disney turkey leg nutrition

Disney turkey leg nutrition

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Disney turkey leg nutrition


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I have a confession: until recently, I had never consumed a jumbo turkey leg at Walt Disney World, Disneyland, or any other Disney park. However, since I always want to do what the cool kids are doing, and since I wanted a somewhat fitting post for Thanksgiving, I decided to give one a try. This post covers my review of the ubiquitous Disney turkey jumbo leg, plus about words of filler since the review itself only needs to be like 2 sentences. He seems like a jumbo turkey leg kind of bear. Since every red-blooded American enjoys a good piece of bone-in meat from time to time, the turkey legs were an immediate sensation, and eventually became somewhat of a culinary symbol of the Disney Parks, much like the churro. With this has come coverage in mainstream media, as well as controversy from animal welfare groups that have wondered just what kind of mutant turkey is producing legs that large. I remain fearful of the day one of these artificially bred turkeys is fed after midnight and transforms into something truly terrifying. Now, for some more necessary background. Despite urban legends to the contrary, the turkey leg Disney sells is, in fact, made of turkey. Not emu, ostrich, or any other giant bird.

Disney turkey leg nutrition

At Walt Disney World, these jumbo Disney Turkey Legs can stir up an argument among Disney theme park aficionados: some absolutely adore them, while others despise them. Don't miss our travel hacks newsletter! Believe it or not, the turkey leg made its debut in Magic Kingdom in thanks to a man by the name of Dave Jarrett. He eventually became a convention manager at Magic Kingdom. Before its popularity in the Disney parks, the turkey leg was a staple food of Renaissance fairs in the s and s. The infamous salty snack was originally only sold in Frontierland, but quickly spread to other Walt Disney World locations — and eventually other Disney theme parks outside of Orlando. Our favorite Disney-approved re-seller, Get Away Today, can get you a no obligation Disney World vacation quote for free! In addition to great discount prices, their customer service and easy support is absolutely fantastic. They have an entire department dedicated to making sure every order has a wonderful experience and they are on-call to help you during your vacation if you need them.

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