haruto boys planet

Haruto boys planet

However, the group aims to be active in both the Korean and Haruto boys planet markets. The four trainees all hail from Japan and won the hearts of the public with their Korean skills, adorable charms, haruto boys planet, and steady growth as a part of 'Boys Planet's G Group. Anthonny, Haruto, Yuto, and Takuto ended 'Boys Planet' in 32nd, 22nd, 90th, and 27th place, respectively. Log in to comment.

Out of thousands of applicants, 98 contestants from various backgrounds were selected for the show. In the finale on April 20, , which was broadcast live, the show announced the final nine members who would debut as Zerobaseone abbreviated as ZB1. The show serves as a sequel to Girls Planet , this time featuring all male contestants. Boys Planet used a space theme: the two groups of contestants, K -Group and G -Group, acted as "planets" and the show's hosts were dubbed "Star Masters". Under the guidance of seven "Masters", contestants had to go through several rounds of evaluation, during which they had to show off their skills in singing, dancing, and rapping. After each round, the audience, known as "Star Creators", voted for their favorite trainees, determining the final debut line-up. While its predecessor, Girls Planet , limited applications to South Korea , Japan , China , and Taiwan , the regions were expanded this season to allow for international participation.

Haruto boys planet


Kim Tae-rae. The Mnet Plus mobile app was the official platform used for voting and accessing content related to the contestants.


The show is presented by Minhyun. It premiered on February 2, Official Accounts: Website: service. Show more Bak Do Ha fun facts…. Go for it! Show more Cha Woong Ki fun facts….

Haruto boys planet

However, the group aims to be active in both the Korean and Japanese markets. The four trainees all hail from Japan and won the hearts of the public with their Korean skills, adorable charms, and steady growth as a part of 'Boys Planet's G Group. Anthonny, Haruto, Yuto, and Takuto ended 'Boys Planet' in 32nd, 22nd, 90th, and 27th place, respectively. Log in to comment.

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The episode ends with the "Say My Name" team about to perform. However, the group aims to be active in both the Korean and Japanese markets. Retrieved March 23, — via Naver. Then, the first two performances, "SuperCharger" and "En Garde", are shown. Retrieved April 23, — via Naver. Share this article. Keita 6. February 2 — April 20, Star Creators voted for three boys regardless of their group. Archived from the original on March 16, SG Wannabe Davichi Rocoberry. In the table below, the blue numbers represent the lowest ratings and the red numbers represent the highest ratings. There is more info on Phabricator and on MediaWiki.


Park Gun-wook 7. Cinema Cafe in Japanese. Archived from the original on December 13, Lastly, Hiroto manages to remain in the competition by placing 28th. After the Signal Song Test is over, the trainees vote for a center to represent each group for the final "Here I Am" stage. I wish them all the best for a successful future career. TV Report. Retrieved June 15, — via Instagram. Retrieved March 29, — via Naver. December 13, Star News in Korean. Retrieved February 27, — via Naver.

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