

Jenova was a Calamity that fell from the sky a long, long time ago, jenova, and tried to destroy the planet

The striking narrative of Final Fantasy 7 is one of the most memorable things about the RPG, but because of the complex lore and history, it's difficult to remember all the little details. That's especially true of Jenova, a major antagonistic presence in Final Fantasy 7 and the party responsible for virtually the entire story. Despite its importance, the lore surrounding Jenova is complex and wasn't explained very clearly in the original game. Jenova's crucial role is easy to gloss over; it takes many different forms throughout the story so it can be hard to keep track of what is Jenova and what is not. While Jenova is generally described as a character in the Final Fantasy 7 universe , it's not even a character in the traditional sense. Jenova has no character arc, no lines apart from when it's being used by Sephiroth, and no drive except to destroy everything. It's a truly mysterious and unnerving being that's always in the backdrop of Final Fantasy 7.


Jenova is as much an antagonist to the series as Sephiroth or his contemporaries prove to be. Jenova first appeared in the original Final Fantasy VII , but has been mentioned in nearly every Final Fantasy title and spinoff since then. Though Jenova is often referred to as a female, this changes with the source material. Jenova has a feminine body, but has been referred to as "he" and "it" several times through the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. She has a heart-like external biological structure at its feet and only a left eye. Jenova has long silver hair and a grey or blue skin tone depending on the game. The Cetra, or Ancients, knew Jenova as the "calamity from the skies," referring to her alien origin. Some 2, years ago, the entity that would eventually be known as Jenova crashed into the planet on a meteorite, creating North Crater. The creature came into contact with the Cetra race and introduced a virus that would mutate the majority of their people into monsters. The few remaining Cetra banded together and ultimately sealed Jenova away in North Crater, but the victory wasn't without its cost. The Cetra civilization dwindled until there were nearly none remaining, paving the way for the humans that came after. Around 30 years before the events of FFVII , Shinra was looking for ways to expand its Mako energy business and was captivated by the accounts of the Cetra's "promised land. This would lead to the Jenova Project, an attempt to produce a human-Cetra hybrid that could ultimately lead Shinra to the promised land of legend. Though Shinra's experimentation never led to the desired hybrid it sought, it did prove useful in producing super-soldiers. Sephiroth was simply told that his mother's name was Jenova and that she'd died during childbirth; it wouldn't be until years later that he'd come to learn the horrible truth.

As stated in Professor Hojo 's Jenova Reunion Theoryjenova Jenova's cells have been separated from the main body, jenova, they will seek to reunite.

Jenova is an extraterrestrial lifeform. Jenova serves as one of the primary antagonists in the world of Final Fantasy VII, and experiments on its cells have produced many of the other antagonists as well, including Sephiroth. Jenova is often referred to as "she", though Ifalna calls "her" a "he" or "it" in the PC version. Jenova has a female form and is said to be the "mother" of Sephiroth. Jenova's name is a portmanteau of "Jehovah" and "Nova". Thus, Jenova's name means "New God", a point of symbolic significance, although this connection is not seen in the game. Additionally, a nova is a cataclysmic nuclear explosion of enormous proportions caused by the accretion of hydrogen onto the surface of a white dwarf star.

It is now an undisputed fact that the life form excavated from the Earth is indeed of the ancient race spoken of in legend. Furthermore, history records that these 'Ancients' channeled the power of this planet to tear the earth asunder. Using the cells of the unearthed Ancient, we have begun research on creating and mass-producing a race with comparable abilities. The primary objective of this research is to significantly reduce mako excavation costs. Shinra conducted the experiments with the ultimate goal of creating a human hybrid with the extraterrestrial creature Jenova , whom Shinra mistakenly believed to be an Ancient. Professor Gast Faremis mistakenly identified the life form as a Cetra, and named it Jenova. Seeking to monopolize mako energy in their bid to dominate the planet , Shinra commissioned the Jenova Project with the intent of creating a new genus of Cetra who would lead Shinra to the Promised Land said to be abundant in mako.


She is fought just before the final battle with Sephiroth as the first part of a series of bosses in the Northern Cave , in " The Planet's Judgment ". This is the final Jenova boss. The tentacles will damage the party for around 1, points, along with possibly inflicting Sadness with Absorb; this does not drain HP, and is only used if part C is alive. She may inflict Fury with Repeating Slap when part B is alive. Her Bio2 attack may poison to all party members, and she only uses it if both tentacles are alive. Her Cure3 spell restores HP to all her allies at once and is used if part C is alive but part B is dead. Her Stop ability is used if part B is alive but part C is dead. Once her health is below 15, HP, Jenova will count down from five, and upon reaching 0, she will cast Ultima as a final attack , and the party will gain no EXP or AP from the battle.

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The corpse of Jenova is then moved to Shinra Headquarters. Sephiroth refers to Jenova as his mother several times and doesn't appear to have any connection to Lucrecia. While there he created Cloud and Flow , and met fellow student Kellee Santiago. Unlike the other forms, Jenova Synthesis appears more humanoid like the other ones seemed more monstrous. The plague ultimately leads to Sephiroth's revival when one of the physical manifestations of his will comes into contact with Jenova's DNA. Pazto 3 years ago 1 As far as we know, Jenova is some sort of extraterrestrial "thing" landed on Gaia with a meteor ages ago. With Sephiroth in the Lifestream, he hoped this would cause all those with his shared cells to form a Reunion. I thought; wouldn't it be nice if it was a portal that would allow you to be embraced by nature. Jenova has long silver hair parted through the center. Cloud was being influenced on a subconscious level by the Jenova cells inside him as the result of being a subject of Hojo's Jenova Reunion Theory experiment. When Rufus attempted to discard the remains, Kadaj salvaged them. Rows: Columns:. Towards the movie's end, Kadaj melds with the Jenova remains in order to become Sephiroth. From there Jenova escapes into the outside world. Log In Sign Up.

The final boss of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a doozy. The final boss is a grueling multi-stage fight that requires all of your characters.

Ifalna describes the process as the alien creature giving the Cetra "the virus". He's a textbook mad scientist. As Jenova bears female anatomy, the body has two breasts. Fantasy Sci-fi Final Fantasy. Jenova was found by Shinra in a fossilised state and was thought to be the last surviving member of the Cetra people. Roughly two millennia later, almost all memory of the creature had faded. Seeing as Jenova is not definitely humanoid or even sentient, gendering them is a much more difficult process. The decades of research performed by Shinra would lead us to believe the Cetra simply died out, quite possibly by the meteor at the North Crater or even the hands of humanity. But what actually IS Jenova? The strain of his discoveries drove him insane. China News Service.

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