star wars ranks

Star wars ranks

The Star Wars original trilogy introduced viewers to the evils of the Empire, and the badges and insignias worn by Imperial officers are actually quite important.

There are six different ranks of Jedi in Star Wars , and all have made their appearance on the big screen. Unlike the Sith, the Jedi were plentiful before Order While the Sith pride themselves on competing with one another, Jedi strive to cooperate with those around them. It is this Code that specifies a Master may take only one apprentice, and it is the Code that forbids romantic relationships. And while these classifications still exist in canon, they are viewed more like professions than actual ranks. These ranks are described as the "Jedi Path," and dictate the single route of advancement in the Order. The first step for a prospective Jedi is to be sought out and recruited as a Jedi Initiate.

Star wars ranks

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means we may earn a small commission from links you click on this page at no extra cost to you. Star Wars may have been a simple story of good versus evil back in , but the franchise has become one of the most well-documented and detailed in all of popular culture. There are countless novels, TV shows and video games that establish the ground rules and hierarchy for groups like the Jedi and the Sith, and the Galactic Empire is no different. If anything, the oppressive autocracy is one of the most fleshed out organizations in the entire franchise. It makes sense why. The Galactic Empire was partially based on the Third Reich, and the rankings for Imperial officers mirror the way that rankings are given to real life officers. There are quite a few rankings to keep track of, however, so we decided to break them down and pinpoint a few notable characteristics and examples for each. The Galactic Empire has both an army and navy, and while there is overlap in terms of rank, there are some minor differences between the two in terms of how they are identified. The Imperial Officer ranks, from lowest to highest, are as follows:. Midshipmen is the lowest possible rank, and is generally reserved for newcomers. The badge for a Midshipmen is predictably simple, as it consists of one red square and one blue square. Their low rank also makes them undesirable targets for the rebels, who would not get very far if they were to impersonate a Midshipmen or ensign. The Lieutenant badge is one of the easiest to recognize from a visual standpoint.

Most Jedi who climbed the ranks ended their careers as a Jedi Master.

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Rank insignia plaques , [1] also referred to as rank pins , [6] were badges used in the military forces of Sheev Palpatine's Galactic Empire as a means to indicate and distinguish officer ranks. The plaque, which was worn on the left side of the regulation tunic over the heart , consisted of translucent, colored rectangular tiles mounted on a metal bar. Those plaques could comprise one [7] or two rows of tiles mounted on top of another. Double-row plaques were made from two separate parts of one row each, rather than two rows of caps on a single backing piece. Rank insignia plaques were rectangular metallic plates with colored square tiles that were attached to tunics [2] and armor [13] to denote military rank and position within the respective martial and non-martial organizations of the Galactic Republic and subsequent Galactic Empire. The following Empire inherited this system, [2] and used them for a time [14] concurrently with new designs. In the Galactic Empire, the color of the tiles indicated the service branch, or in some situations, civilian equivalents. Code cylinders worn in shoulder pockets were also rank or position indicators on occasion. However, it was possible to put a functional beckon call into a rank plaque. The Grand Army of the Republic 's non- clone [17] and clone trooper officers used rank insignia plaques to display their rank.

Star wars ranks

From Holocron - Star Wars Combine. Jump to: navigation , search. Categories : Ranks and Titles Galactic Empire. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read View source View history. This page was last edited on 1 June , at Imperial Security Bureau.

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The rank of Colonel, within the Imperial Army is the opposite and has three red tiles followed by three blue tiles. Ground-based ranks included general, Lieutenant General , major, [46] commander, [40] captain, [65] lieutenant, [67] Staff Sergeant , sergeant major , [68] sergeant, [46] corporal, [68] and private. The First Order was a military junta, with its military ranks displayed on rank insignia on their military uniforms. The first era's badges tended to be a single white layer, while the second era has two vertically stacked layers of tiles. Most Jedi who climbed the ranks ended their careers as a Jedi Master. The Sith Eternal used multiple ranks within their military , including admiral, naval captain, Sith trooper commander , petty officer , lance corporal , and corporal. Grand Admirals, such as Thrawn , can be identified by their badges with three blue tiles and three yellow tiles on the top and three blue and three red tiles right below it. The Empire is a militaristic force that rules the Galaxy after the Jedi purge. Your browser does not support the video tag. Due to the increasing conflict across the galaxy, Padawans became more of a military resource for the Republic. Jedi Initiates are recruited at a young age and are chosen for their potential connection to the Force before forming strong attachments. The military ranks of Allegiant General and Grand Marshal allowed the bearer to command both ground and space forces. And despite the Imperial Officer rank badges lacking meaning in A New Hope , the franchise has slowly repaired the badges' significance since then. Main articles: Republic Military , Republic officer and Rank insignia plaque. These Jedi ranks allowed for Jedi officers to lead both ground and space forces.

I believe that the Resistance took its rank structure directly from the Rebel Alliance.

Army Operations Majors have four yellow tiles and one red tile, and those in the Imperial Army wear three red tiles and two blue tiles, whereas their Naval counterparts invert the tiles, and wear three blue tiles and two red tiles. Resistance military ranks were displayed on rank badges , red denoting army ranks and blue denoting naval ranks. Main article: Imperial Army. Senior-ranking Separatist officers used multiple ranks, including the Separatist Army ranks of General [4] and colonel. Ever notice the little squares on an Imperial uniform? An Imperial Navy badge has two blue titles and one red, while the Imperial Army badge has two red tiles and one blue. Captains and Colonels occupy the same level rank, but the former pertains to the army and the latter pertains to the navy. A Lieutenant wears a three-tile badge on their uniform, though the color of the badge varies depending on whether they are in the Imperial Navy or Army. While it never always meant something, it does play a significant part in Star Wars today. A Commodore badge consists of four red tiles and four blue tiles, while a Brigadier badge sports two blue tiles followed by four red. The Imperial Navy's officer corps had a variety of naval military ranks in its structure.

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