ambrosia barcelona

Ambrosia barcelona

Ambrosia Spa Barcelona. Centro de masajes y Wellness. Passatge de Domingo, 9, Barcelona, Spain. The Born Studio.

One step away from prestigious Paseo de Gracia. In our facilities we mix the best organic products and an exquisite environment to create a unique and unforgettable experience. Exclusive selection in our range of body therapies and beauty treatments. Custom items are at your disposal to provide you with health, wellness, vitality and energy. Extraordinary professionals trained in the best schools and who have the latest knowledge and all the advances in techniques and treatments.

Ambrosia barcelona


Hair Salon.


The starting point for the Ambrosia was to bring back the traditional Linestra lamp to update it and show that a technical, resolute design can also be poetic. The Linestra was initially a line of light, which transitioned into a modular system that can be extended to adapt to any space. Its design stems from a tubular structure with gentle lines that attaches to the ceiling, allowing the light to descend and gently illuminate any type of project. It is this diffuse light that fills the space, adding beauty. This lighting system is available in four pre-set lengths, from to cm. Extensions measuring 40 and 60 cm let you define the height from which to hang them.

Ambrosia barcelona

One step away from prestigious Paseo de Gracia. In our facilities we mix the best organic products and an exquisite environment to create a unique and unforgettable experience. Exclusive selection in our range of body therapies and beauty treatments. Custom items are at your disposal to provide you with health, wellness, vitality and energy. Extraordinary professionals trained in the best schools and who have the latest knowledge and all the advances in techniques and treatments. They are our cover letter. Ambrosia Spa Barcelona is one of the most renowned spas in Barcelona for the quality of its massages and rituals, for individuals or couples , and its beauty treatments.

Gorabet 16

A nice way to unwind after a busy week. Wig Installations in Sant Gervasi-Galvany. Our guarantee are our clients, who after trying and repeating their visit to Ambrosia Spa Barcelona to enjoy our beauty and wellness treatments , alone or with their partner, rate us very positively in their more than reviews on Google or Trip Advisor. Prenatal Massage. Foot Massage. Treatment or venue. Men's Pedicures. Lab4hair 5 rating with votes 5. Nice calming atmosphere and overall spa vibe. Prenatal Massages. Gel Nail Extensions. They offered tea after and there was also a nice rain shower in the massage room for a rinse. Spa Packages. Hair Salon. The Born Studio 5 rating with votes 4.


Men's Facials. A nice way to unwind after a busy week. Men's Haircuts in Sants. Haircuts for Curly Hair. Elige el tuyo. Men's Pedicures in Horta. Physiotherapists in Ciutat Vella. Treatment or venue. Prenatal Massages. Carrer de Santa Madrona, 6, Barcelona. Ear Piercing. Give away. Prenatal Massage. The Born Studio. The Slow Beauty Shop.

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