how old is nikol johnson

How old is nikol johnson

Nikol Johnson is an on-air beauty expert, licensed esthetician, and multi-media makeup artist who founded her beauty brand, Fresh Beauty Studioin

On Air Beauty Expert , Licensed Esthetician, and multi-media makeup artist Nikol Johnson rocked the beauty world when she decided to liberate her gray hair at thirty-nine. Breaking the beauty rules for Nikol came with a little hesitation. In the world of beauty where being young and wrinkle free is Queen, how would the world react to a woman willingly letting her hair go gray and just turning forty? Nikol launched Fresh Beauty Studio in and has spent the past ten years creating gorgeous faces at her boutique makeup studio where she concentrates on advanced permanent makeup techniques, airbrush makeup, and flawless skin, giving hundreds of women the confidence through beauty and education. As a niche social influencer Nikol has over 3 million views on her beauty YouTube channel and reaches tens of thousands of women across her social media platforms looking for a change in the anti-aging beauty industry. A frequent guest speaker at the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals on marketing and building your brand Nikol inspires women to find their personal power and ignite change not only in their business but within themselves.

How old is nikol johnson

Nikol Johnson rocked the beauty world when she decided to liberate her gray hair at thirty-nine. As a niche social influencer Nikol has over 13 million views on her beauty YouTube channel and reaches tens of thousands of women across her social media platforms looking for a change in the anti-aging beauty industry. Around , long before social media was what it is now and when YouTube in particular was in its infancy, Nikol took an American Express-sponsored business course which inspired her to start a channel. She launched her channel in January of as a way to share her knowledge and expertise in makeup and skincare. For the first few years of her channel, she was doing makeup tutorials, making videos about procedures she was doing on clients, following trends, and doing what everyone else was doing, but it felt almost an abyss to her. Was anyone even watching? In , she went through an IVF journey that was physically and mentally taxing. At the time, IVF was still a pretty taboo topic. She also started going gray in her 30s, which only compounded her feelings of being an outsider. Nobody was really creating content about what the IVF process was like, nor was anyone creating content for women with gray hair. Her authenticity attracted viewers to her channel.. She felt like it had a story to tell.

Brow Mascara. Nikol is based out of South Florida and is a huge lover of French bulldogs especially her little four-year-old Frenchie.

On-Air Beauty Expert, Licensed Esthetician, and multi-media makeup artist Nikol Johnson-Sanchez rocked the beauty world when she decided to liberate her gray hair at thirty-nine. I am writing to you to let you know pleased I have been with the order placement, shipping updates and delivery! The packaging is beautiful and I cannot wait to begin using the products tomorrow. I think your customer service is above and beyond and wanted to drop a line to let you know. Hello Beautiful made me smile. Even the box it came in is lovely.

Nikol Johnson is an on-air beauty expert, licensed esthetician, and multi-media makeup artist who founded her beauty brand, Fresh Beauty Studio , in Nikol started her career as a FORD model at the age of 15, and on the cusp of turning 40, she decided to own her beauty and liberate her grey hair. Through her business Fresh Beauty Studio and her social channels, she encourages women to embrace their beauty, no matter their age. Nikol wears the Adria Gown in black. Photo Credit: Rick Gomez Photography rickgomezphotos. How did you discover your passion for beauty products, and when did you create Nikol Cosmetics? I have always enjoyed helping women with skincare and makeup since high school. I was asked what products I used and if I could do makeup for everyone at Homecoming. Beauty, cosmetics, and skincare came naturally to me, and I loved them.

How old is nikol johnson

On-Air Beauty Expert, Licensed Esthetician, and multi-media makeup artist Nikol Johnson rocked the beauty world when she decided to liberate her gray hair at thirty-nine. Breaking the beauty rules for Nikol came with a little hesitation. In the world of beauty where being young and wrinkle-free is Queen, how would the world react to a woman willingly letting her hair go gray and just turning forty? Nikol launched Fresh Beauty Studio in and spent sixteen years creating gorgeous faces at her boutique makeup and skin care studio. The series started out featuring four different women representing ages from the fifties to eighties. Broadcast uses cookies to improve your browsing experience. Your Cart is Empty. This site has limited support for your browser. We recommend switching to Edge, Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. Makeup Show menu Exit menu Makeup.

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The packaging is beautiful and I cannot wait to begin using the products tomorrow. As a niche social influencer Nikol has over 3 million views on her beauty YouTube channel and reaches tens of thousands of women across her social media platforms looking for a change in the anti-aging beauty industry. Brightening Powder. A lot of women who go gray have all different patterns of how it grows gray. She has accumulated over K subscribers on the platform. Webinars and Live calls: I use Zoom. Face Show menu Exit menu Face. Holiday Gift Sets. I have had an incredible opportunity with my husband for the last two years to build and design our new home, which is almost complete, from textures, and fabrics down to the molding. Lip Gloss.

She is an active member of the Screen Actors Guild. After a 15 year run in the modeling industry, Nikol moved forward with her passion for skin care and cosmetics and became a licensed aesthetician in It also starts with how you take care of yourself by what you put into your body and how you take the time to exercise, stretch and be still every day.

Bronzing Powder. Rather than taking in the negative energy in, she lets it out through exercise. Share this: Facebook X. Channel that negative energy into something that works for you. Rose Makeup Bag. Her proficiency in makeup and fashion has garnered her a large following and passionate fan base. She talk a lot about in her book Beauty Reinvented which is available through Amazon. Fierce Aging Series. I was asked what products I used and if I could do makeup for everyone at Homecoming. Posted on November 22

2 thoughts on “How old is nikol johnson

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