express leak ghana

Express leak ghana

Free website and domain report on empressleak. Last Updated: 26th November, Update Now. Snoop Summary for empressleak. The domain empressleak.

Anim as part of the bail conditions will provide two sureties to be justified with landed property. The empress leak website administrator is known for the publication of child pornographic and adult sexual content. Prosecution disclosed that, Anim had invested the proceeds of the crime into purchasing houses and vehicles. The report by the victim who is below 18 years, was to alert the CERT-GH team of an uploaded sexually explicit video of her to the website. Sunday, March 3, August 20, Reading Time: 2 mins read.

Express leak ghana


Avoids enormous network payloads — Total size was 1, KiB Large network payloads can cost users money and are linked to long load times.


This follows a press briefing held on Monday, August 10, to announce the arrest of one Anderson Ofosuhenene Anim, the administrator, after a joint collaboration with the Criminal Investigative Division of the Ghana Police Service and the National Cyber Security Center. Dr Albert Antwi-Boasiako, speaking in an interview with GhanaWeb on Thursday, August 13, said his outfit in collaboration with the CID first received a complaint in January from a teenager who had been a victim of sextortion, child pornography material by the website operators. We also found out that some 8, persons visit the website per day, of which more than 1, of them were Ghanaians. Antwi-Boasiako said government will not relent in the fight against child pornography and child online protection thus it will continue to create awareness and sensitisation on the menace. He however advised for parents to be vigilant with the kind of websites their wards visit on the internet and also urged for children to be transparent with their parents on types of material they discover on the internet. The website , is known for the publication of child pornography and adult sexual content. Search Search for: Search. Share this: Facebook X.

Express leak ghana

This follows a press briefing held on Monday, August 10, to announce the arrest of one Anderson Ofosuhenene Anim, the administrator, after a joint collaboration with the Criminal Investigative Division of the Ghana Police Service and the National Cyber Security Center. Dr Albert Antwi-Boasiako, speaking in an interview with GhanaWeb on Thursday, August 13, said his outfit in collaboration with the CID first received a complaint in January from a teenager who had been a victim of sextortion, child pornography material by the website operators. We also found out that some 8, persons visit the website per day, of which more than 1, of them were Ghanaians. Antwi-Boasiako said government will not relent in the fight against child pornography and child online protection thus it will continue to create awareness and sensitisation on the menace. He however advised for parents to be vigilant with the kind of websites their wards visit on the internet and also urged for children to be transparent with their parents on types of material they discover on the internet.

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This report was last updated 26th November, Serves images with appropriate resolution Image natural dimensions should be proportional to the display size and the pixel ratio to maximize image clarity. Minimize main-thread work — 3. Speed Index — 9. Manual Checks Site works cross-browser Ensure that the Progressive Web App works correctly across every major browser. Failing Elements div. Some ARIA parent roles cannot perform their intended functions if specific child roles are not used. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy — 63 resources found Empressleak. Page has valid source maps Source maps translate minified code to the original source code. Moz Page Authority:. Avoid non-composited animations Animations which are not composited can be janky and increase CLS.

The suspect, Anderson Ofosuhene Anim, whose site is devoted to child pornography and adult sexual content, was arrested following a joint operation.

Screen readers and other assistive technologies may produce poor and inaccurate output when definition lists are not properly marked up. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Properly size images — Potential savings of KiB Images can slow down the page's load time. Remove duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles Remove large, duplicate JavaScript modules from bundles to reduce unnecessary bytes consumed by network activity. In addition, Lighthouse is able to provide further insights. Other links are treated as 'hints' by search engines and may also pass link equity, depending on what search engines decide in each case. Mature Content:. Max Potential First Input Delay — ms Users could experience a delay when interacting with the page. Want more info on empressleak? Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Delivering smaller JS payloads may help with this. WOT Rating:.

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