liveleak stoning

Liveleak stoning

The two-minute clip shows a group of men throwing stones with increasing intensity at a covered individual crammed in a hole in the ground. A crowd of onlookers are seen capturing the incident on their mobile phones and a woman's pitiful cries can plainly be heard. Local official Mohammad Zaman Azimi, liveleak stoning a previous reportliveleak stoning, blamed Taliban militants for the execution.

The Islamic State IS group has released an undated video that appears to show an elderly Syrian man stone his daughter to death for alleged adultery. A UK-based Syria monitoring group said it took place in central Hama province but could not confirm the date. The video's authenticity could not be independently verified by the BBC. IS is known for employing brutal tactics in areas under its control in Syria and Iraq, including mass killings of religious and ethnic minorities. The group has increasingly posted video clips online of public executions carried out on people living under its strict implementation of Islamic law, or Sharia, including the beheadings of captured soldiers and foreign journalists.

Liveleak stoning

The two-minute clip shows a group of men throwing rocks at a covered woman who is lying in a hole that has been dug in the ground. The woman's cries and screams can be heard. The Taliban also said the stoning had been carried out by a pro-government militia commander. But local officials blamed Taliban militants for the execution. The victim, identified as Rokhshana, had been accused of having premarital sex with her fiance. The incident took place in the village of Ghalmin on the outskirts of Firoz Koh, the provincial capital. But Afghan journalists and activists say the new footage, which was first uploaded on social media on January 30, documents a more recent stoning in the Taywara district of Ghor Province. The provincial government's power extends little beyond Firoz Koh. The Taliban and dozens of illegal, armed groups run by former warlords and militia leaders are active in Ghor -- a key transit route for shipments through Afghanistan of weapons and opium. Many have blamed the Taliban. The peace talks have provoked controversy among some Afghans who view the Taliban as terrorists who should not be negotiated with. Capital Punishment While it is unclear why the woman in the video was punished, unmarried girls in Afghanistan are often restricted to their homes and banned from having contact with men outside of their immediate families. Brutal punishments often await Afghan women and girls who break social norms. Death by stoning for convicted adulterers is banned under Afghan law, although offenders face long prison terms for adultery.

Mahbouba Seraj, liveleak stoning, a civil-society and women's rights representative who is in Doha along with a number of other Afghan participants not affiliated with the Taliban-led government, told Radio Azadi that priority topics liveleak stoning day two would include the plight of women and girls under the Taliban. Many citizens don't have the means to buy gas, coal, wood, or fuel to cook and heat their households.

Man and woman executed for adultry despite the wishes of villagers. A few dozen spectators — people from the local community -- start throwing rocks at the woman, who had already been placed in a 4-foot-deep hole. They throw with relish and yell, "Allah akbar. At one point a large rock strikes her head and she falls down, her burqa red with blood. After the rock throwing ends, a few people debate whether she should be shot.

Man and woman executed for adultry despite the wishes of villagers. A few dozen spectators — people from the local community -- start throwing rocks at the woman, who had already been placed in a 4-foot-deep hole. They throw with relish and yell, "Allah akbar. At one point a large rock strikes her head and she falls down, her burqa red with blood. After the rock throwing ends, a few people debate whether she should be shot. Eventually one of the spectators shoots her with an AK She falls into the hole, out of sight. There is a short period of absolute silence, and then the spectators turn to each other and start talking. Then the man is brought into the crowd and blindfolded with his own tunic. The same scene proceeds, but with larger rocks and more abandon.

Liveleak stoning

WITH stonings, beheadings and being shot with assault rifles at point blank range, the women of Afghanistan face being left to a horrific fate. Taliban forces are surging across the country at an alarming rate after Western forces abandoned the nation after 20 years of war and seemingly futile attempts at rebuilding it. With the jihadi army now in control of more than half of Afghanistan's cities, tens of thousands of people have been left fleeing for their lives. And as the Taliban rampages across the country, some of its most brutalised victims have been - and will be - the country's women. Women were brutally oppressed when then the militant group last controlled Afghanistan in the 90s - and this looks set to return. Already there have been reports of girls as young as 12 being married off to fighters, a woman being shot for wearing "tight clothes", and women being told they cannot leave home without a male chaperone. The worst looks still to come as the Taliban will likely roll out the vile executions for offences as trivial as being seen talking to men as they sweep territory on the road to Kabul. Human rights groups and experts have all sounded the alarm over the fate that awaits the women of Afghanistan - but it looks like it may be too late to stop the tide. Taliban militants in beheaded a woman for going shopping alone while her husband was away from home in the village of Larri.

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United Nations experts on discrimination against women and girls have called on the international community to formally recognize "gender apartheid" as a crime against humanity. The possible appointment of a special UN envoy to Afghanistan will be one of the key issues discussed at the meeting, which will bring together the special representatives for Afghanistan from various countries. Some Afghans who have been detained by the Turkish police in the past claim that they were tortured by the security forces during their detention. The Taliban, however, celebrated the move as a major diplomatic victory. Those who live in remote regions also face humanitarian aid delays as the heavy snow makes roads impassable. Parasto, a resident of Kabul, said the Taliban's restrictions are preventing single women from seeking the limited health care that is available. Tehran has not recognized the Taliban government. Back to top. Back to top. Russia also said via its embassy in Afghanistan that it wouldn't send a delegation to the Qatari meeting. Finding Perspective: U. The landslide in the Nurgram district of Nuristan Province destroyed as many as six homes, according to Gohar Rahman, a deputy district governor for Afghanistan's Taliban-led government. The Taliban employs strict interpretations of Shari'a law, which prescribes punishments such as stoning and executions. After a tough exchange, both countries quickly cooled their rhetoric — culminating in the recent talks held in Islamabad.

Donations from readers like you allow us to do what we do. Please help us continue our work with a monthly or one-time donation. ISIS Member : You are the first woman in this area on whom we are implementing the punishment of stoning for adultery.

The 5. Local official Mohammad Zaman Azimi, in a previous report , blamed Taliban militants for the execution. The provincial government's power extends little beyond Firoz Koh. Kay said that if the meeting achieves consensus over appointing a UN special envoy, it will be "good progress. Xi and Mirzoyoev also spoke about the long-discussed China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway, with the Chinese leader saying that work should begin as soon as possible, athough no specifics were offered and there are reportedly still key disputes over how the megaproject will be financed. The country's aid-dependent economy has shrunk dramatically as natural disasters, climate change, and forced returns of Afghan refugees from neighboring countries have worsened the world's largest humanitarian crisis. The Taliban's attitude is deeply insulting and extremely aggressive. But the Taliban refused her passport application and ordered her to return with her father, who died years ago. The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August drove millions into poverty and hunger after foreign aid stopped almost overnight. Kay says that reforming or diluting the Taliban's hard-line policies will be "a long, hard process," because the group is committed to its ideology and way of governing. By Abubakar Siddique. We'll notify you here with news about. Transparency International pointed to Uzbekistan as a bright spot in the region, with the country's score having risen by 15 points over the past decade to 33, with the government being credited for taking key steps include the creation of an anti-corruption agency, strengthening legislation, and liberalizing the economy.

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