plastic man

Plastic man

He was shot by a guard, and exposed to plastic man strange acid. His gang abandoned him, and he wandered the streets while his powers developed, terrifying passers-by, plastic man, who thought he was some sort of monster. Initially unaware of his predicament, his realization of his situation caused him to become despondent, to the point of attempting suicide. Before he could jump he was interrupted by Woozy Winksa recently-released mental patient.

Plastic Man is a superhero whose unique completely malleable body chemistry allows him to stretch to great lengths and contort himself into any position imaginable. Originally a criminal nicknamed "Eel" O'Brian , an accident in a chemical factory gave him his ability and he reformed to fight against crime. Woozy Winks is his bumbling best friend and sidekick. Despite being one of the most powerful entities on the planet because of the limitless nature of his powers, he has a care-free and humorous attitude towards life, leading many to not take him seriously. See Also: Plastic Man Titles.

Plastic man

He usually hid behind a smile and a joke, but was a very powerful member of the Justice League of America. Main article: Plastic Man Vol 3. Some years ago, [1] the criminal known as Eel O'Brian, along with his gang of underlings, broke into and attempted to rob Cole Chemical, but the police arrived on the scene. While Eel and the others fled, he was shot by a cop and exposed to an unknown acid. He managed to make it outside but collapsed, unconscious from the pain. When he awoke, Eel found that his flesh was elastic, and he had no control over it, morphing into strange and frightful forms. He scared everyone in his path: cops, drunks, and even his own gang, who thought him already dead, and shot him upon seeing his new form. Eel went to a bridge to commit suicide, but he is stopped by Woozy Winks, a former Arkham Asylum inmate. Together, they decided to use O'Brian's new-found powers to fight crime. After exposing a circus outfit to the same acid which gave him powers, O'Brian and Woozy thwarted an attempted robbery by his former gang. When the press interviewed him, Eel said he intends to call himself Elastic Man, which a reporter misheard as Plastic Man. In the s a crook named Patrick "Eel" O'Brian was shot by a security guard at the Crawford Chemical Works [2] and struck by a falling drum full of an unidentified acid, some of which entered Eel's wound.

DC Comics. April 30, He returns to the team sometime later at the urging of Batmanat a time when Martian Manhunter has become a massive psychic Burning Martian only Plastic Man is immune to, plastic man.

This character has been published in several solo series and has interacted with other characters such as Batman and many others in the mainstream DC Universe as a member of the Justice League. One of Quality Comics' signature characters during the Golden Age of Comic Books , Plastic Man can stretch his body into any imaginable form, for example a ball or a car, etc. His adventures were known for their quirky, offbeat structure and surreal slapstick humor. When Quality Comics was shut down in , DC Comics acquired many of its characters, integrating Plastic Man into the mainstream DC Universe and giving him a short-lived series in the s. He was also mentioned in an episode of Justice League Unlimited but was never shown owing to ownership arguments and copyright complaints.

Patrick "Eel" O'Brian is Plastic Man , a former thief and small-time criminal who has the power to stretch and bend his body into any imaginable shape. Patrick "Eel" O'Brian was a petty mobster in Chicago prior to becoming a superhero. After the Justice League had seemingly been killed by the Crime Syndicate of Earth 3 , the villains declared that the world now belonged to the forces of evil. Eel's boss, fearing that the Crime Syndicate's version of evil meant exclusively costumed criminals, organized a meeting with other high-ranking mobsters in the Chicago area to discuss bribing Ultraman to get on his good side. Eel, as well as his crime partner Skizzle Shanks , waited outside the meeting with anticipation.

Plastic man

While this pliable protagonist is one of the most enduring characters in the entire superhero genre, his origins and history are not nearly as well known as those of his Justice League cohorts. Most readers know what Plastic Man does and that he can crack a joke, but that's only a portion of the whole story. That's why we have assembled a beginner's guide to Plastic Man for anyone interested in the new series or checking out what came before. From his inception to a multitude of modern stories, Plastic Man is a highlight of DC Comics' publishing history and one character that has presented great stories from the Golden Age to today. So if you even have an inkling of curiosity about who Plastic Man may be, then read ahead and learn more about one of the great underrated superheroes of all time.

Christina reeder

Start a Wiki. Cancel Update. His bodily mass can be dispersed, but for all intents and purposes it is invulnerable. In the aftermath of the Justice League story Arc "Obsidian Age", Plastic Man was discovered to have survived for 3, years scattered into separate, individual molecules on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean without decaying or being otherwise affected at all. Plastic Man is infected by Eclipso Jean Loring during Countdown to Mystery , who corrupts him and reverts his personality to before he reformed his ways. As O'Brian, he maintained his career and connections with the underworld as a means of gathering information on criminal activity. Read Edit View history. Plastic Man is a superhero whose unique completely malleable body chemistry allows him to stretch to great lengths and contort himself into any position imaginable. Eel was at first oblivious to the changes to his body, but after realizing that he was the monster at large, he used his new abilities to escape his pursuers. He can also use it for disguise by changing the shape of his face and body, contributory to his work as a sleuth. He became an average Joe, a father, and was in an relationship with his son's mother. Browse episodes. Current Wiki.

He usually hid behind a smile and a joke, but was a very powerful member of the Justice League of America. Main article: Plastic Man Vol 3. Some years ago, [1] the criminal known as Eel O'Brian, along with his gang of underlings, broke into and attempted to rob Cole Chemical, but the police arrived on the scene.

Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. While trying to get Simon Stagg to close the portal with the help of Plastic Man, Mister Terrific is sucked into the portal with Plastic Man and Metamorpho as Plastic Man shields them from the Dark Multiverse energy which he is immune to. He had been seemingly cured of his condition, and was shown retaining his normal shape without issue or pain. Eclipso rescues him for her own motives. This will likely increase the time it takes for your changes to go live. Jack Cole. Eel and Woozy decided to work together and capitalize on Eel's new powers to make their fortunes Eel wanting to get rich quick, Woozy just wanting his "old room" back , but couldn't decide whether there was more money in crime or crime-fighting, and resorted to flipping a coin to choose serving the law though Woozy had his doubts early on. Plastic Man and Woozy battle Professor Grushenko at the museum over a magic elixir with resulting hijinks. As an adult, he became part of a burglary ring, specializing as a safecracker. Plastic Man disambiguation. Light finally stop arguing. They encounter Phantom Girl, discover a message left behind by a man called Tom Strong, and barely escape an undead alien giant. It was revealed that Plas had a son named Luke who was born out of wedlock and whom he ignored to the point where his son joined a gang. Woozy became a dumb but loyal friend of Plastic Man. Later in the series he becomes romantically involved with an FBI agent, and adopts a daughter.

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