baldurs gate 3 tollhouse basement

Baldurs gate 3 tollhouse basement

Secret treasures and areas are all over the place in Baldur's Gate 3.

Reithwin Town, sacked by the Absolute, is now a barren ghost town corrupted by the Shadow Curse. It's easy to overlook this retched land. However, there are many treasure troves stowed away, just waiting to be plucked by an adventurer. However, accessing these rooms is a challenging task. Gerringothe Thorm, a foul undead with an unhealthy obsession with gold, guards the tollhouse. You will likely be unable to break through the Shadow-Cursed Vines that block the entrance to the room. The Shadow-Cursed Vines have health and have the Medium Toughness condition , meaning that only an attack that deals at least 22 damage will damage the vines!

Baldurs gate 3 tollhouse basement

If you have recruited Karlach in BG3, you will have probably already been to this place but missed the access to the Tollhouse Basement. While the basement itself can be easy to find, there is a vault door in the Tollhouse Basement that requires players to solve a puzzle. That is why we are here, showing you how to enter the tollhouse basement and solve the vault puzzle to open the secret door. However, it is up to you whether you want to include Karlach in your party when you venture to this place. If you do, you will have to fight the Paladins, so you should leave Karlach at Camp and then come to the Toll House to explore the basement there. As the Paladins have no business with the cellar, you can freely explore the Tollhouse Basement. Furthermore, you will find the Toll House Vault there, but the door leading to it will be locked. So now you will need to open it by using the Toll House key. To find that key, you will need to exit the tollhouse and go south towards the river. Along the way, you will come across a Dead Toll Collector as you continue in the south direction and go down to the river bank. Pick up the key and then make your way back to the Toll House and then use the Ornate Wooden Hatch on the right side of the door.

Still, it's reasonable to want to get as many hidden treasures as possible. Hammad Zia. Which Race Should You Pick?


Secret treasures and areas are all over the place in Baldur's Gate 3. It's virtually impossible to get every secret in any single playthrough as the combinations of choice and abilities will often limit what the party is capable of. Still, it's reasonable to want to get as many hidden treasures as possible. Baldur's Gate 3 dangles one particular secret area right in front of the faces of gamers who get into the Toll House Basement. It's hard to call this room a "secret" because it appears on the map.

Baldurs gate 3 tollhouse basement

Reithwin Tollhouse is a location found in the south eastern area of Reithwin Town , directly south of the Mason's Guild. This is the first area you will arrive in when you arrive at Reithwin Town and can be accessed from the south western corner of the Ruined Battlefield. Crossing the bridge and passing through the arch will have you enter the northern entrance of the tollhouse. Gerringothe Thorm can be found on the first floor of the Tollhouse searching for gold. There is a lot of gold just scattered around on the floor. There is a safe Lockpicking DC 30 on the top floor that contains nothing. There is another safe Strength DC 16 located near Gerringothe Thorm that contains coins, but looks like a single coin. There are some rotten floorboards that can be broken to get to the floor below where there are two chests. In the floor below a Perception Check DC 15 will reveal a button that will open the wall to outside the building allowing you to escape the room.

Authentic collectables

When playing alone, deactivate Group Mode because a companion will automatically follow the player and step on the plate. These are triggered by the grey plate at the entrance of the secret room. This Uncommon necklace bestows the Fervent Flames on the wearer. So here you can place one heavy item 1 and 2 on each one of these stone chairs, e. As usual, you need to be aware of the trap within this room as well. Still, it's reasonable to want to get as many hidden treasures as possible. Dark Urge. Apart from that, you can find a Gilded Chest there, which you can open to receive a decent amount of Gold. All the traps seen earlier are vents that don't activate until a trigger happens. How To Surprise Your Enemies. However, accessing these rooms is a challenging task. Underdark Locations — Act One. Along the way, you will come across a Dead Toll Collector as you continue in the south direction and go down to the river bank. Each Stone Chair needs to be "sat" on at the same time to open this secret area.


However, accessing these rooms is a challenging task. Should You Save or Kill Nightsong? As the Paladins have no business with the cellar, you can freely explore the Tollhouse Basement. Decade-long gaming enthusiast turned guide author, sharing insights on SegmentNext to improve your gaming experience. Should You Evolve or Not? There are two vents in the secret room itself, so be sure to place vases on those as well before safely stepping on the plate. This method is ideal for those who want to avoid fighting Gerringothe Thorm in the tollhouse. What is an Elder Brain? Which Race Should You Pick? So here you can place one heavy item 1 and 2 on each one of these stone chairs, e. We advise using Feather Fall to negate any damage from the drop. Gerringothe Thorm, a foul undead with an unhealthy obsession with gold, guards the tollhouse. Table of contents. There is no rare or legendary loot waiting for you in the Seized Inventory Room.

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