Sheep brain midsagittal view

Roger N. Morrissette, PhD. Brain Dissection Lab.

There is a printable worksheet available for download here so you can take the quiz with pen and paper. This is an online quiz called midsagittal view sheep brain. You can use it as midsagittal view sheep brain practice, completely free to play. Close menu PurposeGames PurposeGames. Daily Triple. Your Scorecard.

Sheep brain midsagittal view

The mid-sagittal cut is a straight forward dissection. Remove the pituitary gland. Turn the brain over. Align your knife or razor by placing it in the longitudinal fissure between the two hemispheres. Using smooth sawing motions, cut your brain in half. We begin our study of the mid-sagittal cut with the massa intermedia 25 , the point at which the two halves of the thalamus join across the midline. This joining is not seen in all mammals, or even within all individuals of a species. In humans for instance, only one third of the population has this joining. Dorsal to the massa intermedia is the fornix Above the fornix, in our picture, is one of the lateral ventricles 8. It happens to be the left lateral ventricle. There are a total of four ventricles in the brain.

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Created on April 20, Cerebrum Performs higher functions like interpreting touch, vision and hearing, as well as speech, reasoning, emotions, learning, and fine control of movement. Corpus Callosum Connects the left and right hemisphere and ensures hemispheres can communicate with one another. Hypothalamus Plays a role in controlling behaviors such as hunger, thirst, sleep, and sexual response. Also regulates body temperature, blood pressure, emotions, and secretion of hormones. Performs many automatic functions like breathing, heart rate, body temperature, wake and sleep cycles, digestion, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, and swallowing. Cerebral Aqueduct Allows cerebrospinal fluid to flow between the third ventricle and fourth ventricle.

The sheep brain is remarkably similar to the human brain. One major difference, however, is in proportion. For example, the sheep brain has a proportionately smaller cerebrum. Another difference is in orientation of the spinal cord. The sheep spinal cord is orientated anterior to posterior, as in any four-legged animal. The human spinal cord is orientated superior to inferior. This orientation difference has a major affect on the location of the brain stem. The sheep brain stem is located more towards the rear posteriorly. The sheep skull, in order to compensate for this, has the foramen magnum located more towards the rear of the skull.

Sheep brain midsagittal view

The sheep brain anatomy consists of 3 major parts — prosencephalon forebrain , mesencephalon midbrain , and rhombencephalon hindbrain. These 3 main parts of the sheep brain again divide into specific segments. There are also 5 different lobes in the sheep brain structure — frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, and limbic area. The different anatomical features of the dorsal, ventral, and lateral aspects of the sheep brain make it complex.

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We will begin our investigation with the dorsal surface of the intact sheep brain. Register now. Toggle navigation. Posterior to that you see 18 , which denotes part of the hypothalamus and a bit behind that, the mammillary body Report content. Show More. R egion or Nerve Function. This is a tract and is denoted by number 19 , the anterior commissure , a much smaller version of the corpus callosum, which connects the lower portion of the two brain halves. Status: Not logged in. These nerves can be very hard to find. Give a nod to the creator. Review Sheet.


If you delicately remove the connective tissue that holds the Right and Left Cerebral Hemispheres together, you should be able to see the Pineal Gland sleep and circadian rhythms. Use the figures below to identify the three regions of the brainstem: the Medulla, Pons REM sleep area, nerve pathway and Midbrain. Take your time, use the diagrams below, move around gently and you should be able to find most if not all of the cranial nerves. Observe one half of the brain and compare it to the labeled figure below. The number 13 refers to a bit of tissue called the septum pellucidum that normally closes off the lateral ventricle, and which has mostly been removed in our picture what does septum mean? Label the Heart's Parts. Movie Quotes. Identify also the large lateral projection of the Temporal or Pyriform lobes auditory center. This joining is not seen in all mammals, or even within all individuals of a species. The underside of the brain is called the ventral side. Label the Model Human Cell. Finally, this is a good opportunity to recap the major divisions of the brain. Please scan or take a photo of your Review Sheet in hand it in by the deadline to get credit for this laboratory. Exercise 2. The first ventricle is the left lateral ventricle.

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