asami avatar

Asami avatar

This is a partial character sheet for The Legend of Korra. Subjective trope and audience reactions should go on the YMMV page. People usually assume that I'm daddy's helpless little girl, but I can handle myself, asami avatar.

Asami Sato is a businesswoman, industrialist, engineer, and the only child of the former wealthy industrialist Hiroshi Sato [6] and his wife, Yasuko Sato , an architect. Two weeks after Harmonic Convergence , she joined her friends in the search for the new airbenders. However, their search stopped when the Red Lotus attempted to kidnap Avatar Korra in Zaofu and they worked to bring the organization down instead. Three years later, in AG , Asami assisted in defeating Kuvira and began a romantic relationship with her best friend, Korra. Asami and her mother, Yasuko Sato. Asami was born at Republic City [10] in AG.

Asami avatar

Sin embargo, el hecho de que su padre siempre hubiera guardado rencor contra todos los Maestros desde su muerte fue desconocido por la joven Asami. Mako y Asami se besaron apasionadamente cuando se reunieron. Asami miraba con ojos tristes y llenos de dolor, mientras Mako dejaba a Korra en la montura de Oogi y suavemente le apartaba el pelo de la cara. Al decir esto, Asami estaba tomando su primer bocado. Ella estaba presente cuando el General Iroh hizo que Gommu enviara un telegrama al Comandante Bumi para detener su avance hacia la capital. Ella al sentirse abrumada le besa y comienzan a salir de nuevo, aunque durando muy poco tiempo esta vez. Sin embargo, Asami estaba muy cerca de su padre y fue devastada al saber que apoyaba la causa de Amon. Para compensar su falta de capacidad de control, Asami resulta ser altamente competente en el combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Asami es una piloto experta, aprendiendo al probar los Satomoviles de su padre, y es totalmente capaz de rivalizar con los motociclistas equalist. Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar. Leer Editar Ver historial. Herramientas Herramientas. Control de autoridades Proyectos Wikimedia Datos: Q

As a meme pointed out and counting all the individual fields of engineering, she's even more this trope than Suyin despite being less than half her age. Dating What Daddy Hates asami avatar Not that she realized it at the time. Latest news.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Any act of removing this hero from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism or a "villainous" attempt to demonize said character and the user will have a high chance of being smitten blocked. You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an administrator first. Additional Notice : This template is meant for admin maintenance only. Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum. Asami Sato is one of the two tritagonists alongside Bolin of the animated series The Legend of Korra.

The Legend of Korra deepened the Avatar franchise in with a new, steampunk setting and mature themes to thrill and engage younger and older viewers alike. This also meant meeting a whole new cast of characters, from the fiery Avatar Korra to the bender brothers Mako and Bolin to the earnest but frazzled Tenzin. Along the way, these benders meet Asami Sato who, like Sokka generations past, proved that non-benders can be heroes, too. The daughter of the industrialist and Equalist supporter Hiroshi Sato, Asami eagerly joined Team Avatar to help free Republic City from the terror of Amon 's vicious revolutionaries. Later, she fought alongside her bender friends against the spirit-mad Unalaq, then helped take down the anarchist airbender Zaheer and even helped topple the power-hungry Kuvira of the Earth Empire. All this easily makes Asami a fan favorite, and there are a few things to know about this gal and what makes her an indispensable part of Team Avatar and simply a wonderful person, too. Update August 14th, by Louis Kemner: With Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix, countless longtime fans can watch their favorite animated show all over again, and of course, this is a great opportunity for newcomers to see what all the fuss is about.

Asami avatar

The Legend of Korra ended with Korra and Asami finally becoming a couple, literally going off hand-in-hand. Korra, the lead character, and Asami, her mechanic friend, went from competing over the same guy, to forming a friendship, to finally admitting their feelings for one another. The Legend of Korra was sort of groundbreaking in the sense that it was one of the first children's show to feature two bisexual characters and a same-gender relationship. The show recently celebrated its nine-year anniversary, and much of the renewed appreciation of the series is due to these two characters and their relationship. Korra didn't initially like Asami , since she was a romantic rival when they first met. She's less than pleased to be hanging out at Asami's mansion, but the experience leads to a change in her opinion of the girl. This change occurs when Asami takes Korra out on her racetrack and shows off her driving skills. The girls find out that they have more in common than their taste in guys, such as an enjoyment for adrenaline. Season three begins with Asami and Korra finally putting Mako behind them.

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Devising a plan to attack from above, she used Varrick's plane to create a diversion with Mako and Bolin, hoping it would provide Korra, Tenzin, Kya , and Bumi with the opportunity to enter the Spirit World. Working late into the evening, she was approached by Jargala Omo of the Creeping Crystal Triad , who attempted to extort Asami into signing up for Creeping Crystal protection against Tokuga and the Triple Threats' turf wars. Realizing Korra and Kuvira were nowhere to be found, Asami searched the area with her friends for some time, before the spirits returned to the city, and Korra and Kuvira emerged from the spirit portal. Comic Book Resources. One Head Taller : Averted between her and Mako, she's as tall as he is. Amicable Exes : With Mako. Simply put, Asami's definitely a girl with strong morals unlike her father , if a bit naive at times, but she is still a Sato. In a further meeting, Korra proposed taking Kuvira with them to convince the forces to stand down; Asami did not want to have anything to do with the woman who killed her father, but was willing to trust Korra's judgement. Having made a safe landing, Asami ran through the streets of Republic City, hiding inside a building once a wave of energy erupted from the Spirit Wilds As the smoke cleared out, Asami made her way to the epicenter, where a new spirit portal had been created. Less so in their rematch, where they fought with mecha-tanks and he tried to kill her. Dating What Daddy Hates : Not that she realized it at the time.

Many critics of The Legend of Korra tend to come down on the series for not having a central plot or story. Thanks to the show's rotating villain roster and production schedule, on the surface, it seems to many critics like a show without a real plot or focus. However, looking more closely at the series' plot, themes and character arcs reveals a central narrative that ties the whole thing together from Season 1 to the final shot of Season 4.

Later, when Asami is destroying their airplanes while the Equalists are fighting for their lives against the United Forces, he, too, finally accepts that she isn't coming back. Retrieved 26 December Asami was deeply hurt by her father's allegiance and chose to fight against him and the Equalists. November 15, Plucky Girl : As the series progresses, Asami loses or sacrifices everything she has. Asami and the others arrived in Zaofu, where she was confined at Suyin's estate. Amicable Exes : With Mako. Episode 5. After the taking full control of the company, she led Future Industries through a difficult phase of reorganization and poor relations, yet ultimately succeeded in rebuilding it. Heroes Wiki. She's also a Girly Bruiser and has a love for racing sports cars and is talented with machines in general.

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