sheena bathory ufc

Sheena bathory ufc

This martial art is often seen as one of the most challenging and requires great physical and mental strength, sheena bathory ufc. Judo was founded in Japan by Jigoro Kano in and has been an Olympic sport since

Tapology Privacy Policy. California updated Thu Feb 22 Billy Brand is the 35th ranked of active California Pro Bantamweights. US West updated Sat Feb 24 United States updated Fri Feb 23 Brandon Michael Spencer. Confirmed Upcoming Bout.

Sheena bathory ufc

Though there were a number of routine and non-eventful slap fights previously, at the Power Slap 6 show which took place February 9 from the Durango Casino and Resort in Las Vegas, that image may be one of the defining ones of the night. So much was expected of Bathory on Friday and whether she could score another concussive finish. Cataline stepped up to strike first and gave Bathory no chance to respond as she slapped her to the floor with such violence that it gave the big name fighter no chance to even strike. She was down, and stayed there for an uncomfortable amount of time as she was hurt so bad. Two competitors take it in turns exchanging slaps until one of them falls. Frank Lamicella is the company president. As the Power Slap title was on the line, this one was scheduled for five rounds and, in the opening rounds, neither fighter could get the other one out of there. But Muniz continued to chip away, and cause more damage with his strikes, until he scored the finish with his very last slap. Power Slap is a unique promotion in that, it feels like the most brutal combat sports promotion when watching it on TV. The live experience is so much different, though, as celebrities laugh, people drink, and a lot of people are having a good time and just want to see a knockout. More about Alan Dawson.

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The event was littered top to bottom in great knockouts and back-and-forth matches. The four-match title fight main card was especially electric, with each of the matches delivering. Cathey went with his right hand on three and oh boy did it connect. Cathey put Bear Bennett down of the first strike and that's all she wrote. It was a big time bounce-back win for Cathey who needed it after falling short in his two previous matches. Drain ate Aragon's first strike and then delivered an absolute knockout strike that bounced Aragon's head off the Power Slap podium. It was a wild knockout and one that will live on Power Slap highlight reels to come.

Sheena bathory ufc

The rest of the card consists of strikers from Power Slap: Road To The Title, up and comers from the undercards of previous Power Slap events, and some prospects ready to make a name for themselves. There is nothing like watching two giant humans slap each other in the face — and this time it will be for a belt. Da Crazy Hawaiian and Kalani Vakameilalo will compete for the inaugural super heavyweight championship. Those wins made it clear that Da Crazy Hawaiian has a chin that might prove too much for other super heavyweights. In comes former Pac defensive lineman Kalani Vakameilalo. Not surprisingly, the Power Slap team felt like it was time to put these two slapping titans up against one another with gold on the line.

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Billing: Co-Main Event. Her social media accounts showcase her love for dressing up as iconic characters from anime, video games, and comics. Power Slap is a unique promotion in that, it feels like the most brutal combat sports promotion when watching it on TV. James Guidry. Not only does her Judo background give her an edge physically, but it also gives her a mental advantage. She explains that she was abused in a past relationship and that Powerslap empowers her to take out that anger and hurt. Billing: Preliminary Card. Bantamweight prospect Billy Brand scored not one, but two knockouts during his las Ultimate Reno Combat Urijah Faber's A1 Combat Frank Lamicella is the company president. More about Alan Dawson. She is a U23 European Champion. Although not much is known about her true intentions for an MMA career, her Judo background combined with training in MMA could potentially lead to a successful transition into the sport.


Jose Medina. Judo requires a lot of the same skills and techniques as Powerslap, such as balance, agility, and fast reflexes. Kiana Ares. Billy Brand is the 35th ranked of active California Pro Bantamweights. West Coast FC A rumor has been said in this interview about her potential move into MMA, but nothing has been confirmed as of yet. She also trains with her brother Szabo Frigyes, which helps her stay motivated and improve her skills. We can only wait and see what she will conquer next on her journey to becoming a dominant force in the world of professional fighting. Bantamweight prospect Billy Brand scored not one, but two knockouts during his las Gladiator Challenge.

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