grace victoria cox under the dome

Grace victoria cox under the dome

Dylan and Ethan treat a patient shot during a drug raid. Charles and Vanessa work together to properly diagnose a motivational speaker. Will and Hannah must turn to Crockett for help with a patient who's pregnant. Case files.

Grace Victoria Cox born March 10, [1] [2] is an American actress. This article about an American television actor is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk.

Grace victoria cox under the dome

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Grace Victoria Cox Actress Soundtrack. Play trailer Heathers Growing up in Lexington, Kentucky, Cox dreamt of becoming an actor. She studied writing and theater at a local school for the arts until moving to Los Angeles at age 17 to pursue acting professionally. Cox appeared in the television series Under the Dome as Melanie Cross from to She also starred as Veronica Sawyer in the reboot of Heathers, a modern-day reboot of the film of the same name. Contact info Agent info Resume. Add to list. View contact info at IMDbPro.

Personal details Edit. She studied writing and theater at a local school for the arts until moving to Los Angeles at age 17 to pursue acting professionally. Dylan and Ethan treat a patient shot during a drug raid.

User Name: Remember Me? Forum Leaders. Request a Forum View New Forums. She is pulled from the lake by Julia Shumway at the beginning of episode 2x She appears to have no memory of her name or origin; but she seems to be connected to the egg Julia dropped in the lake, and to the Dome. Melanie witnessed the brutal murder of Angie Chandler in the deserted high school building but couldn't identify the attacker.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Grace Victoria Cox Actress Soundtrack. Play trailer Heathers Growing up in Lexington, Kentucky, Cox dreamt of becoming an actor. She studied writing and theater at a local school for the arts until moving to Los Angeles at age 17 to pursue acting professionally. Cox appeared in the television series Under the Dome as Melanie Cross from to She also starred as Veronica Sawyer in the reboot of Heathers, a modern-day reboot of the film of the same name. Contact info Agent info Resume.

Grace victoria cox under the dome

Grace Victoria Cox born March 10, [1] [2] is an American actress. This article about an American television actor is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools.


The above said, it's only Season 2, and since a couple of characters didn't make it out of the first season, there are certainly some vacancies for newcomers and new drama. Vaughan's involvement in developing the series, it wouldn't be all that hard to draw some loose parallels. Find More Posts by Lostcandy. Learn more. Melanie Cross. Luckily for her, Cox's rise to stardom was relatively fast. Magnum P. Did I miss something? I really like the theory posted in e speculation thread, but it still doesn't answer the why she's there in the first place question. Looks great Sherry! Here Now 5. We might make several inferences from the name she's been given - Cross. I kind of like this character, odd and all. Kelly West. Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile.

At this point, it's probably fair to say that if you're a Stephen King fan who read Under the Dome , you're about as in-the-dark about what's coming up on the CBS series as any other viewer anticipating the show's second season. The small screen adaptation has already deviated so much from the source material in terms of character development and story that even the dome seems to be playing by its own TV-land rules.

And partially because I think it's more fun to watch a TV show when you don't already know everything that's going to happen. After the series ended, an undeterred Cox continued nabbing TV and film roles. How much have you seen? Contact info Agent info Resume. Learn more. Photos For Cox, however, her true goal was to become a screen actress. That's right. See the list. Videos 7. Play trailer Heathers See the full list. Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond.

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