relatable tweets

Relatable tweets

Me: I've been running 3 miles a day and eating clean. I'm down 0.

Yesterday I explained something so bleak to my therapist she asked me if we could pause for a minute so she could think about it. Receptionist at the dentist office will look u dead in the eye and ask if ur available 4 months and 13 days from now. For my second date with my husband we met in NYC and went to a party and ended up at a McDonald's at AM where he reached across the table, grabbed my hands, looked at me adoringly, and said "I hate this. I wanted to go to bed at Do not expect this of me again. I've been alive 20 years and still haven't found the right thing to say when somebody knocks on the door of the public bathroom you're in. The airport is a lawless place.

Relatable tweets

Cheers to some productive doomscrolling, lol. I've had enough. Therapist: "And what do we say when we feel like this? Uhhhh, I would like to report these tweets for personally attacking me. Sul Sul! Watch out for the pools with walls! All my friends are out drinking and I'm at watching Moana. How dare these tweets read me to filth? I never knew I needed these until now. Slightly relatable. These tweets are silly or relatable, and sometimes they're both. Big mood. So many big moods.

Sul Sul! I don't like being asked "are you at home? Ron Chan RonDanChan.


Have you ever seen a meme and thought "same"? Well, that's what relatable memes are meant to do. Relatable memes are the kinds of memes that have an amazing way of getting a thought or emotion across in a very accurate and somewhat scary way. The kinds of thoughts that you would think no one else has ever thought, have more than likely been made into a meme. They can also describe a suspiciously specific situation, a kind of situation that maybe you thought you were alone in.

Relatable tweets

Yesterday I explained something so bleak to my therapist she asked me if we could pause for a minute so she could think about it. Receptionist at the dentist office will look u dead in the eye and ask if ur available 4 months and 13 days from now. For my second date with my husband we met in NYC and went to a party and ended up at a McDonald's at AM where he reached across the table, grabbed my hands, looked at me adoringly, and said "I hate this. I wanted to go to bed at Do not expect this of me again. I've been alive 20 years and still haven't found the right thing to say when somebody knocks on the door of the public bathroom you're in.

Pronunciation of crete

Drink a beer. Prayers for my husband who very tragically got me nothing for our anniversary when I specifically told him I wanted nothing for our anniversary. The rest of the time is awesome. Hmmm, I found a strange piece of plastic on the floor that looks like it broke off of something, but I have no idea what. Does anyone else have a plastic grocery bag full of other plastic grocery bags somewhere in their house or is that just me? Better save it in the junk drawer until I die. Jenna Guillaume. Isha Bassi. Ron Chan RonDanChan. What is wrong with you people. Shayne Smith Shaydozer. These tweets are silly or relatable, and sometimes they're both. For my second date with my husband we met in NYC and went to a party and ended up at a McDonald's at AM where he reached across the table, grabbed my hands, looked at me adoringly, and said "I hate this.

We're back with another round of fresh, funny, and relatable tweets from true masters of wit. If you often wish there was an easy way to see a stream of hilarious tidbits from Twitter without all the schlock, it's your lucky day because we've curated a collection of hot tweets that are sure to please.

Jenna Guillaume. The most important thing I've learned in life, and I can't stress this enough: you gotta make a salad in a bigger bowl than you think. Slightly relatable. Dylan Farella dfarella. This is the law of the giants. The most important thing I've learned in life, and I can't stress this enough: you gotta make a salad in a bigger bowl than you think — Kevin Farzad KevinFarzad May 14, Spoony Bard UweBollocks. I would do absolutely anything to get 8 hours of sleep, except for going to bed 8 hours before I need to wake up. Receptionist at the dentist office will look u dead in the eye and ask if ur available 4 months and 13 days from now. Kendra Fortmeyer kendraffe. So many big moods. Share This Article Link. Humans in sci-fi: Stupid artificial beings LOL. Jamie Jones. Crystal Ro.

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