ghost rider mexicano video

Ghost rider mexicano video

DOLO 8 May Fetid01 6 February DOLO White phospherous, sprinkled on the wet blood of his face would result a beautiful chemical fire burn Fkrrs 24 July

Content Warning! The following work contains content and material that some may find shocking. Reader discretion is advised. The Ghost Rider video a. The video starts showing a man being brutally tortured.

Ghost rider mexicano video


At this point, there is nothing left of his face or hair which has been replaced by a red and bloodied skull. It's funny all these comments acting tough and sorry for him, ghost rider mexicano video. Miffet Blue 3 January


Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat. The capture and gruesome torture took place this weekend. Reports say the victim was taken to a ranch near Tepalcatepec, where his face was doused with isopropyl alcohol and set afire. The man screamed and begged to be killed. Just as in when violence experienced a massive increase with the autodefensa movement and Caballeros Templarios clashing, the federal government once again is mostly ignoring the violence. The latest violent clash between the groups continued for 3 days in and near El Aguaje, Aguililla.

Ghost rider mexicano video

Welcome to the world of horror and adrenaline as we delve into the spine-chilling tale of the Ghost Rider Mexicano Gore Viral. Brace yourself for a twisted journey through the darkest corners of Mexico, where legend meets reality, and terror goes viral. Prepare to be captivated by the nightmarish account of the enigmatic Ghost Rider and his bloodcurdling exploits as his legend spreads like wildfire across the internet. Buckle up and get ready for a rollercoaster ride of fear that will leave you breathless. For more information please visit the website truongquochoc. Are you ready for an adrenaline-filled adventure like never before? Look no further than Ghost Rider Mexicano! Brace yourself for heart-pounding action, exhilarating stunts, and spine-chilling moments that will leave you on the edge of your seat.


Meanhead 25 September It appears as if most of his nerves have been burnt away since now he appears much more calm, although he is still groaning quietly. Views Read View source View history. I'm just tuned in you can say. El Toro Blanco 1 December This page was last edited on 6 January , at DOLO 8 May For all the people feeling bad for this guy, look up guerrero flaying he was one of the people responsible for that video in which they behead a father in front of his child and skin the child alive. The victim was abducted in the town of Bonifacio Moreno El Aguaje and was promptly brought to a ranch located near Tepalcatepec where he was tortured over the span of a weekend and then eventually killed. He got it for a good reason. The Ghost Rider video is part of a series on The Cartels.

Content Warning! The following work contains content and material that some may find shocking. Reader discretion is advised.

Hope they get killed in a worst manner. Content Warning! Fetid01 4 February No you probably don't so shut your mouth bitch. The video starts showing a man being brutally tortured. Jump to: navigation , search. Anonymous 1 September Solo 20 September The video then cuts to a clip seemingly recorded much later. Si we, el no sabe de que habla, pero tu como yo, si sabemos.

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