Glitter girls dolls

I had fun hosting a guest review on the blog again thank you, Lurkins!

Welcome to Our World, where every day is a dream-filled adventure and the brightest imaginations create the most sparkling journeys! Dolls Posable inch dolls! She loved that she could dress her up and play with her hair. I highly recommend this doll as a gift to any kid that loves playing with dolls. Perfect little doll for a child! She has used it with all sorts of dolls and will play with this set forever. My four almost five year old fell in love with these dolls!

Glitter girls dolls


I'm not sure Gwynn's outfit suits Odessa quite as glitter girls dolls. The top layer is made out of dark pink tulle and has several blue pom poms stitched in place. I hope I can fit all of them onto my photo table.


Welcome to Our World, where every day is a dream-filled adventure and the brightest imaginations create the most sparkling journeys! Dolls Posable inch dolls! She loved that she could dress her up and play with her hair. I highly recommend this doll as a gift to any kid that loves playing with dolls. Perfect little doll for a child! She has used it with all sorts of dolls and will play with this set forever. My four almost five year old fell in love with these dolls! Price was nice too.

Glitter girls dolls

A: Hi Mtngirl. The Glitter Girls dolls hair is meant to be played with. Please remove any plastic ties in the hair before taking it down and brushing it. The Battat Team. Shop all Glitter Girls. About this item. Highlights inch Doll: Charlie has red hair styled in cute topknots, bright blue eyes, and long eyelashes! Includes: This posable doll comes with a dress, leggings, a hair bow, and a cute pair of glitter sandals.

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So I made a slit down one of her arms and one of her legs to expose the wire: She doesn't seem to mind. The biggest down-side to the wire armature is that it comes at the cost of balance. My favorite so far! Sorry about that! American Girl. I thought about you when I saw that Amazon has the big 4-doll Capsule Chix collection on sale, too yep, I have some of those, too Another perk is that, like Alma, Odessa can move her head a bit from side-to-side:. The eyebrows are thin and simple, but I like how the hair lines are not all the same length and are not all spaced apart the same distance. The connection into the body looks similar, too:. New Poppy is actually quite cute to me I even prefer the newer face mold to the old one and she reminds me a bit of Alice in Wonderland.

Shop all Glitter Girls. About this item.

Since I haven't been keeping up with this brand, I have no idea where Odessa falls in the sequence of recent releases, but the bottom of her box has a copyright, so she's fairly new:. I prefer the streak-free realism of Odessa's hair color, though. Odessa's colorful outfit is great on Ellery, too. Furthermore, her hair has more body than Emmi's and so I don't notice any problem with the rooting. Great review yet again! Odessa was shocked by Hallie's fate, although when she realized that she'd gained a new outfit from the deal, she was mollified:. And she still tipped over about three times as I was taking each of these pictures. I like the shape and uniformity of Emmi's body, but I don't like the color of her vinyl. The underskirt is made out of shiny gold fabric:. That discrepancy makes it hard to come to a firm conclusion about Glitter Girls hair in general, but if I'm judging Odessa on her own, then her hair meets or exceeds the quality of many of the other dolls in this series. Ellery New York Doll Collection : she has strange proportions and bad balance.

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