love and other drugs imdb

Love and other drugs imdb

In s Pittsburgh, a medicine peddler starts a relationship with a young woman suffering from Parkinson's disease. Jamie Randall : Hey, Lisa.

Sign In. Jamie Randall Anne Hathaway Maggie Murdock Oliver Platt Bruce Winston Hank Azaria Stan Knight Josh Gad

Love and other drugs imdb

Sign In. Hide Spoilers. I enjoyed the chemistry between Gyllenhaal and Hathaway quite a bit. It's definitely the selling point of this film and makes it watchable. The story involving pharmaceutical companies and the healthcare industry is interesting, as is the late 90s setting. The film ultimately falls into typical rom com conventions though. However, the chemistry of the two leads and the focus on the struggle of Parkinson's help make this one slightly rise above the pack. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. This film surprised me in a good way. From the trailer and the posters to be found in many of the bus shelters of our town it would have been fair to have expected a routine rom-com. Jake Gylenhall pulls off the role of super bright but super slacker son Jamie in a high achieving family well and is convincing as a magnetising presence that women find irresistible. The absence of Anne Hathaway's character Maggie in the first segment of the film is the first suggestion that this will not be a routine paint by numbers romance and Maggie's introduction sets the scene for the complex character she successfully portrays. This film covers a lot of ground and both of the leads are engaging and believable. Issues such as serious illness, the workings of the big pharmaceutical companies and their attempts to influence the decision making of medical professionals, the struggle people have to pay for treatment and a believably complex love story are woven in without significant signposting or obvious plot twists.

Knight goes in to see a patient and Jamie wearing a white lab coat pretends to be an intern. Details Edit. The same can be said about Maggie constantly accusing Jamie of having pity sex with the diseased girl.

In s Pittsburgh, a medicine peddler starts a relationship with a young woman suffering from Parkinson's disease. Jamie Randall : Hey, Lisa. Bruce Winston : Her name's not Lisa. Jamie Randall : I know. I know.

Sign In. Hide Spoilers. I enjoyed the chemistry between Gyllenhaal and Hathaway quite a bit. It's definitely the selling point of this film and makes it watchable. The story involving pharmaceutical companies and the healthcare industry is interesting, as is the late 90s setting. The film ultimately falls into typical rom com conventions though. However, the chemistry of the two leads and the focus on the struggle of Parkinson's help make this one slightly rise above the pack. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. This film surprised me in a good way.

Love and other drugs imdb

In s Pittsburgh, a medicine peddler starts a relationship with a young woman suffering from Parkinson's disease. Jamie Randall : Hey, Lisa. Bruce Winston : Her name's not Lisa. Jamie Randall : I know. I know. But, if everytime I say "Hey, Lisa", then eventually she'll come up to me and she'll be like, you know, "My name's not Lisa it's And, from then on Jennifer, or whatever her name is, will think that I dated a girl who looked just like her She'll develop this unconscious need to win my approval and from then on, it's cake.

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Jump to Summaries 3 Synopsis 1 Edit. Jamie Randall : Oh, no. Oliver Platt and Hank Azaria are both good in their roles but the screenplay doesn't offer much for either of them. Besides the lessons learnt and applicability in the corporate world, I totally agree with how being good looking puts one at a certain advantage because people like aesthetically pleasing things and beings, or try as hard to deny that such things exist. Edit page. The final boner scenes were downright bad and brought some terrible "American Pie" humor to a film where it did not fit at all. Sign In Sign In. Earlier in the day, she realized that she ran out of medicines and couldn't get to the pharmacy in time to get a refill due to the wait in the clinic. Gyllenhaal is just as good in his role as he's the one who plays the immature guy who eventually gets a dose of medicine and has to wake up from his little play world. Knight goes in to see a patient and Jamie wearing a white lab coat pretends to be an intern. Stuber uncredited Aaron Bernard Viagra Guy 1 uncredited William Kania All in all too long, too many sub plots, too many F-bombs, and not the chemistry there should have been between the two stars.

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Doctor in Parking Lot Scott Cohen Gail Peter Friedman Please try again. Carol uncredited Tony Amen An error has occured. Throw in a raunchily pathetic younger brother Josh Gad , a hilarious sales partner Oliver Platt , and a violent former Marine Gabriel Macht as the 1 competition, and 'Love and Other Drugs' quickly becomes one of the funniest films in years. So, uh Comedy Drama Romance. My glasses are off. See our predictions. Viagra Doctor.

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