chess vienna opening

Chess vienna opening

What is the Vienna Gambit?

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Chess vienna opening

The Vienna Game is a 1. Compared to other 1. Because of this, it can be an excellent weapon for beginners to catch their opponents by surprise. The Vienna is also suitable for more experienced players, with GMs like Viswanathan Anand and Alexander Shabalov among the players who have played it. The Vienna Game starts after the moves 1. Instead of the more common 2. Nf3, White chooses to develop the queenside knight. White's second move allows for a quick f2-f4 pawn-push. It also keeps the d1-h5 diagonal open for the queen, which can go to f3 or h5. The Vienna Game is not as common or as old as other 1. For this reason, it is also not heavy in theory. Black has three main responses to the Vienna on their second move:

For all their faulty analysis, they must be given credit for introducing healthy controversy into the staid annals of opening theory. Almost half the time in beginner-intermediate games, Black will be sporting and accept the gambit

The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. Chess opening statistics can been viewed on the display to the right of the board. To search the chess database, either enter your criteria into the quick search box or use the advanced search by clicking on the advanced search label. To see the chess games in the database for the current position, click on the "Games for Position" tab.

The Vienna Game is a 1. Compared to other 1. Because of this, it can be an excellent weapon for beginners to catch their opponents by surprise. The Vienna is also suitable for more experienced players, with GMs like Viswanathan Anand and Alexander Shabalov among the players who have played it. The Vienna Game starts after the moves 1. Instead of the more common 2. Nf3, White chooses to develop the queenside knight. White's second move allows for a quick f2-f4 pawn-push.

Chess vienna opening

By making this move, White does not create a concrete threat that can be defended. Hence, this opening allows early equality with the best play at the elite level. Vienna Game became popular around the s and took its current name due to its high popularity in the games that occurred in Vienna. Viena Game variations offer flexible settings for both sides. The best players in the world have utilized it in recent years, as well as amateur players. Vienna Game often aims to strike on the kingside by White sacrificing a pawn and playing f4. This creates imbalanced scenes and attacking opportunities for White, whereas Black seeks to defend the position, exchanging pieces and going for an endgame with extra material. Black might decline this invitation, or White might play for other approaches, such as strategic g3-Bg2 lines. The Vienna Game lines often lead to tactical games where White strikes with the flank pawn to generate an early attack on the enemy. The Falbeer Variation can transpose to a dynamic game after 3.


Analysis Board. Bc5, 4. Too Short - Extra Moves. Occasionally, Black will make an immediate mistake under this pressure and move the knight to one of your protected squares and immediately hang their knight. Nf3 8. Chess opening. Nf6 3. Paulsen Variation. Nxe4 Nd4. Position Games Tournaments Endgames.

The Vienna Game is an opening in chess that begins with the moves:. The original idea behind the Vienna Game was to play a delayed King's Gambit with f4 the Vienna Gambit , but in modern play White often plays more quietly for example, by fianchettoing his king's bishop with g3 and Bg2. Black most often continues with

If you want to create a note in this position you have to log into your account and have a Supporter membership. There is potentially a very strong attack down the semi-open f-file with White's rook on f1. Nc6 normally transposes into one of the other lines. In the earliest days, "Hamppe's Game" was seen as a potential way of playing a delayed King's Gambit. Nc6 can be found above, or Black can play The variation 4. O-O Be7 7. The quiet Nc3 Nf6 3. Tactically, control the centre with pawns, develop pieces, recapture the pawn on f4. Nf6 leads to the Four Knights Game. Bc4, when the solid In this variation, you cannot unpin the pawn with a symmetrical queen move as the queen is needed to defend the d4 pawn. Vienna Game Main Line 1.

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