star wars nsfw

Star wars nsfw

Maul is unused to star wars nsfw feelings other than anger, unsurprisingly, so he's shocked by how natural aftercare came with you once he lets down his walls. He thought that maybe it would be tiresome, star wars nsfw, but found that it was anything but that once he had you cradled in his arms, your head on his chest as he listened to your breathing, your eyelashes fluttering against his skin. Now, he's so damned soft after sex, transfixed and mesmerised by you as he holds you - but only after he's made sure you're comfortable and have everything you want. You like to trace his tattoos with your fingertips, making him shiver.

Embo is infinitely gentle with you - he knows how much bigger he is than you, and he won't ever hurt you on purpose unless you ask him to, wink wink. He was a bit hesitant at first, but when you scooted over to his side of the bed and wrapped your arms around his neck, he found you enchanting and now he can't stop cuddling you. Embo doesn't often think of his body, but if you asked him, he'd probably give it a think, then come up with the answer of his hands. Kyuzos are lanky, so naturally he has long fingers, longer than anyone else you've been with, and he likes to think that he reaches places inside you which no one else has and you're sure that he has. On you, well, he's fascinated with the human body in general, but since Kyuzos tend to be quite wiry, he loves your thighs and ass and how soft they are. Plus, your boobs are actually heaven for him. He loves when you wrap your legs around his waist, he loves how he can dig his fingers into your ass and thighs and watch your face twist in pleasure, and he especially likes resting his head on your chest.

Star wars nsfw


Any Time, Ad'ika: Rex x Reader. Send to Friend.


Last week, Sony rapidly scrubbed a Stellar Blade demo from the PSN storefront after it went live a little ahead of schedule. Some people were still able to get in on the action, leading to the discovery of brand new in-game skins for protagonist Eve. One, called the 'Skin Suit,' has quickly amassed a dedicated following on Twitter, to put it mildly. Eve - Stellar Blade StellarBlade pic. As Automaton Media notes, the Skin Suit has an intriguing description. When equipped, the skin fully disables Eve's in-game Shield ability, meaning you'll effectively have less in-game defense to rely on for Eve when using the Skin Suit and thus make yourself far more vulnerable.

Star wars nsfw

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He likes them because they link to his Dathomirian heritage, and also because you fucking adore them. Burn: Darth Maul x Reader. He likes the way you throw your head back against the pillows when he pleasures you, exposing it to him in an unconscious act of submission. Cry: Cassian Andor x Reader. Maul likes to mark you up with bites and bruises in the shape of his large handprints, but cumming on you I'm a disgusting person. He loves when you wrap your legs around his waist, he loves how he can dig his fingers into your ass and thighs and watch your face twist in pleasure, and he especially likes resting his head on your chest. He was a bit hesitant at first, but when you scooted over to his side of the bed and wrapped your arms around his neck, he found you enchanting and now he can't stop cuddling you. Burn: Darth Maul x Reader. Number Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader. He knows that he won't be able to keep this a secret for very long, especially if you show any inclination that you like it.

Do you love Star Wars? Want to plunge into the familiar unique world of a Galaxy far, far away and at the same time discover something new? Would you like to see a real adult game in the SW universe, and not just another wretched porn parody?

Expecting: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader. Touch Starved pt. Mi Amor: Poe Dameron x Reader. On him, he likes his tattoos yes, I know that's not an actual body part. Broken Crayons: Cassian Andor x Reader. I'm a disgusting person. Maul usually likes to top, but in the rare occurrence when he's subbing, he prefers for you to ride him. Cry: Cassian Andor x Reader. Try Premium. Send to Friend. Discover now. Where stories live. Nervous: Anakin Skywalker x Reader.

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