jesus calling august 19

Jesus calling august 19

August 16 — No Tired Work Rest. It is wrong to force work. Rest until Life, Eternal Life, flowing through your veins and hearts and minds, bids you bestir yourselves, and work, glad work, will follow.

Father God, We love you, we seek you, we are dependant upon you, help guide us through this day and have us look to you continually. Knowing you provide the fruits of the spirit we stray to seek joy, love, and hope in earthly things that never last. Please disrupt our errored ways and have us refocus our attention on you. Beautiful words and so true. I think so many say they believe in Godbut it's almost like he's separate from our daily lives on earth.

Jesus calling august 19

I know how very much you need Me. I can read your thoughts, and I see how empty they are when they wander away from Me. Come to Me. I will give you rest for your soul, and I will refresh your mind and body. As you learn to find your joy in Me, the joys of this world — video games, computers, and cell phones — seem less important. Knowing Me — truly knowing Me — is like having a fountain of Joy within you. Spending time in My Presence keeps you connected to Me. While you wait with Me, I show you all that I have to offer. If you feel empty or distant from Me, simply bring your attention back to Me. This will keep you close to Me throughout the moments of your life. Psalm — Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.

Who heals all our dis-eases, Who quenches our thirst with Living Water, Who satisfies our hunger with the Bread of Heaven.

Amen, God is good. This book was first given to me while I was incarcerated, experienced a domestic violence situation and when I called the police I was arrested as well and was sent to Texas where I did 11 months away from my kids. This book pulls at my spirit, always having what I need to hear and helps me focus on where I need to read at in my Bible. Be blessed everyone. Peace be with you friend. Keep strong in your faith.

Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the 1 best-selling day devotional "Jesus Calling. This week, we speak with Navy veteran Michael Hyacinthe, who is also an artist and sculptor. Our second guest is climate scientist and speaker Katharine Hayhoe, whose work bridges the gap between science and faith. Interpreting complex climate data through the lens of religious stewardship, Katharine educates faith-based communities on their role as protectors of creation. Both individuals exemplify how unconventional talents can spark change and encourage others to utilize their own unique gifts for the greater good. You don't often think of physics as being a way to love others, but this was a way that I could use my skills to do this.

Jesus calling august 19

Father God, We love you, we seek you, we are dependant upon you, help guide us through this day and have us look to you continually. Knowing you provide the fruits of the spirit we stray to seek joy, love, and hope in earthly things that never last. Please disrupt our errored ways and have us refocus our attention on you. Beautiful words and so true. I think so many say they believe in Godbut it's almost like he's separate from our daily lives on earth. We need to continually communicate wit Our Lord to avoid the temptations of this Earth. Wonderful prayer! Jesus, Remind us to focus on You when we get distracted by the trappings of this fallen world. Wonderful prayer.

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Recent Posts. How often we try to measure our growth as if we had growth marks scribed on a door frame. It then came to me how I had several times in life would tell them, You know guys, if you were given a choice of picking your crosses in life, you wouldn't pick any of them! Works more often than not! Happy Monday everyone! You are ready for the guidance but you do not rejoice as you should, both of you, in the little daily stones of the way. I knock. They end up hurting families and relationships by substituting our will for His. I haven't had any solid food in 3 days. Blessings to you, my JC Family and prayer warriors! I remembered to pray for little Jairo. Knowing Me intimately is like having a private wellspring of Joy within you. Blessing to you this beautiful day God as made. Would they not make holiday anywhere for you.

Amen, God is good. This book was first given to me while I was incarcerated, experienced a domestic violence situation and when I called the police I was arrested as well and was sent to Texas where I did 11 months away from my kids. This book pulls at my spirit, always having what I need to hear and helps me focus on where I need to read at in my Bible.

He knew he was really loved. We had our music Jam last night and we found out a dear friend who had started with our music Jam 18 years ago, had some mental health issues, and instead of going to a Therapist, he used drugs and alcohol to ease the pain. Great song and testimony, NJS. Lean on Him. He is faithful even if we haven't seen "it" yet. In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. If you feel any deficiency, you need to refocus your attention on Me. My kids all got homesick in their first years. Loveconquersall, Congratulations on your new grandson and please know that I am praying for your daughter's quick recovery. I am 67 yrs old and read my Bible every day. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Thank you Jesus for my JC family. I love how transparent this group is, it helps me as I go through this minor storm; I pray that GOD keeps me focused on HIM and not everything that has already fallen apart! I know the depth and breadth of your need for Me.

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