best harry potter fanfic

Best harry potter fanfic

Namera is currently an English student at the University of Cambridge who loves romance novels, Harry Potter, true crime stories, and cats. You can find her over at her blog, The Literary Invertebrate. She can be contacted by email at namera.

Jessica Pryde is a member of that some might call rare breed that grew up in Washington, DC, but is happily enjoying the warmer weather of the desert Southwest. She can be found drowning in her ever-growing TBR and exclaiming about romance in the Book Riot podcast When in Romance , as well as on social media. View All posts by Jessica Pryde. Book Riot no longer promotes J. Rowling in light of statements she has made against the trans community. I was a weird one—I came into Harry Potter fanfiction later in my life.

Best harry potter fanfic

As exciting as the world of wizards and fantastic beasts is, the popularity of Harry Potter fanfiction shows that the relationships in these movies are something fans have become very invested in. Fanfiction has continued to be a popular way for people to further explore franchises with their own stories and Harry Potter is one of the most popular subjects. The unique universe of the Wizarding World provides a rich backdrop to explore some relationships in different ways from the books and movies. Archive of Our Own is the most prominent place to find these stories, and fans can sort through their favorite ships to find a whole new take on the Wizarding World. Among the most popular relationships explored in fanfiction, each of them features some standout and extremely well-written story that explores the couple in question with an entirely new lens. Some of these ships are new and controversial while others reunite fan-favorite, sometimes even minor, Harry Potter characters they seem destined to be together. Though the books ultimately decided that Hermione and Ron were an ideal couple, many fans felt a Harry and Hermione romance made more sense. Not surprisingly, this has become a popular ship in Harry Potter fanfiction with "A Marauder's Plan" exploring it most effectively. This story gives readers a powerful look at their relationship as a natural consequence of Harry finally getting some competent, responsible adults in his life. Harry gets taken in by Sirius, and it ends up making him a lot stronger and happier in the long run. None of the characters feel like caricatures, and the relationships between each character are extremely realistic and fleshed-out. All in all, it's a great read for anybody looking for more extensive wizarding lore, bonding between Sirius and Harry, and a great romance between Harry and Hermione. In the most extreme possible version of enemies to lovers , dedicated writers have found a way to make Harry have a relationship with Voldemort that makes sense.

Despite the reputation fanfiction can sometimes havethe world of Harry Potter has also attracted some incredibly capable authors, meaning the best Harry Potter fanfiction is an enjoyable high-quality read. The story follows Remus Lupin from before his time at Hogwarts through the middle of the Harry Potter series, best harry potter fanfic, with a particular focus on his sexuality and relationship with Sirius.

I know it can sometimes be difficult to find the good ones. I am hoping this will make it easier, and help support some awesome writers in the process! These stories ran Lexi Hooper has been a Harry Potter fan since the very start. One day, Lexi and her friend decide to go to King's Cross station for a memorable cosplay. But what started as a joke, turns out to be both Lexi's dream and her nightmare. Just for a laugh, Lexi starts to run towards the wall between platforms 9 and 10, careful not to hit it too hard.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Hadrian Peverell Harry Potter Has been the Master of Death for nearly 2, years when he strolls into another dimension without noticing, well that was until Toddlermort Creepy toddler looking thing Voldemort was before getting a body runs into him, Hadrian decides to fix the Dark Lord, only to regret it as he connects with Tom in a way he never has. Little does he know Tom feels much the same, and would gladly spend eternity with Hadrian. It was over. Harry had done it. Voldemort was dead.

Best harry potter fanfic

We all want more of Harry Potter beyond the seven novel series dreamed up by J. Rowling and the timeless eight film blockbuster franchise. So where exactly do you go when searching for more of the fantastic universe introduced to us by The Boy Who Lived? If re-imaginings of the acclaimed series that answer all the "What ifs From Fanfiction. And as a longtime fanfic reader, I'm here to tell you, fans of The Boy Who Lived are an incredibly imaginative bunch. From multi-chapter stories that dream up epic romances about popular "ships" shorthand for relationships like Draco and Hermione, to time traveling adventures and mature erotica rated "M" that will make you clutch your pearls, there is a story for everyone.

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They were right, those old wizards who thought Parseltongue was a Dark gift. The romance is between Lexi and Fred Weasley. From furthering canon storylines to imagining a future to re-writing favorite non-canonical ships, the best Harry Potter fanfiction further enriches the Wizarding World. Reddit user itsasixthing had this to say about it:. So relatable in so many ways. Bright child. Archive of Our Own is the most prominent place to find these stories, and fans can sort through their favorite ships to find a whole new take on the Wizarding World. AngelaStarCat's tale is among the best Harry Potter fanfiction because it gets at the center of Harry as a hero and how, regardless of his powers, he has the heart and bravery to fight for what is right. Romantic short stories, multiple pairings, mostly Dramione but some by request. Harry and Voldemort are soulmates in this story , which puts them in an interesting situation. If you have read this, let others know what you think in the comments, or like this chapter! The Harry and Hermione ship , fondly referred to as Harmony, is another regular coupling in Harry Potter fanfiction for those who want to see their non-canon romance played out. Harry and Hermione Harmony. We all want more of Harry Potter beyond the seven novel series dreamed up by J.

Namera is currently an English student at the University of Cambridge who loves romance novels, Harry Potter, true crime stories, and cats. You can find her over at her blog, The Literary Invertebrate. She can be contacted by email at namera.

Reddit user UsernamesAreRuthless states they were at first. HP FanFic. He was dynamic. So, check before you give these suggestions to your 12 year old relatives. Though the books ultimately decided that Hermione and Ron were an ideal couple, many fans felt a Harry and Hermione romance made more sense. He chuckled again and I arched into him. Your Mileage May Vary. Petunia married a biochemist, and Harry grew up reading science and science fiction. The story then continues that idea through each book. A Harry who has received training, already knows the prophecy and has no scar. Riveting Nonfiction—and Memoirs!

2 thoughts on “Best harry potter fanfic

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