osaka gay district

Osaka gay district

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Home of Osaka and western Japan's gay district! Doyamacho is one of the hottest and liveliest nightlife spots in Osaka. Located near the busy Umeda business and entertainment district, Doyama has long been jam-packed with bars, clubs, izakaya and karaoke, as well as more niche establishments like love hotels, host clubs, and massage parlors. The more popular and foreigner-friendly places feature nightly guests of all genders and sexualities, English menus, multilingual staff and a few are even foreign-owned. Here are a few of the more tourist-friendly establishments and events:. Certain gay bars, like Jack in the Box, only admit men and some lesbian establishments, such as Niji, only women. Moreover, some venues only cater certain types of clientele, like salarymen, for instance.

Osaka gay district

It is close to the JR Osaka and Umeda Station, many restaurants, bars, izakaya , karaoke , massage parlors, host clubs , hotels, and shops concentrate in the area. It is one of the largest entertainment districts in Japan. The area is called " Kita " or north of Osaka, and best known as a party town. There are a lot of business offices and business hotels in south side of Doyama-Cho. North side of Doyama-Cho started becoming a gay community in last 20—30 years. There were many luxury Japanese restaurants, sushi places, cabaret and jazz clubs targeting high-end business customers until the Japanese bubble economy burst of the early s. However, since the real estate bubble crashed and many business headquarters have moved to Tokyo area, Osaka's economy lost its momentum. Many high-end bars or restaurants could not keep their business. Many usual restaurants, izakaya, pubs or adult entertainment businesses started their business to target general salary-man, OLs or students. Besides bars, the area is also home to restaurants and cafes, shops, saunas , hotels, " host bars or clubs " bars where patrons can meet hustlers , massage parlours , and brothels of varying sizes and legality. Establishments vary in size, but many are limited to ten or fewer seats. Much like in Tokyo, bars here are usually themed towards "types" - bears, salarymen, young guys etc. The few lesbian bars that can be found do not permit male customers.

Sophisticated yet comfortable, The Suite is a welcome change on the Osaka scene. Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon!

I have lived in Japan for a few years now, and I can say with certainty that Osaka has one of the most unique gay scenes in Japan. Osaka is known for having a tight yet diverse community, and there are a multitude of bars and spots to hang out at that are almost too numerous to count. However, my favorite bar where I always end up is Grand Slam because it is colorful and gaudy, everyone stops there, and is a great place to run into friends and regulars. There is also Explosion just around the corner, a small club that gets very lively at their frequent events, with at least one almost every weekend. Osaka , where the owner is a gogo boy and is thankfully always dressed as such. This performance troupe made up of local drag queens puts on a show where everyone is welcome every third Saturday of the month at the Sound Garden, a really cool straight bar right near the Dotonbori canal.

Great-value hotels in Osaka for gay travelers. Discounts, book online. Find out more about Osaka's lively gay nightlife. A comprehensive guide to Osaka's best gay saunas. For those who wish to play harder in Osaka. Osaka is Japan's third-biggest city and home to its second-biggest gay scene. In relation to the capital, Osaka is a city of seconds and thirds.

Osaka gay district

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. The happy, smart, and sexy duo are no strangers to Out Travelers, who were introduced to the married world travelers and their meet-cute in our Spring print edition. Be sure to follow Michael and Matt at their blog www. Small pieces of octopus are fried in savory pancake balls and topped with sauces. Walking through Dotonbori, you may even see some locals carrying piles of takoyaki with heaps of green onion or poached egg on top.

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Somebody has to support these local gay bars, and we are more than happy to undertake that task! Semi-express trains will skip it. Garcon Cercle The name Garcon Cercle , suggestive as it may sound, refers to the close-knit atmosphere of this bar that, with a capacity of just seven people, means there's nowhere to hide. Certain gay bars, like Jack in the Box, only admit men and some lesbian establishments, such as Niji, only women. Club Circus. Read on to find out everything the gay traveller should know before they go. Use it to plan your own amazing gay trip to Osaka! Pronouncing "Osaka" Correctly. The hotel was designed by renowned Italian architect, Aldo Rossi. The gay nightlife in Doyama area is within walking distance away.

Often forgotten in the shadows of bustling and sprawling Tokyo and the smaller historic cities of Japan, Osaka is traditionally the home of the working classes.

You can get there by metro or tramway. The Kansai International Airport is about 37 kilometers Heads up: We just wanted to let you know that this post contains affiliate links. The best part of visiting Osaka Castle is meandering the picturesque grounds. Some machines allow you to buy these transfer tickets while others will not. Osaka Discovery, full day Activities in Osaka. By cooking with high-quality, seasonal ingredients, the chef will give you an outstanding experience that will undoubtedly have you crawling back for more. Post a Review Contact Us Phone. For more info about gay life in Osaka, check out the Visit Gay Osaka page. Laws can vary significantly throughout the nation, but slowly, progress is being made. Shopping and souvenirs. But let it be known that the extended time is so worth the added benefits! We bet they'll get you feeling kinki!

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