Halo orbital drop shock trooper

United Earth Government.

Two standard variants of ODST armor. December [1]. Unified Earth Government [2]. Rapid reaction force [4]. At least four divisions [5]. Helljumpers [4].

Halo orbital drop shock trooper

While the concept of dropping human soldiers from orbit had been around since the mid 21st century, the first iterations of the ODST weren't established until At the conclusion of the Rainforest Wars and the Jovian Moons campaign , the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers were a fully established force and participated in every high risk operation during those conflicts. However, the conclusion of these conflicts in , along with the signing of the Callisto Treaty and the subsequent years that followed, the ODSTs saw little action as more political, and more important issues such as overpopulation and famine and a massive military with no purpose gripped the postwar nations of Earth. In the years leading up to , the ODSTs would once again conduct high risk operations against the Insurrectionists, to either stop the enemy before they could carry out attacks against supporters and officials of the Earth Government or to cut off major suppliers to the Insurrectionists. On November 1, , the UNSC moved into a full alert status after the devastating and horrifying first contact with the Covenant at Harvest ; this marked a change in objectives for the ODSTs, who up until that point had been fighting the Insurrectionists. As humanity's military turned to meet the threat of the Covenant, divisions of ODSTs prepared to participate in the most critical engagements in the war and also to conduct the riskiest missions in the history of mankind. In , ODST's were dropped onto Circinius IV to assist in the defense of the planet, but all were lost over the course of the battle. Having successfully kept Covenant forces from occupying the city, the Corps began launching multiple assaults on the Covenant's bases of operations to reclaim the planet. Following the enactment of the Cole Protocol in , ODST combat teams were tasked with boarding commercial and private vessels and purging their navigation databases. The numerous campaigns and operations in which the ODSTs participated throughout the long war all pale in comparison to the Fall of Reach in , during which countless ODSTs lost their lives defending strategic locations on the planet. Throughout the course of the battle, the UNSC formed joint forces to combat against the overwhelming Covenant forces. As the planet fell to the Covenant onslaught, the vessel made a blind Slipspace jump away from the Epsilon Eridani system , discovering the long-abandoned Installation Before the teams could reach the target, however, the carrier jumped into slipspace. Only Alpha-Nine managed to safely land in the city to carryout the retrieval of the Superintendent 's data.

After the fireteams are individually trained for a period of time, squad tactics is reintegrated back into the candidates' training. However, individuals or small groups of troopers are addressed as "ODSTs".

As humanity is forced to reckon with the extraterrestrial theocratic hegemony that is the Covenant , every single element of the military has been mobilized in an effort to combat this grave threat, from the enlisted Marine to the hulking Spartan super soldier. Known for their daring missions in which they are dropped from orbit onto the battlefield, ODSTs are some of the most iconic soldiers humanity has to offer. While their screen time is rather short in the grand scheme of the whole series, their presence casts a large and recognizable shadow. Here are some things even hardcore fans may not have known about the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers of the Halo franchise. After the conclusion of these conflicts, the ODST would see significant combat until the s when the United Earth Government would find itself entangled with a galaxy-spanning insurrection. First contact with the Covenant on the planet Harvest in would force the ODST and the military as a whole to shift its focus away from fighting humans for the most part.

As humanity is forced to reckon with the extraterrestrial theocratic hegemony that is the Covenant , every single element of the military has been mobilized in an effort to combat this grave threat, from the enlisted Marine to the hulking Spartan super soldier. Known for their daring missions in which they are dropped from orbit onto the battlefield, ODSTs are some of the most iconic soldiers humanity has to offer. While their screen time is rather short in the grand scheme of the whole series, their presence casts a large and recognizable shadow. Here are some things even hardcore fans may not have known about the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers of the Halo franchise. After the conclusion of these conflicts, the ODST would see significant combat until the s when the United Earth Government would find itself entangled with a galaxy-spanning insurrection. First contact with the Covenant on the planet Harvest in would force the ODST and the military as a whole to shift its focus away from fighting humans for the most part. Many ODSTs harbor a grudge against the Spartans for one reason or another, although there isn't much evidence that the latter pay this any mind. Aside from both groups being considered to be highly capable warriors contributing to a natural feeling of rivalry, Spartans are often seen by Helljumpers as sociopathic lab rats due to an incident between several ODSTs and a single Spartan candidate - John Spartans are also seen as spoiled, being issued the very best armor, weapons and technology that humanity has to offer. Combined with their tendency to get the lion's share of the credit in battlefield victories, it's no wonder why some ODSTs might carry some resentment.

