mozart wikipedia english

Mozart wikipedia english

The two main labels that have been used to describe the nationality of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are " Austrian " and " German ".

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — was a prolific composer and wrote in many genres. Perhaps his best-admired work is in opera , piano concerto , piano sonata , symphony , string quartet , and string quintet. Mozart also wrote many violin sonatas , and other forms of chamber music , violin concertos , and other concertos for one or more solo instruments, masses , and other religious music , organ music , masonic music , and numerous dances , marches , divertimentos , serenades , and other forms of light entertainment. Mozart's sacred choral music consists of Masses , Litanies , Vespers , Psalms , Church Music , Oratorios , Cantatas , Requiem among and other shorter and fragmented works. Beginning in and ending in , his sacred works are considered some of the most important and influential ever written.

Mozart wikipedia english

He attended a local Jesuit school, St. Salvator [ de ] , where he studied logic, science, and theology, graduating magna cum laude in He studied then at the St. Salvator Lyzeum. While a student in Augsburg, he appeared in student theater productions as an actor and singer, [4] and became a skilled violinist and organist. My father thought the world of him. And how he hoodwinked the clerics about becoming a priest! He withdrew from the St. Salvator Lyzeum after less than a year. Following a year's delay, he moved to Salzburg to resume his education, enrolling in November at the Benedictine University now University of Salzburg to study philosophy and jurisprudence. Except for periods of travel, Leopold spent the rest of his life there. Leopold received the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy in In , Mozart began his career as a professional musician, becoming violinist and valet to one of the university's canons, Johann Baptist, Count of Thurn-Valsassina and Taxis. This was also the year of his first musical publication, the six Trio Sonatas, Opus 1. In he married Anna Maria Pertl , who bore him seven children, although only two of them survived past infancy: [8].

Maynard Solomon suggests that in keeping his grandson in his home, Mozart may have hoped to train yet another musical prodigy. New York: D. Mozart's music, like that of Haydnmozart wikipedia english, is the very best of what is known as the Classical style.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — had a powerful influence on the works of Ludwig van Beethoven — Beethoven held Mozart in high regard; some of his music recalls Mozart's, he composed several variations on Mozart's themes and he modeled a number of his compositions on those of the older composer. Whether the two men ever actually met remains a matter of speculation among scholars. Beethoven was born in Bonn in , about 14 years after Mozart born Salzburg , In , during Beethoven's childhood, Mozart had moved from Salzburg to Vienna , the Austrian imperial capital, to pursue his career. While Bonn was politically and culturally affiliated to Vienna, [1] it was geographically even more remote than Salzburg, lying around km distant on the opposite side of German-speaking Europe. During his youth and musical training in Bonn, Beethoven had extensive, intimate exposure to Mozart's music.

Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. February 21, Retrieved February 21, from Encyclopedia. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia. Born in the archbishopric of Salzburg, a territory of the Holy Roman Empire , Mozart by the age of six had already acquired a reputation throughout Europe as a musical prodigy. According to his father, Wolfgang was already composing minuets at the age of four, and he was barely six when he performed on the harpsichord for the Habsburg imperial family in Vienna.

Mozart wikipedia english

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [a] [b] 27 January — 5 December was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period. Despite his short life, his rapid pace of composition resulted in more than works of virtually every Western classical genre of his time. Many of these compositions are acknowledged as pinnacles of the symphonic , concertante , chamber , operatic, and choral repertoire. Mozart is widely regarded as among the greatest composers in the history of Western music, [1] with his music admired for its "melodic beauty, its formal elegance and its richness of harmony and texture".

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What I say is intended only to prevent you from burdening yourself with useless people and giving titles to people of that sort. His last three symphonies are especially fine masterpieces. Landon, Howard Chandler Robbins Classical-era composer — The "common grave" referred to above is a term for a grave belonging to a citizen not of the aristocracy. But there is no evidence that he was 'very ill' and it is not true that his health 'continued to deteriorate'. The Musical Times. Life of Mozart.. Today I had to answer a letter from your brother which cost me a lot of writing , so I can write very little to you Mozart: Briefe und Aufzeichnungen in German. Salvator Lyzeum after less than a year. Church Sonata No.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a musician capable of playing multiple instruments who started playing in public at the age of 6. Over the years, Mozart aligned himself with a variety of European venues and patrons, composing hundreds of works that included sonatas, symphonies, masses, chamber music, concertos and operas, marked by vivid emotion and sophisticated textures.

From a very early age, the young Mozart showed great musical talent. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Associated Board of the Royal School of Music. Libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder. Lieber, Francis ; E. See also: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in popular culture. His early biographer Niemetschek wrote, "there was nothing special about [his] physique. Pfannhausser, Karl Honolka, Kurt Altogether it would not cover ten pages; some of it is vague, and some downright unreliable. Thus it took Mozart a month to write the Piano Concerto No. New York: Harper Collins. Another very used garment is the vest

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