Nicty gay stories

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Werewolf's Heartsong DizzyIzzyN. There I was, w Abuse Alpha Fated Mate. Alpha Dominant Fated Mate. King of the Underworld RJ Kane.

Nicty gay stories

Is it my imagination, or has a large number of stories disappeared? The gay High School section is only showing stories since Jan , and the indexes to older stories now longer exist. Similar for the gay College section. Was there some sort of announcement about the older stories that I missed? This seems to have happened in the last couple of days. I have been making a few changes to the Nifty Archives to make the site more mobile-friendly. One change improved font scaling on mobile devices. Another change implemented "infinite scrolling" of the index of stories for larger categories similar to the behavior of the feed on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. There apparently are some formatting problems that affect MSIE 8, but even Microsoft discontinued support and maintenance for that version early last year. Recent versions of major web browsers Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera all work, including mobile devices.

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I saw at least 3 storys on there that I've read or that Im reading right now Congrats to everyone from here who made the list. Anyone can nominate a story and you don't have to be a registered user of Awesomedude's place- but I encourage people to have a look since it is a good, classy site. Awesomedude's Place. OH MY!!!!!!

By moc. By su. By ua. By ten. By ac. Discover more Gay College stories in the archive on the top right.

Nicty gay stories

We use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze our traffic. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Click here to subscribe to our newsletter. But here at Singapore Electric, Cheng is taking charge of my body, my appearance, my life. Dear Reader, We recently sent out our monthly newsletter you can subscribe to our newsletter here , which contained some updates…. Authors H. Joanna Acevedo. Brittany Ackerman.

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Jarbear Jarbear 1 stories, K words. Justin69SK aol. Damian 11 stories, K words. Botpuppy 6 stories, 82K words. Richard Hutchinson 1 stories, K words. Boy Mercury X 13 stories, K words. Kris Gibbons 2 stories, K words. Alpha Possessive Werewolf. Spike Meyers 6 stories, K words. Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. Nell Bas 2 stories, K words. Knight 9 stories, 23K words. Chaos Wolf 21 stories, K words. Lady Poetess 2 stories, K words.

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