Halo orbital drop shock trooper

United Nations Space Command. It is highly regarded by many to be one of the best divisions in the United Nations Space Command armed forces. The division's insignia is a "Gold Comet". Members of the th possess 'exceptional' esprit de corps and immense pride and distinction in their unit, reflected by the customary comet-and-skull tattoo each received. Their motto, "Jump Feet First into Hell! The th is infamous for its brutality, even toward fellow human troops. The th has a distinct anthem. Helljumpers sometimes play this song during orbital drops to focus their attention and to calm their nerves. The th was instated as early as , with detachments of the Helljumpers being stationed on a number of ships, including the UNSC Atlas. The th were first deployed against the Covenant during the Battle of Hat Yai in late or early

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The idea of inserting highly trained troops behind enemy lines from high altitudes has its roots in the paratroopers of 20th and 21st century fame, who dropped frequently behind enemy lines to capture strategically important targets in anticipation for a larger advance by more conventional and numerous military forces. Although the term "Shock Troops" became popular in the 20th century, the term is rarely used explicitly, as the strategic concepts behind it have become standardized in contemporary military thinking. An ODST fireteam in action. Lastly, the black uniforms of the ODSTs also seem to have been at least partially inspired by the Mobile Infantry's on-screen look. Some trainees would have to serve as distractions to give their peers the opportunity to eliminate their opponents. Categories : Revenant Era Spartan Ajax Once in the ODSTs, a candidate's training continues - its entrance requirements serve as a third layer of screening upon two more, where applicants would have theoretically failed to pass. While most combat deployments are made by means of ordinary dropships , the SOEIV was designed as a more efficient method of orbital deployment for high-risk operations. Discord IRC Browser. Current Wiki. ODST officers lead from the front and command their troops with acts of bravery and combat proficiency, as most ODSTs are not impressed by authority wielded without competence, nor are they cowed by threats of administrative punishment. Quality deserves to be rewarded. There is several editions and variants of the armor with mission-specific functions.

While the concept of dropping human soldiers from orbit had been around since the mid 21st century, the first iterations of the ODST weren't established until At the conclusion of the Rainforest Wars and the Jovian Moons campaign , the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers were a fully established force and participated in every high risk operation during those conflicts. However, the conclusion of these conflicts in , along with the signing of the Callisto Treaty and the subsequent years that followed, the ODSTs saw little action as more political, and more important issues such as overpopulation and famine and a massive military with no purpose gripped the postwar nations of Earth.

Start a Wiki. In the end, their sacrifices were overshadowed by the loss of the Spartans, but remain no less noble. At the conclusion of the Rainforest Wars and the Jovian Moons campaign , the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers were a fully established force and participated in every high risk operation during those conflicts. The ODST traditions are in contrast to ordinary Marines which regard them as "crazy" to volunteer in such a military service. Discord IRC Browser. Halo: Fireteam Raven , Arcade cabinet. The first and consequently most elite division of ODSTs were the th Orbital Drop Shock Trooper Division , nicknamed the "Helljumpers", and quickly gained a reputation as a brutal and effective fighting force. Unlike some conventional forces, the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers have absolutely no age or gender bias; their entrance requirement are based only on the condition that the candidate meets the physical and mental demands of the selection process. Manufactured by Misriah Armory , [71] the ODST armor incorporates titanium composites for armor plating to give the user added protection. Shock Infantry. This article is about the special forces group.

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