beatbox asia

Beatbox asia

To enter this competition you must have won a national beatbox competition from any Asian country. If this is not the case, beatbox asia, you have to win a Wildcard or r eceive a special invitation from the organization.

With the rise of the internet, people all over the world were able to access videos of beatboxing and practice on their own. While deeply rooted in American hip-hop, throughout the years, "new school" beatboxing combined the different cultures and backgrounds of its participants. Some of the Hip-Hop subculture still remains to this day, with Beatbox battles being a staple of the community. Similar to how Rap Battles are conducted, Beatbox battles see two performers facing off against each other, showcasing their technical percussive skills, musicality, and ability to impress the crowd. The community built around this battling infrastructure is a supportive one, with beatboxers never afraid to share their techniques or talents with everyone. In-jokes and memes have been created of various beatboxers mostly BBK reacting in awe to the routines of their peers. SO-SO is a Japanese beatboxer who took the international beatbox community by storm with his infectious melodies performed on a BOSS RC loop station - a machine that allows for the repeated looping of sounds, including beatboxing.

Beatbox asia

Wanted to know, if there is a Beatbox Event nearby? Russian Beatbox Championship Location: St. If there are any missing events or wrong information let us know in the comments below. Your email address will not be published. Post Comment. Share this. Thank you Kilaa I have had a hard life and I'm just so happy that I could finally complete my dream thank you for the input. Kilaa 5 years ago. Some events have rules to get in, others are open. Just get in touch directly with the organizers of the event your interested in via facebook or their websites. Imson Nash 7 months ago.

If there are any missing events or wrong information let us know in the comments below. Image Credit: Beatbox asia Facebook. Super Nico.


With the rise of the internet, people all over the world were able to access videos of beatboxing and practice on their own. While deeply rooted in American hip-hop, throughout the years, "new school" beatboxing combined the different cultures and backgrounds of its participants. Some of the Hip-Hop subculture still remains to this day, with Beatbox battles being a staple of the community. Similar to how Rap Battles are conducted, Beatbox battles see two performers facing off against each other, showcasing their technical percussive skills, musicality, and ability to impress the crowd. The community built around this battling infrastructure is a supportive one, with beatboxers never afraid to share their techniques or talents with everyone. In-jokes and memes have been created of various beatboxers mostly BBK reacting in awe to the routines of their peers. SO-SO is a Japanese beatboxer who took the international beatbox community by storm with his infectious melodies performed on a BOSS RC loop station - a machine that allows for the repeated looping of sounds, including beatboxing. He has also released a new EP titled Beat Pandemic , with music deviating from his typical style, even going as far to include real instruments, such as the piano, in one of his songs. Image Credit: Trung Bao Facebook. Hailing from Vietnam, Trung is known for merging his culture with his art.

Beatbox asia


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Thai Son. The community built around this battling infrastructure is a supportive one, with beatboxers never afraid to share their techniques or talents with everyone. He uses uniquely Vietnamese inflections in his beatboxing and has drawn mainstream appeal in the World Beatbox Camp Solo Battle , where he emerged as that year's world champion. Check him out on instagram at tbaocreate , or on YouTube and Facebook. In Loopstation, the beatboxers have only one round of seconds each participant. Check him out on instagram at piratheeb , or on YouTube and Facebook. Wolf of City. Everyone has a battle, where the judges punctuate their presentation. He also released a single, 'My Name is Dharni', playing off his surname to create the starting beat:. He has also released a new EP titled Beat Pandemic , with music deviating from his typical style, even going as far to include real instruments, such as the piano, in one of his songs. The album is a vocal and technical masterpiece, consisting of many original pieces that place an emphasis on contrasting bass and high notes. Image Credit: Trung Bao Facebook.


Check him out on instagram at dharni , or on YouTube and Facebook. In-jokes and memes have been created of various beatboxers mostly BBK reacting in awe to the routines of their peers. Here, there are 2 rounds of seconds each. Similar to how Rap Battles are conducted, Beatbox battles see two performers facing off against each other, showcasing their technical percussive skills, musicality, and ability to impress the crowd. Thank you. If there are any missing events or wrong information let us know in the comments below. But as far as i know not yet in Morocco. In Loopstation, the Top 4 faces in the semifinals and final. ABC Image Credit: Trung Bao Facebook. Throughout his career, Trung has contributed to many pieces of album art and video designs for the beatbox community. With the rise of the internet, people all over the world were able to access videos of beatboxing and practice on their own. Hi guys, I am one of the co-founders of Beatbox Bangladesh. CLB

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