Baldurs gate fighter/mage

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As a fighter, the character benefits from high Hit Dice , low THAC0 , multiple attacks per round, advanced weapon proficiencies , and access to all kinds of weapon, armor, and shields. This enables the character to act as a frontline melee character, though it will never be as good as a pure fighter in that respect. As a mage, the character has access to higher lore and arcane spells, although access to high level spells is only possible at the end of Baldur's Gate II. This means the player will require a thorough knowledge of the tactical applications of their spells if they are to act in that capacity. Also, the player should keep in mind that they are unable to cast spells while wearing any armor with few exceptions , which can conflict with the fighter's preferred role. As a unique downside, they cannot ever reach level 9 spell slots without modding the game to remove the 8,, experience cap, and therefore cannot take most of the High-Level Class Abilities of the mage class.

Baldurs gate fighter/mage

July in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. Hey y'all! I'm having trouble deciding weapon proficiency, I started off with two pips in two weapon fighting, two pips in scimitars, and am wanting to add some into warhammers at some point. The issue I'm facing is that I don't know when or how many to add into warhammers. Should I start adding Warhammer proficiency pips at level 3? At what point should I add my third pip into two weapon fighting? Thank you in advance. July Whatever you pick as a fighter, that's what you'll be using. For a very long time. Conventional wisdom is that you grandmaster something as a fighter, and then use that for the entire saga. Maybe you'll dual-wield, maybe you'll throw your remaining proficiencies into that off-hand weapon at high levels, but your primary weapon is probably going to be locked into a single type.

Note: Icons in the level column indicate the highest reachable level per game. If successful you can continue to battle Mellisan without the fear of using spells.

RPG Search. Banshee Network Choose a site Subsite Navigation Game Information. Soloing Baldur's Gate II. There are also lots of great long swords easily found earlier in the game Remember you are looking at the long run. Especially in weapons that do fire, acid, ice, etc damage on every hit.

Stoneskin and mirror image are great for protection. Against real big bads, you can throw in protection from magical weapons. They can buff themself up with fireshield for extra tankiness. And they can buff themselves offensively with spells like improved haste. Throw in a contingency for desperate situations, and few things can touch them. They get to wear metal armor, unlike normal druids. They can dual wield pretty darn well with Belm in the offhand. Ironskin gives survivability. If outdoors, call lightning is ridiculous.

Baldurs gate fighter/mage

If I remember, the only weapons that can even hurt the greater wolf-were on that Island are ones I can not use. Successful soloing is quite difficult, it requires pretty thorough knowledge of the game to get through, without which you'll very likely just get slaughtered. Nevertheless, provided that you're prepared for the likelihood of getting killed regularly, then I guess you could still be having a lot of fun trying, so fair enough and good luck to you.

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Following that have your shadow cast greater whirlwind and hack away. If I plan to import, should I level up my character in a certain way? And this only really applies or matters at the lowest levels, with zero access to magic options. Thanks for the reply! The player should also keep in mind that the backstab ability only works with weapons usable by a single-class thief and build their proficiencies accordingly. Originally posted by Iso Koala :. The zero weapon speed on the DoV means you are always swinging pretty much instantly as soon as you close the distance. Generally alignment doesn't mean much unless you're a Paladin or Ranger. The higher end ToB options become a little scarce though. Note that any HLA may be selected regardless of the class which is leveling up. This class may Specialize in any weapon, allowing them to invest up to two points into a specific Weapon Proficiency.

I've played Baldur's Gate 3 for nearly hours, beaten it on Tactician, and I'm closing in on my first Honour Mode clear.

Once you get there nothing can stop you. You need the armor class. Late-game, the idea is to cast Time Stop and ding enemies with the Staff of Magi to dispel their protections, in addition to all the other magical mayhem that high level mages can dish out I'll only be about 1 level behind a pure mage. Sure is. Side Quest. Sign In Register. You can permanently lose those classes bonuses if you tank your reputation. Store Page. Both starting the saga from BG1 or starting from SoA I personally think that to roll a lot of time to get some points of exceptional STR is a waste of time. Recommended Mods for ? Explore Wikis Community Central.

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