hunter hunter biscuit

Hunter hunter biscuit

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! She is a professional Treasure Hunter that enlisted in clearing the video game Greed Island following the auction for the maizono in Yorknew City, hunter hunter biscuit. She prefers to be called "Bisky.

Biscuit Krueger , also known as Bisky, is a professional Hunter, known to be one of the strongest in the world of Hunter x Hunter. Being a Double-Star Hunter, Bisky has great experience and has taught the usage of Nen to some of the most qualified Nen users in the story. Bisky has been a big part of the Hunter x Hunter story since the Greed Island arc and she continues to be a crucial character for the growth of Gon and Killua as the story moves forward. Biscuit Krueger's appearance makes one believe that she's a young girl, however, that's just an image that she likes to put up because she hates her true appearance. Bisky is actually an adult and during the time of her debut, she is known to be 57 years old. Her true form is much bigger and more muscular.

Hunter hunter biscuit

She also served as the tritagonist for the Greed Island Arc. Biscuit likes to act and look like a young girl. Her overall aspect is reminiscent of a porcelain doll. She is often shown wearing a sleeveless dress, a bloomer with a mantle and skirt donned over it, and gloves and plain leather shoes. Her hair is tied up neatly and has changed its style thrice. In her true form, she is a massive and highly muscular woman, several times the size of her preferred form. Although she claims to stay in her younger form to have the enemy underestimate her, the main reason is that she hates her original appearance. Regardless of which form she is in, Biscuit is very powerful. However, she does receive a tremendous power boost in terms of physical strength when she reverts her Nen stays relatively unchanged between her forms. She has brown hair and blue eyes. In the anime adaptation, her hair is a lighter brown than in the manga. In the anime adaptation, her hair is blonde, and her eyes are pink. Biscuit has a devious personality.

In her fight with Binolt, she hunter hunter biscuit his attack and at the same time flipped him over, putting him in a suitable position for a critical strike. Suddenly feeling Binolt 's bloodlust, she warns Gon and Killua and has them pretend that they noticed nothing, staging her departure from the group to lure the murderer towards herself.


Biscuit Krueger looks like a little girl, and when it comes to her heart's desires, that's exactly how she acts until she gets what she truly wants. They met her when they entered Greed Island Arc , and she became their trainer to help them find Gon's father. Now, no one does anything out of the goodness of their heart, and neither does our beloved and mysterious Biscuit Krueger. She is obsessed with finding shiny trinkets and treasures wherever she goes. Biscuit Krueger, who prefers to be called Bisky, is not the little girl she seems to be. Bisky is actually a muscular woman, but she fancies a porcelain doll look so that her enemies don't see her as a threat at first glance. Biscuit is very powerful and when she transforms into her true form, her powers will be magnified, but her Nen known as aura doesn't change between her forms shifts. Nen is a technique that lets living things harness their own life energy.

Hunter hunter biscuit

It first aired on January 20 th , Gon and Killua finally realize Biscuit's true strength and ask her to teach them Nen. With that said, she began training them hard.

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Her true form is much bigger and more muscular. Biscuit Krueger. A consummate liar, she has developed the ability to tell when someone is hiding something, even someone as skilled as Hisoka, [8] and she uses her youthful appearances to trick her opponents into underestimating her. Excellent Teacher: In a short time, Gon and Killua grew tremendously in strength and Nen abilities thanks to her training. The more a Nen user has practiced their Ten and Ren, the easier it is for them to complete the exercise. Biscuit has introduced Nen exercises to develop her students' Nen abilities. When she questions Gon in return, she learns that he is the son of Ging Freecss and tells him that his father is, according to Isaac Netero , one of the best Nen users in the world. She also served as the tritagonist for the Greed Island Arc. He thinks that the murderer used a clone and that he was one of the two bodyguards on break at the time of Momoze's death. Biscuit participates in Tsezguerra 's selection test for Battera 's Greed Island challenge.

She also served as the tritagonist for the Greed Island Arc.

Biscuit's Nen ability summons a masseuse to relieve fatigue and restore aura to anyone she massages. She tells them that she will not teach them anything else until they can maintain their Ren for three hours, but they cannot even make it to one. Through gruesome training, she was able to reach the peak of her physical potential. Laughing, she tells Bara that she let him land a strong hit on her face before her transformation because when she releases her full power, she sometimes fails to control herself. Her voice also becomes more maculine as a result. Biscuit is a Transmuter who also appears to be proficient in Emission , Enhancement , and Manipulation , despite the latter Nen type being the hardest for Transmuters to master. Although she is a transmuter, Bisky is skilled enough to use other Nen types as well, which include Emission, Enhancement, Manipulation, and possibly even Conjuration. Keen Intellect: Biscuit is very smart, analytic, and knowledgeable, especially regarding Nen. Heroine Overview. Next, Biscuit has the boys run to Masadora in three hours. As far as martial arts and training are concerned, Biscuit takes a stern and serious attitude towards her opponents and students alike. In her fight with Binolt, she dodged his attack and at the same time flipped him over, putting him in a suitable position for a critical strike. In the anime adaptation, her hair is a lighter brown than in the manga. Start a Wiki. As a Stone Hunter, she loves collecting precious stones, gems, and rare jewels and has a habit of naming them.

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