Ernie ball music man price

Since the Ernie Ball Music Man family has been committed to achieving unequaled playability, beauty and consistency by finding the ideal balance between man and machine. At our factory in San Luis Ernie ball music man price, California, we start with hand-selected tonewoods imported from only the finest wood suppliers in the world; bodies of alder, ash, poplar, basswood, mahogany, and maple are individually chosen and matched for their rich tonal qualities, consistent grain characteristics and exceptional natural beauty.

Ernie Ball Music Man has long been a household name among musicians, synonymous with excellence in crafting guitars that cater to a wide range of playing styles. Their diverse lineup includes iconic models like the StingRay, Cutlass, and Sabre, each representing a unique sonic identity in the world of electric guitars. The company's commitment to quality is evident in their instruments, which consistently deliver outstanding tone and playability. Inspired by the legendary bass guitar of the same name, the StingRay guitar boasts humbucking pickups and a distinctive design that sets it apart from the crowd. The StingRay's versatility makes it a go-to choice for players who appreciate its ability to handle both pristine cleans and blistering distortion.

Ernie ball music man price

The Axis guitar is offered with a roasted, figured maple neck, 22 stainless steel frets, and 2 exciting new finishes: Yucatan Blue and Roasted Amber. The guitar retains the features that have made it a classic such as the ever-comfortable asymmetric neck shape, double-locking tremolo, and custom DiMarzio humbuckers. Thanks for choosing Ernie Ball Music Man. By registering your instrument within the initial 12 month warranty period you are entitled to an additional 3 months of warranty coverage. That is 15 total months of factory warranty protection from the initial purchase date. Registering your instrument, whether or not it is covered under warranty, also provides a record that you owned that particular instrument. In the unfortunate instance that the instrument is lost, stolen or destroyed we can provide you with the serial number if needed. You have successfully registered your Music Man Instrument. Watch the factory tour and see how the difference is in the details. Sign up for the Ernie Ball mailing list.

In the unfortunate instance that the instrument is lost, stolen or destroyed we can provide you with the serial number if needed.

The company operates out of San Luis Obispo, California. They are equally as famous for their basses as they are for their guitar designs. Their instruments have been played by a number of famous players over the years, many as endorsers with signature model guitars. Music Man started out in the mid 70s, owned by a group of three men, one of whom was Leo Fender. Music Man instruments have visually distinctive headstocks.

Steve Morse is widely known as one of the greatest and most versatile guitarists of our time. The Steve Morse signature, made to Steve's exact specifications, has been his instrument of choice both in the studio and on stage for more than 25 years. Featuring a classic double cutaway design, four custom DiMarzio pickups and intuitive switching layout, this signature guitar affords effortless playability, comfortable yet solid construction and a full range of tonal possibilities. Thanks for choosing Ernie Ball Music Man. By registering your instrument within the initial 12 month warranty period you are entitled to an additional 3 months of warranty coverage.

Ernie ball music man price

The quality and attention to detail on Ernie Ball Music Man instruments is second to none. Our hand-rubbed gunstock oil and wax finished necks are a perfect example. Watch the factory tour and see how the difference is in the details. The Ball family is the last of a dying breed, a family business making guitars and basses exclusively in the United States. Since , the Ball Family has been dedicated to building the finest instruments in the world. Sign up for the Ernie Ball mailing list. You may unsubscribe at anytime. United States. StingRay Special New finishes available now! Buy Now.

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Sweetwater Buy Now. Drum Hardware Stools. First Name. Eddie Van Halen came to Music Man in the early 90s to make a signature guitar. Left Handed Bass Guitars. Sweetwater Buy Now. Guitar Stands. Dave's Guitar Shop Buy Now. The Artist series models retain the basic recipe of the standard models but offer other pickup options, custom electronics, hardware, and custom finishes you may not see on the specification stock models. Fretless Bass Guitars. Since the Steve Morse signature electric guitar has been a staple in the Ernie Ball Music Man lineup of signature instruments. Graphite acrylic resin coated body cavity and aluminum lined control cover. Headphone Amps. Tom Tom. Add to Wish List Add to Compare.

The Classic Stingray pays tribute to the original Music Man designs from the mid to late s with added modern refinements.

Sanguine Red. Willcutt Guitars Buy Now. Left Handed Bass Guitars. The rosewood fingerboard adds a touch of elegance while enhancing the playing experience. The Majesty features an abundance of tonal choices including magnetic and piezo options, coil tapping, and up to a 20db boost for extra gain when needed. Build Code - 00 - 00 - Register your Instrument. Stage Pianos. Piano Stools. Roasted Amber Quilt. Guitar Stands.

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