Maegor the cruel

George R. Martin created an extensive history for his fictional world that inspired Game of Thrones, maegor the cruel. Throughout the story, the history is referenced, making it feel as real as a world with dragons can.

This raises the question: why was the third Targaryen king remembered as the proverbial tyrant in Game of Thrones? Aenys was always regarded as the heir apparent although he was quite frail, whereas Maegor was a skilled swordsman from a young age. Visenya gifted him the Valyrian steel sword, Dark Sister , and Aegon knighted him at the age of sixteen the youngest at that time. When Aegon died in 37 AC, Aenys ascended the throne. Shortly after, a series of rebellions took place, one of which Maegor himself crushed. To reward his success, Aenys named him the Hand of the King as the previous one died while fighting the rebels at Harrenhal. He held this position for two years, until he decided to marry again.

Maegor the cruel

Maegor was the only son of Aegon the Conqueror by his sister-wife Visenya and the half-brother of Aenys I. Unlike his half-brother, Maegor was more like his father and grew up to become a strong warrior, being knighted by his father at age sixteen, the youngest at the time; even before then, Maegor was besting knights much older than he was. His mother gave him Dark Sister upon his knighthood. Unlike his brother, he refused to bond with any dragon other than Balerion , as he considered the Black Dread as the only dragon worthy of him, and waited for his father to die to bond with the beast. He intended to marry his niece Rhaena Targaryen, only for the High Septon to propose his niece Ceryse Hightower instead, but the marriage proved to be infertile, this caused him to seek other brides. Upon his half-brother Aenys' ascension to the Iron Throne, the Faith of the Seven launched a major uprising against the Targaryen dynasty. Whilst they accepted Aegon on the throne due to his strength and his conversion to the Faith, they could not stomach the thought of his sons, born of incest, following him. For this, his brother named him Hand of the King and even gave him Blackfyre itself, the sword that once belonged to their royal father. This proved to be a good move on the king's part, as Aenys proved too weak and indecisive to handle the string of crises that awaited his reign. The reveal that he had wedded Alys Harroway while still married forced his brother to exile him to placate the Faith, leaving his wife Ceryse behind. In Pentos he met a courtesan named Tyanna. When Aenys died in 42 AL, his mother Visenya brought him back from exile and Maegor took the throne despite Aenys having a son. When Maegor faced off against Ser Damon Morrigen, the leader of the Warrior's Sons; they organised a trial of seven that ended with Maegor alone left standing. However, Maegor was savagely wounded, and comatose for days. When he awoke, he mounted Balerion and destroyed the Sept of Remembrance, massacring everyone inside it.

He had one deformed stillborn son with Alys in 44 AC, whom Tyanna claimed to be the result of a secret affair. Aenys I Targaryen Deceased.

As his moniker suggests, he is known as one of the most tyrannical kings to ever rule the Seven Kingdoms. King Aegon the Conqueror had two children by his two sister-wives: his firstborn son Aenys with his sister Queen Rhaenys , and his second-born son Maegor with his sister Queen Visenya Targaryen. The Targaryens had incestuously married brother to sister for generations whenever possible to "keep the bloodline pure", in the custom of their Valyrian ancestors. For that matter, Aegon I broke not only the Faith's rules against incest, but its rules against polygamy , as he was married to both of his sisters at the same time. The Faith wasn't in much position to challenge the victorious Targaryen army after the Conquest, or their massive dragons , but Aegon I was wise enough to tread lightly with the Faith: both sides tacitly agreed that the Targaryens' incestuous marriages were a relic of their past, which would soon fade.

Maegor was the only son of Aegon the Conqueror by his sister-wife Visenya and the half-brother of Aenys I. Unlike his half-brother, Maegor was more like his father and grew up to become a strong warrior, being knighted by his father at age sixteen, the youngest at the time; even before then, Maegor was besting knights much older than he was. His mother gave him Dark Sister upon his knighthood. Unlike his brother, he refused to bond with any dragon other than Balerion , as he considered the Black Dread as the only dragon worthy of him, and waited for his father to die to bond with the beast. He intended to marry his niece Rhaena Targaryen, only for the High Septon to propose his niece Ceryse Hightower instead, but the marriage proved to be infertile, this caused him to seek other brides. Upon his half-brother Aenys' ascension to the Iron Throne, the Faith of the Seven launched a major uprising against the Targaryen dynasty. Whilst they accepted Aegon on the throne due to his strength and his conversion to the Faith, they could not stomach the thought of his sons, born of incest, following him. For this, his brother named him Hand of the King and even gave him Blackfyre itself, the sword that once belonged to their royal father. This proved to be a good move on the king's part, as Aenys proved too weak and indecisive to handle the string of crises that awaited his reign.

Maegor the cruel

For the main character index, see here For the main Crownlands entry, see here. The former ruling house of the Seven Kingdoms from the capital city of King's Landing. Also known as the Dragon Kings, because they used to ride dragons and had a strange bond with them.

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Aenys then announced that he was making " Prince of Dragonstone " the official title of the designated heir to the throne - and that he was bestowing it on his son Prince Aegon, to dispel any lingering sentiments that Maegor was his direct heir ahead of his own children. Maegor's supporters, however, grew increasingly unsettled at such open brutality. Eventually, Maegor's reign of terror came to an end when he died upon the Iron Throne itself. Wisdom Hallyne mentions that Maegor was a great patron of the Alchemists' Guild and their work producing wildfire , which he used against his enemies. He inherited his father's sword and crown. For this, his brother named him Hand of the King and even gave him Blackfyre itself, the sword that once belonged to their royal father. Only the third king after the conquering, Maegor was the first example of a terrible king, and that fact has echoed through generations. King Maegor struck back against the Faith Militant. Grand Maester Gawen was the only one to openly protest, pointing out that Aenys had three sons Aegon, Viserys, and Jaehaerys and by every inheritance law in Westeros, the throne should pass to Prince Aegon. He was merciless - after recovering from a coma induced by combat with the Faith Militant, Maegor's very first act was to obliterate the Sept of Remembrance and slaughter everyone in it, one of the myriad of conflicts he would have with the Faith Militant and their like.

This raises the question: why was the third Targaryen king remembered as the proverbial tyrant in Game of Thrones? Aenys was always regarded as the heir apparent although he was quite frail, whereas Maegor was a skilled swordsman from a young age. Visenya gifted him the Valyrian steel sword, Dark Sister , and Aegon knighted him at the age of sixteen the youngest at that time.

Tyanna of the Tower 3rd wife Deceased. As a result, he executed everyone involved in the birth including Grand Maester Desmond along with every member of House Harroway he could find. Maegor's story has already become important as the franchise's newest series references the notorious king. Explore Wikis Community Central. If you believe the tales. In 47 AC, following the deaths of Ceryse and Alys, Maegor forcibly wed three women - Jeyne Westerling, Elinor Costayne and Rhaena Targaryen - in a triple marriage ceremony for a total of four concurrent wives. Alysanne Targaryen Deceased. He put the Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon and her two youngest children Jaehaerys and Alysanne under the watchful eye of his mother Visenya and took Alyssa's second son Viserys as squire. However, Alyssa did not appear. It doesn't seem that he outright enjoyed inflicting torment on random people as the later Joffrey Baratheon did , but he would cruelly punish anyone who opposed him - and as his reign of terror spiraled out of control, his wrath led him to crush his subjects over minor slights or failures. Hundreds of the Faith Militant burned to death, their screams echoing through the streets. At this point, the realm could no longer tolerate Maegor's behavior.

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