los chepes photos

Los chepes photos

Cross one of the most imposing mountain range of Mexico through bridges and tunnels, gems of Mexican engineering, los chepes photos. All in an environment designed to pamper you with our excellent staff and the comfort of our Express service. Los Mochis Sinaloa.

Chepe's tacos, fresh tortillas, variety of sauces and best of all; spicy! For all those who like good tacos and different stews, this is ideal. I found bugs in my burrito, Pls people check ur food before eating, if u ever go to this place ; U might not go after viewing this pictures. This place is absolutely godlike. Never did I really go out for tacos until I discovered this place.

Los chepes photos


It's in sideplus Chevron but it will blow your mind! For those travellers passionated about experimenting all the things that Sierra Tarahumara has to offer, and of course the extraordinary gastronomy of Sinaloa.


Cuisines: Mexican. Is this your restaurant? Click to add your description here. The bartenders were drunk the whole time. The worst part though is that the middle aged lady who worked this Wednesday, February 29 made fun of my d I am going to order a motion for a divorce from Hienies McCarthy for irreconcilable differences after this Tuesday's experience of ordering an wh I was very disappointed on Feb 26, that the Apple Haus does not sell Turnovers and Strusel anymore. I loved them now they are no more I came in around 2pm and asked for a Chicken Butrito Bowl to go. There was no chicken out, s

Los chepes photos

Tucked away on a side street, this restaurant might become one of your top taco spots. The decor is also one of my favorites. They have adorable Ty stuffed animals as part of their cashier area.

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Karina Jimena Romo Montoya google. Chepes Tacos BV. But customer service sucked blond girl didn't introduce her self so I don't know her name did not get our order right i ordered a side of fries I'm pregnant so its a craving never got them.. Chepes Tacos HS. Chepes Tacos SC. Rigo Luevano google. OzzyBud google. Chepes Tacos gm. We enjoyed the evening a lot with the courteous service, with the magnificent dishes and wine and with the modest price. Chepes Tacos KJ. I found bugs in my burrito, Pls people check ur food before eating, if u ever go to this place ; U might not go after viewing this pictures. Add rating restaurant:.


Beto Villasenor google. Restaurant Open. This place has great tacos, and is right off Highway Didn't like the food tastes like it was microwaved. Chepes Tacos ng. The best tacos in kern county. Chepes Tacos KJ. Rodrigo Heraldez google. The food is really really good. Chepes Tacos SC. Very rich taquitos and very good attention. Irma Ornelas google. Cross one of the most imposing mountain range of Mexico through bridges and tunnels, gems of Mexican engineering.

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