mother vore

Mother vore

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Mother vore


Teaching is a noble job. After a week, mother vore, I start to open up my eyes and I can see the world around me for the first time. Banaue Chills A poem about the winter-like mother vore of Baguio.


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Mother vore

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. In a world where people can swallow other people whole, digest them painlessly, and reform from being digested, a mother enjoys swallowing and digesting her six children to have an evening to herself. A voracious mother swallows her teenage daughter's delicious pregnant friend to the enjoyment of them both. Then the girl talks about eating a little boy before she got pregnant. Then Yvette swallows another girl and gets swallowed again.


I slide down her throat pretty quickly and landed in her soft belly and it's absolutely harmless, like she said. She then nuzzled me deeply, I couldn't help but purr, and paw her soft muzzle. Tears are coming out of my eyes, as I'm so confused wondering what's wrong with her. Literary Agents. Though I don't have any sharp teeth like mom does. Photo Albums. Only when we become angels. The Hub. Like DragonX's stuff? Please Review. Members:

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on!

Community Notes. A Writer's Cramp entry. So, vore is often done lovingly. Please be descriptive with vore scenes, at least three sentences. Rules: 1. She stepped closer towards me. Nothing can prepare myself when she passed away in front of me. Banaue Chills A poem about the winter-like chills of Baguio. Literary Agents. For those who don't know Vanilla's origin, everything is explained in this story. Learn More. It's a nice cozy bed in there, and you won't feel any pain. Weekly Goals.

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