Roy orbison and friends a black and white night cast

Rock 'n' roll legend Roy Orbison and some friends, legends in their own right, get together and perform some of Orbison's songs. Sign In Sign In.

Adjust the colors to reduce glare and give your eyes a break. Call the Midwife is a moving and intimate insight into the colorful world of midwifery. Use one of the services below to sign in to PBS:. You've just tried to add this video to My List. But first, we need you to sign in to PBS using one of the services below.

Roy orbison and friends a black and white night cast

Souther, Jennifer Warnes, k. Albert Spevak Stephanie Bennett. Mitchell Sinoway Sean Fullan. Notarile Kate Burton. Richard "Rik" Pekkonen Gary Long. I've envied Bruce Springsteen for many things. But being that close to Roy Orbison is chief among them. Where to start? The legendary backup band? All the celebrities in the audience? The pristine setlist?

Documentary Music. You've just tried to add this video to My List.

The special was filmed entirely in black and white. After the broadcast the concert was released on VHS and Laserdisc. A live album was released in The special consisted of a performance of many of Orbison's hits at the then Ambassador Hotel 's Cocoanut Grove nightclub in Los Angeles , filmed on September 30, , approximately fourteen months before his death. Three songs, " Blue Bayou ", " Claudette ", and " Blue Angel ", were filmed but not included in the original broadcast due to time constraints. Male background vocalists, some of whom also joined in on guitar, electric organ and keyboards were Bruce Springsteen , Tom Waits , Elvis Costello , Jackson Browne , J.

Jackson Browne Self - Backing Vocals. T Bone Burnett Self - Guitar. Steven Soles Self - Backing Vocals. Bonnie Raitt Self - Backing Vocals. Jennifer Warnes Self - Backing Vocals. Alex Acuna Self - Percussion. Glen D. Hardin Self - Piano. James Burton Self - Guitar.

Roy orbison and friends a black and white night cast

Souther, Jennifer Warnes, k. Albert Spevak Stephanie Bennett. Mitchell Sinoway Sean Fullan. Notarile Kate Burton. Richard "Rik" Pekkonen Gary Long. I've envied Bruce Springsteen for many things. But being that close to Roy Orbison is chief among them. Where to start? The legendary backup band?

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The Authorized Roy Orbison. He didn't have to. After the broadcast the concert was released on VHS and Laserdisc. The VHS release corresponded. We can remove the first show in the list to add this one. Music Canada. Also fun to pick out the LA luminaries in the studio audience. Contents move to sidebar hide. Stephen Soles Self as Steven Soles. Learn More about PBS online sponsorship. Celebrate the music legend in a concert with an all-star line-up of special guests. Dark Theme. Tom Waits Self.

Although personnel changed over the years, the original members were James Burton lead guitar , Jerry Scheff bass , John Wilkinson rhythm guitar , Larry Muhoberac keyboards and Ron Tutt drums.

Top cast Edit. Review by SergeGainsbourg. Tools Tools. All tracks composed by Roy Orbison and Joe Melson , except where indicated. A live album was released in Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. Adjust the colors to reduce glare and give your eyes a break. Hardin Self - Piano. It's a great and fun concert, you…. Three songs, " Blue Bayou ", " Claudette ", and " Blue Angel ", were filmed but not included in the original broadcast due to time constraints. Skip to Main Content. Please note: videos from this show are generally not available in your country or region. Contents move to sidebar hide. Souther, Jennifer Warnes, k. The VHS release corresponded.

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