paul clark youtube

Paul clark youtube

Paul Clark is a professional artist and published author who has been teaching watercolour painting and drawing techniques to adult learners for over 25 years, paul clark youtube. He has taught art to adults at Bexhill and Claverham Community College, as well as running his own successful art school in Eastbourne.

YouTube drawing templates. Please note: Not everyone of my Youtube tutorials has a drawing template as these should be easy enough for you to draw - you can do it! For use with YouTube tutorials. Click on image to download a pdf file of line drawing. Files are set up as A4 files but you can increase size to fit your paper if you want to use as a trace.

Paul clark youtube

I have some laughable attempts at painting grass and trees on my own even after watching tutorials from other YouTubers, so I was eager to learn. I like his style of teaching. A 20 minute video has 4 or 5 examples to reproduce. At the end of both videos, I had 8 or 9 finished examples and that was quite satisfying to have so much to show for a couple of hours of painting. In both videos, he shows a technique of pulling out paint from a wet wash with the sharpened end of a wooden paint brush. This did not work for me as well as it did for him. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Skip to content. My favorite painting of the bunch. I mixed my own greens and I love the velvety texture. This technique of masking in the grass has so much potential, if only I had a thin enough brush to do it properly.

The Beach Hut. Phil the Pheasant. My first attempt at the cherry tree.

These are my personal favourites though drawn from my own YouTube subscriptions. So here they are, my choices for the best watercolor channels on YouTube in Alan has been painting watercolors for decades and I learned a lot from him, especially when I was getting started. His relaxed self-deprecating manner and conversational style is enjoyable and inspiring. Alan has many many painting demonstrations on his channel. This softly spoken smiling Japanese gentleman may just have the biggest watercolor painting channel on YouTube. His brush skills are mesmerizing.

Paul Clark is a professional artist and published author who has been teaching watercolour painting and drawing techniques to adult learners for over 25 years. He has taught art to adults at Bexhill and Claverham Community College, as well as running his own successful art school in Eastbourne. Paul's ethos on teaching, is that students learn better when working in a happy and relaxed atmosphere, so all his classes are open and fun, with a great emphasis on all artistic techniques being demonstrated. So no matter what your artistic ability Paul will help nurture and develop your talents. In Paul produced his first art book 'Watercolour - Techniques and Tutorials. Published by The Guild of Master Craftsman the book. Full details on art classes in watercolour, pastels and drawing.

Paul clark youtube

These are my personal favourites though drawn from my own YouTube subscriptions. So here they are, my choices for the best watercolor channels on YouTube in Alan has been painting watercolors for decades and I learned a lot from him, especially when I was getting started. His relaxed self-deprecating manner and conversational style is enjoyable and inspiring. Alan has many many painting demonstrations on his channel.


Click on image to download a pdf file of line drawing. He speaks softly, and I would love an opportunity to take some classes. Black Friday! Penshurst Cottage. Pub Snow Scene. I will never share your email address with any 3rd parties. YouTube drawing templates. Lavender Field. Snow Girl. Thank you for putting this list together. Eagle Owl. Rainy Street 2. La Gomera House. She is someone to check out.


Full details on art classes in watercolour, pastels and drawing. Victorian Girl. Touch Base. Lake in Kashmir. She makes beautifully crafted instructional videos that deservedly draw a large YouTube viewership. Black Cat. Well worth a look. Cream Tea. Steve is a great artist with an amiable presentation style. Scroll to Top. An autumn tree. This softly spoken smiling Japanese gentleman may just have the biggest watercolor painting channel on YouTube. Irish Landscape. Jelly Bean Row.

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