman wrestles with her demons. Jesus befriends and teaches a group of children who discover His camp outside Capernaum. Simon spends one last night fishing in a desperate attempt to square his debts. Jesus and His students attend a wedding. When the wine runs low, Mary asks her son to intervene. A woman forces her way through the crowd to help her paralytic friend meet Jesus. Jesus delivers the Sermon on the Mount before He and His disciples return to their families.


The disciples are hesitant, confused and scared, not thinking themselves ready for such an assignment. John reminds Peter that followers of Christ are not promised health and prosperity and should expect to experience suffering. Invitations The Chosen Season 1 Episode 7. His is, and she does: The head of John the Baptist. The agitated crowd begins to get out of hand, which prompts Quintus to plunge into the chaos with his sword drawn. Tamar offers some suggestions and then proposes that they invest Joanna's money in the oil business. Both deal out plenty of damage, and Matthew walks away with a bloody nose. Jesus she hasn't had a chance to try yet. Post not marked as liked 1. While they are traveling, Eden learns that her new friend is named Veronica and is new to town.


And later, the disciples decide to cross the Sea of Galilee and are caught up in a storm. Most Samaritans seem to appreciate Jesus, but a few spit and throw rocks at him. But Gaius is starting to come around in his relationship with the Jewish people. Christ also talks about having been a clumsy teenager. Meanwhile, the apex of pride is clearly meant to be Shmuel and the Sanhedrin. Season 2. The Chosen hasn't given very much discussion of the Holy Spirit so far, but I imagine conversations like this are meant to set the stage to discuss what it means to have "the Spirit of Jesus" dwell with us. The Chosen Thematic Viewing Guides. In the first couple episodes, we're introduced to all the major characters and their issues, and over the course of the rest of the season we see those characters encounter Jesus and decide how to respond to the invitation to follow him. Jesus commends Jairus for His faith, and the two set off to heal the girl. Any other themes that stick out to you? But Jesus turns this humiliation into a lesson, and the Romans eventually soften. He invites the disciples to the home, creating more work for Eden.

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