Ava greys anatomy

The one that started it all. The love story between Meredith Grey Ellen Pompeo and Derek "McDreamy" Shepherd Patrick Dempsey grabbed us from the very first episode, when we learned along with Mer that her one-night stand just so happened to be with a doctor at Ava greys anatomy Grace Hospital—where she was starting her surgical intern program. Over 11 seasons, we watched as they overcame returning wives hisattempted suicides hersava greys anatomy, and a whole litany of life-threatening disasters to finally get married Sadly, thanks to Dempsey's decision to walk away from the series, ava greys anatomy, their story—though not their love—was cut short when Shonda Rhimes wrote Derek out the only way she felt she could: Killing him in a car wreck.

Rebecca Pope also known as "Ava" was a patient from a ferry-related accident. She was brought to Seattle Grace Hospital where she bonded with Alex but later left when she recovered her memories. She later reappeared and although they loved each other, she slit her wrists and almost died, thus Alex was forced to have her transferred to a psychiatric facility. Alex Karev found a semi-conscious pregnant woman crushed under a cement pylon, suffering from several severe injuries, after the ferry accident. He rode to the hospital with her in the ambulance. He had to put her on her side to improve her circulation.

Ava greys anatomy


Alex sent away the consult, but called her husband, who said he'd taken ava greys anatomy baby and left her two months ago. Because of the damage to her face, she was difficult to identify and there was no match on her prints. Alex brought her into the ER to stitch up her wrists.


A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors. Derek Shepherd : It's a beautiful day to save lives. Let's have some fun. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Ava greys anatomy

Rebecca Pope also known as "Ava" was a patient from a ferry-related accident. She was brought to Seattle Grace Hospital where she bonded with Alex but later left when she recovered her memories. She later reappeared and although they loved each other, she slit her wrists and almost died, thus Alex was forced to have her transferred to a psychiatric facility. Alex Karev found a semi-conscious pregnant woman crushed under a cement pylon, suffering from several severe injuries, after the ferry accident. He rode to the hospital with her in the ambulance.

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He had to put her on her side to improve her circulation. This finally led her husband, Jeff Pope , to reunite with her, and though Rebecca pleaded with Alex to "give me a reason to stay", he refused and told her to stay with the better guy, only to regret his decision later, but it was too late: Rebecca and her daughter had left with Jeff, leaving Alex to stare at an empty room. She was brought to Seattle Grace Hospital where she bonded with Alex but later left when she recovered her memories. It was an illicit love that would never last, not least because Ellis was ravaged by Alzheimer's until her death in season three. She said she was in an unhappy marriage with a nice guy. Scans showed a cardiac tamponade, which was treated during surgery. When she came to Seattle on Halloween, she said her daughter was perfect. Crash Into Me, Part 2. It seems the writers want that to be true, but we aren't so sure. Izzie did an ultrasound and showed Rebecca that there was nothing in her uterus. But it had so much impact on just about everything. We are really rooting for these two. He then figured out that her memory had come back and she was lying to him about it.

These characters make the storylines of the prominent ones engrossing, to say the least.

Time After Time. Specifically, after Jackson decided to move to Boston to lead the foundation in its fight for racial equity, a newly single April made the decision to move to the east coast with their daughter Harriet— leaving hope that these two may reunite in the future. Walk on Water. However, Alex was able to calm her down while Addison finished the surgery. And then he left her at the altar and disappeared from her life forever? When Alex told her, she accepted it, but told him she was trying to be better for him. Grey's Anatomy , Season 4. Rebecca's husband, Jeff, came to the hospital to get her. Mark Sloan said it needed to happen as soon as possible, but Addison Forbes Montgomery recommended that they wait a day or two to minimize risk to her baby. Rebecca came back again, saying she was pregnant. However, Japril fans were given some home as April returned to Grey's in season 17 to help wrap up Jackson's journey.

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