brendan fraser nude

Brendan fraser nude

Hollywood star Brendan Fraser has revealed he brendan fraser nude fully nude while filming a shower scene with Matt Damon in School Ties, describing it as a 'scary' experience. Want all the latest Showbiz news direct to your inbox? Share your email for news, gossip and more.

The Whale actor described being completely naked on the film's set as a "scary" experience. Emlyn Travis is a news writer at Entertainment Weekly with over five years of experience covering the latest in entertainment. She joined EW in August Brendan Fraser is pulling back the shower curtain on one particular School Ties scene. The actor, who is currently on the awards circuit for his film The Whale , revealed that both he and Matt Damon were completely nude while filming the infamous shower fight between their characters in the film. In the scene, Dillon Damon reveals that David Fraser is Jewish to the football team after a game, leading the pair to come to blows.

Brendan fraser nude

They say, 'Jump,' and you say, 'How high? Brendan Fraser is laying bare the real story behind the shower fight scene he had with Matt Damon in their movie School Ties. In a guest spot on The Howard Stern Show Tuesday, the Whale star, 54, revealed that when the actors came to blows in the drama film's pivotal moment in which Damon's Charlie Dillon tells the football team that that their fellow teammate David Greene, played by Fraser, is Jewish, they were both completely naked. It's scary to do that," Fraser told Howard Stern. He continued, "I appreciated that this isn't really for wow or a scintillating factor of going, 'Hey, look at that. Naked people. Fraser was new to Hollywood when he landed the role in his early 20s, and said he was still getting used to its nuances — so much so that when he was asked to "test" for then-Paramount Pictures CEO Sherry Lansing before he was offered the job, he told Stern, 69, he had no idea what that meant. But similar to breaking through in Hollywood, Fraser said his character in the movie just wanted to fit in. But it came at a cost, and the barrier was that he was Jewish, and their anti-Semitism kept him out. He added, "So for all that need of wanting to belong, I identified with that because I felt like I want to be a part of this Hollywood also. Fraser's comments come amid his triumphant return to the spotlight years after achieving fame in such movies as George of the Jungle and the Mummy franchise. Following a incident in which the actor claimed that former Hollywood Foreign Press Association President Philip Berk sexually assaulted him while at a luncheon, Fraser has said he believes he was partly blacklisted in Hollywood. Berk, 89, disputes the claim. But since the world premiere of his latest movie The Whale at the Venice Film Festival in September , the Oscar -nominated star has been treated to minutes-long standing ovations and an outpouring of love for his performance, including a similar response at the London Film Festival in October

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Brendan Fraser opened up about filming a tense shower scene with Matt Damon for their film "School Ties" and revealed that both actors were fully nude while filming. During his Tuesday appearance on "The Howard Stern Show," Stern asked Fraser about the logistics of filming the scene, in which Damon's character Charlie goads Fraser's character David into fighting in the shower by making an anti-Semitic joke in front of the Jewish David. It's scary to do that," Fraser continued. Naked people,'" Fraser added. His anti-Semitism and his prejudice is stripped down naked and it's ugly.

He is currently receiving critical acclaim for his performance in " The Whale ," but Brendan Fraser's first breakout role was in " School Ties ," and he had to strip down. Fraser played David in the film about a Jewish boy attending a prep-school among an army of antisemitic classmates. In the movie, tensions between Fraser's character and co-star Matt Damon's Charlie reach an apex when the young boys confront one another while in the shower. Fraser confirmed he was fully nude during the scene and that filming it was not easy. It's scary to do that," he revealed on "The Howard Stern Show.

Brendan fraser nude

They say, 'Jump,' and you say, 'How high? Brendan Fraser is laying bare the real story behind the shower fight scene he had with Matt Damon in their movie School Ties. In a guest spot on The Howard Stern Show Tuesday, the Whale star, 54, revealed that when the actors came to blows in the drama film's pivotal moment in which Damon's Charlie Dillon tells the football team that that their fellow teammate David Greene, played by Fraser, is Jewish, they were both completely naked.

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Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. View comments. Just to shame these actors for gaining weight? Story Saved. Add your Comment Cancel reply Please log in to add your comment Need an account? Brendan Fraser is pulling back the shower curtain on one particular School Ties scene. Sign Up. Let the actors act. Recommended Stories. Matthew's Academy, Fraser said he couldn't be happier for his fictional former classmates and their success over the years. Meanwhile, Mitchell may wind up as the first cornerback drafted after his impressive workout. Louis Walsh.

Brendan Fraser opened up about filming a tense shower scene with Matt Damon for their film "School Ties" and revealed that both actors were fully nude while filming. During his Tuesday appearance on "The Howard Stern Show," Stern asked Fraser about the logistics of filming the scene, in which Damon's character Charlie goads Fraser's character David into fighting in the shower by making an anti-Semitic joke in front of the Jewish David.

Host Howard joked: "If someone said to me, 'Listen this is the role of a lifetime but you have to fight nude', I'd have to turn down the role. View comments. Back in , Fraser co-starred with a bevy of up-and-coming hot young actors in the teen drama School Ties. Okay, don't mess this up, bring things down a size,'" he said. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Elsewhere in the interview, Fraser recounted his screen test for the role of David alongside Damon and how the Bourne Identity actor's natural star power pushed him to land the role. Brendan Fraser is currently enjoying a career renaissance due to his acclaimed — yet problematic — performance as a pound gay man in The Whale. Use profiles to select personalised content. Once Monthly Annually. At some point in our lives or another, we've all felt like we've had our nose pressed up against the glass, and there's something keeping us out, and we want to be a part of what's in there. He wanted the camaraderie, he wanted the glory that sport brought him. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I am sorry if you or someone you love has endured health issues that inhibit adhering to what is a simple and completely benevolent medical observation.

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