gloster birder

Gloster birder

My name is Mike King and have lived all my life in Gloucestershire. I have birded all over Europe, in the U. I hope you will gloster birder this site interesting, gloster birder. It includes County news, sites to visit, trip reports and other information about birds in Gloucestershire and beyond.

Joanna Harrison. Seven Mandarins 6m, 1f still at Lodgemore Mill at lunchtime. Richard Williams. Slimbridge Sightings. Andy Jayne.

Gloster birder

View all sighting reports for Gloster. Site location details and google satellite image for Gloster. Please click on the map icon below to load Gloster in your preferred map. If you would like to suggest a photo then please email a copy to contact birdguides. A member of our team will review your photograph for suitability and will credit the image to you unless you request otherwise. This Birding Site currently has no useful links assigned to it. If you would like to suggest a link then please send the link in an email to contact birdguides. A member of our team will review your link for suitability and add this to the site as soon as possible. All Records Accepted, Rejected, Pending. To filter Rejected records, type Rejected into the Search box, all columns can be filtered.

Richard Tyler.


The Gloucestershire Birding League is popular with all those who have taken part since , so it will run again this year in the same format. Feral Pigeon, feral Barnacle Goose and feral Greylag will be allowed. Common Cranes have become problematic, in a good way, because of the Great Crane Project at Slimbridge. So to have any sort of rule that is the same for everyone, rightly or wrongly, unringed Common Cranes are countable for the year list. If in doubt about what you can count ask me. New members always welcome. How about this year? Send your totals to me via Twitter GlosterBirder or by e-mail at birder blueyonder. Email Address:.

Gloster birder

Jul 15th It will be a non-religious affair at Gloucester Crematorium on Monday 1st August at pm, and then afterwards in The Mulberry Room for refreshments. I have know him for fifteen years or more, and usually met him in the hides and lanes round the reserves at Ashleworth and Coombe Hill. He found quite a number of rare birds in the county: he was one of the few who saw the Scarlet Rosefinch at Ashleworth; he was the one who actually identified the Stilt Sandpiper at Coombe Hill after Les Brown had seen it without identifying it ; he was the one who found the singing Spotted Crake at Coombe Hill late at night of course last year. He was with us on 10 May this year when Coombe Hill had such a succession of unusual migrants brought in by a south east wind — Grey Plover, Turnstone and Sanderling, plus overflying Black and Arctic Terns, and he was the one who first picked out the terns. The log books reveal him writing down details of things as they happened in front of him: he would record individual variations in the plumages of Curlews as they arrived he was the one who most frequently recorded the colour ringed bird at Ashleworth, and he showed me Curlew chicks in a hayfield near Haw Bridge ; he recorded not only birds, but invertebrates too, especially dragonflies.

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Young Gloucestershire. Ford area A female Goshawk today. Stroud Lots of Mandarin activity at Lodgemore Mill pond with six drakes squabbling over one duck. A Gloucester Boy. Quedgeley, Gloucester District, United Kingdom. Gloucester news and Media. The main activity of the Society is the Reel Club which meets weekly during term-time. We are the Anglican Church of England fam Also a Marsh Harrier over the Dumbles. Paul Sutton. Please call back from time to time to see the new developments and of course, it will still be updated most days. Phil Pope. Centre Pointe School of Dancing. Scoot69 Scooter and Skate Shop. Match all.

Joanna Harrison. Seven Mandarins 6m, 1f still at Lodgemore Mill at lunchtime. Richard Williams.

Walden and Doyle Ltd Decorators. John Elley. Martin Drew. Langley Wellington is one of the premier law firms in Gloucestershire with our main office situat Gloucester News Centre. Here, people connected with the area can share their memories about life and work in this unique The Job Guru, Recruitment Services. Richard Tyler. Gloucester Recreation and Sports. List Grid Map. Martin McGill. RSL Highways and Transportation. Kings Walk Shopping Centre. Gloucester Local History Society is a relatively new group bringing together everyone with an int

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