baldurs gate canon party

Baldurs gate canon party

They're only the "canon" party because of a shitty novel and because the intro to BG2 was baldurs gate canon party and poorly implemented. People think Dynaheir sucks because they can't play the game without summoning monsters to fight their battles for them.

In some contexts canon can also refer to Forgotten Realms canon. While the player is allowed to speak with various members of the party as if they do not remember them, this is employed as a method to give players a brief summary of the events of the first game, and does not seem intended as a way for the player to dispute their past connections with these characters. However, it is not made clear whether Gorion's Ward traveled with these companions exclusively throughout their adventures in Baldur's Gate , only that they traveled together for some amount of time. Jaheira's introductory dialogue to a player who claims not to remember her states that "we have traveled together for some time, and the places we have gone number too many to name," [1] so it's not unreasonable to assume that a lot of time was spent with Jaheira and Khalid at least, but still no definite conclusions can be drawn. No returning party members in Baldur's Gate II except Imoen make any reference to being present for the slaying of Sarevok at the conclusion of Baldur's Gate. Therefore it cannot be stated definitively that Baldur's Gate II establishes a canon party for the first game, but it is not out of the question to accept the returning characters as such.

Baldurs gate canon party

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Baldur's Gate Playing with canon party? Is this a stupid idea? I gave Khalid a bow, since he's the only one with the proficiency and it would be blasphemy to give Minsc one. Bad idea? Side note

My PC would be a magic user of some kind to balance out Imoen.

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In some contexts canon can also refer to Forgotten Realms canon. While the player is allowed to speak with various members of the party as if they do not remember them, this is employed as a method to give players a brief summary of the events of the first game, and does not seem intended as a way for the player to dispute their past connections with these characters. However, it is not made clear whether Gorion's Ward traveled with these companions exclusively throughout their adventures in Baldur's Gate , only that they traveled together for some amount of time. Jaheira's introductory dialogue to a player who claims not to remember her states that "we have traveled together for some time, and the places we have gone number too many to name," [1] so it's not unreasonable to assume that a lot of time was spent with Jaheira and Khalid at least, but still no definite conclusions can be drawn. No returning party members in Baldur's Gate II except Imoen make any reference to being present for the slaying of Sarevok at the conclusion of Baldur's Gate. Therefore it cannot be stated definitively that Baldur's Gate II establishes a canon party for the first game, but it is not out of the question to accept the returning characters as such.

Baldurs gate canon party

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Baldur's Gate Playing with canon party? Is this a stupid idea?

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I'm a cleric fan. All he cares about is blood, gold and booze, not questing, and certainly not with good characters. I was really tempted to let her die and go back and get Xan or some body else. With the exception of Imoen, Siege is very careful in allowing the player to treat every other returning companion as a complete stranger or old friend. These offspring will be aligned good and evil, but chaos will flow through them all. Now that's what even made me even consider him, but what really struck me was his missing romance! I'm just finishing my current play through Dungeons of Naheulbeuk, what a fun little turn-based game and a bit simpler over all than the monster BG is. However I do not like Aerie very much, and don't know if I would say she fits very well in with rest of the group. What do you need help on? LoneBadger , Sep 4, OOF I could be looking at an enormous amount of backtracking. Basically the canon party lacks all the good stuff. But using wands where her own spells didn't suffice. And, agreed, the canon party is pretty bad.

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I gave Khalid a bow, since he's the only one with the proficiency and it would be blasphemy to give Minsc one. It is after these events that the Baldur's Gate games begin, and they involve some key players who themselves are extremely dead by the start of the story. Plus she looks good in that shadow armour! One of the most important parts of an RPG is the ability of the player to get themselves into character. Going all the way back to the original games, the player was able to customize their character as they wished and Baldur's Gate III has upped the ante with an incredible range of choices and configurations. Now that's what even made me even consider him, but what really struck me was his missing romance! Wow totally drawing a blank, they have some really fun interactions.. Add Imoen and that's it. IIRC, there's a mod either completed or in development which adds a Haer'Dalis romance to the game and goes into a lot of HD's background, including his time in the Planes and why he became a Doomguard. I disagree.. This guy was supposed to be the second male romance, but there wasn't time to create it. My first play through of BG1, I had left it with permanent death on.

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